Eed278 Activities-2

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Name:Nadia Karim

EED278 Individual Math Game/Activity
25 Points Possible
*Use this as a template in completing your math activity
Activity Sheet (must be typed- 5 points)
Name of Activity: M & M Counting Chart
Developed by: To learn how to count and to help reinforce colors.
Materials needed and instructions:
1- A small graph with the different colors of M and Ms,M & M Chart ,
M&Ms. A large piece of paper to make another graph to display
everyones favorite color of M & M. Pass out a handful of M & Ms to
every child in the class. Have them put the colored M & Ms on the
correct spot on their graph. Have them count how many green ones
they have. Then how many brown ones and so . Let the children then
eat the M & Ms and then ask them what their favorite color of M & M
is. Then make a chart showing the childrens favorite M & M colors.
Suggested Age: 5 years
Describe why you chose this activity.
This is a great activity to use for practicing and learning counting,
addition, subtraction, colors, and shapes.
Identify the math standards (min of 2) that are addressed by the
I used standards Counting and Cardinality. Shows interest in and
awareness of counting. Participates in counting activities .Recites
numbers 1-10 with increasing accuracy

Identify one other standard that is addressed by this activity.

I used science activity
Field Test (10 points)
Respond to each of the following points with specific detail in
paragraph form:
Describe or provide specific examples of childrens
This activity help the children to
match between the colors and numbers example :red m&m is
number 1
Based on your observations, identify modification or variations
and why.
Provide the questions/statements you asked to extend higher
order thinking.
What is the most favorite color of the class? What is the least
favorite color?
List the favorites in order from greatest to smallest.

List other curriculum areas that may expand or support this

Science, reading

Picture(s)- (10 points)

Include a picture(s) of your completed game/activity along with
the writ document.

EED278 Individual Science Activity/Experiment

25 Points Possible
*Use this as a template in completing your science
Activity Sheet (must be typed- 5 points)
Name of Activity/Experiment: Toothpaste putty
Developed by: Mix the liquid materials and how dry to make rock .
Materials needed and instructions: In bowl, mix 2 tablespoons
cornstarch, 1 tablespoon white glue, and teaspoon toothpaste (not

gel). Add teaspoon water. Stir until mixture is soft like putty. Putty
may begin to harden in 20 minutes; to soften add a drop of water.
Projects will dry hard in 24 hours. The more you pull and stretch this
like taffy the better it gets. I also keep a small container like a tuna can
on the table with a little water in it. This putty dries fast and if the
children just dip their fingers periodically in the water and then handle
the putty the few drops of water restores the texture.
Suggested age: 5 years
Describe why you chose this activity.
Use this activity to teach children about their teeth and the importance of

Identify the science standards (min of 2) that are addressed by the

Inquiry and Application Exploration, Observations, and Hypotheses
Investigation .Analysis and Conclusions .Communication.
Identify one other standard that is addressed by this activity.
Geometry standard {shape}. Measurement and date

Field Test (10 points)

Respond to each of the following points with specific detail in
paragraph form:
Describe or provide specific examples of childrens

My daughter told me If she leave her teeth without Brush one night her
tooth do like rock .

Based on your observations, identify modification or variations

and why.
Dental health is an important concept to encourage children to

Provide the questions/statements you asked to extend higher

order thinking.

How many you should brush your teeth ,Why you should brush
the teeth
List other curriculum areas that may expand or support this
Language area and math area

Picture(s)- (10 points)

Include a picture(s) of your completed game/activity along with
the written document.

EED278 Individual Social Studies Activity

25 Points Possible
*Use this as a template in completing your social studies activity
Activity Sheet (must be typed- 5 points)
Name of Activity: Rules of the Road Signs
Developed by: Communicate
Materials needed and instructions: Green acrylic paint Small bowl for
the paint white card stock and envelopes, gold star stickers, sparkly
stickers or similar embellishments, brown marker, Iridescent flakes,
optional (available at craft stores) and adhesive tape from tape
dispenser, or glue. First, ask your child to pour some paint into the

Demonstrate how your child will stamp her thumb, drawing it on a
piece of scratch paper to help your younger child visualize how the
tree will look. Explain that she will start at the top with one thumb
print, make two thumb prints centered underneath that, then a row of
three beneath that and end with four thumb prints at the bottom. Have
her dip her thumb into the paint and scrape any excess off on the rim
of the bowl. Have her press her thumb onto the upper quarter of the
paper. Tell her to dip her thumb into the paint again and make two
thumbprints, side by side, underneath the first thumbprint. Have her
dip her thumb again and add three thumbprints in a row beneath the
second row. Then, ask her to dip her thumb into the paint and make a
row of four thumbprints beneath the third row.
Have your child set the card aside to dry and make another one. Keep
working in small batches until you have enough cards to send to
friends and family for Christmas.
Once the cards are dry, your child can put the finishing touches on the
tree. She can draw a brown rectangle under the tree and color it in to
create a tree trunk. Then, she can top the tree with a star-shaped
sticker and some sparkly stickers for ornaments.
Let the cards dry one more time and then they are ready for you to
address and mail! These hand made cards are sure to spread holiday
cheer to all who receive them
Suggested age: 5 years
Describe why you chose this activity.
It's important that your kid grow to appreciate different peoples and places
and there's no better way to introduce cultural traditions than hands-on
activities and crafts.

Identify the social studies standards (min of 2) that are addressed by

the activity.
Standard 1 family and standard 3 communicate
Identify one other standard that is addressed by this activity.
standards Counting and Cardinality

Field Test (10 points)

Respond to each of the following points with specific detail in
paragraph form:
Describe or provide specific examples of childrens
Based on your observations, identify modification or variations
and why.
Provide the questions/statements you asked to extend higher
order thinking.
What the name of this holiday
What the date of the this holiday
What do you do
List other curriculum areas that may expand or support this
Language , math

Picture(s)- (10 points)

Include a picture(s) of your completed game/activity along with
the written document.

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