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Annexure A

PPL HSE / PR / 21
Rev: 00

Chemical Labeling Scheme

Pakistan Petroleum Limited

Chemical Name
Manufacturer Name



Deadly: Even the slightest exposure to this substance would be life threatening

Extreme dangerous: Serious injury would result from its exposure

Dangerous: Hazardous to health

Slight Hazard: Irritation or minor injury would result

No hazard: No significant risk to health

Annexure A
PPL HSE / PR / 21
Rev: 00



Flammable gases or highly volatile flammable liquids with flash points below 73 F, and boiling points below 100 F.
Materials may ignite spontaneously with air.

Materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature conditions. Includes liquids with flash points below
73 F and boiling points above 100 F

Materials that require moderate heating or exposure to high ambient temperatures before ignition occurs. Includes
liquids having a flash point at or above 100 F but below 200 F

Materials that must be preheated before ignition will occur. Includes liquids, solids and semi solids having a flash point
above 200 F

Materials that will not burn


Materials that are readily capable of detonation or explosion at normal temperatures and pressures

Materials that are capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or reaction but require a strong initiating source
or undergo chemical change at normal conditions with moderate risk of explosion

Materials that are unstable and may undergo violent chemical change at normal temperature and pressure with low
risk for explosion

Materials that are normally stable but can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures.

Materials that in themselves are normally stable when exposed to heat, pressure or water

Annexure A
PPL HSE / PR / 21
Rev: 00

PPE Requirements
PPE requirements shall include, but not limited to the following
Safety Spectacles / Goggles, Splash goggles, Face Shields

Long Sleeve Chemical Splash Apron

Gloves, Chemical Splash Gloves

Safety Gum Boots

Dust Mask, face Mask Respirator, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus

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