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Hate Crimes


Is it possible to take an emotion and put it in the form of a criminal


offense? Yes, it can. One good example is a hate crime.

Hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an
added element of bias. They were performed often in the early 1900s


against certain minority groups.

It is important to be aware of hate crimes in our society so we can work to
avoid them and make our country a more unified place. When we
understand why people commit hate crimes, we will be able to work with
the nation as a whole to make it less prevalent.

Brief Overview of Opposing Position


Although many make hate crime a vital issue, in many others case its not
seen as a criminal offense at all. Its more of just an opinionated action.
Many believe minority groups shouldnt even get a crime category of their
own. The activities done during a hate crime are crimes themselves and


shouldnt be labeled anything more.

Many people felt that the hate crime law limited their freedom of
speech. That angers many people because a lot of minority groups arent
popular among the predominantly white America. The fact that they have
a law angers people because they feel like they cannot speak whats on


their mind.
Basically, this law is directed towards assisting or protecting minority
groups when they could be treated like normal people. The crimes

committed against them should be equivalent to the crimes committed to a


white American.
Yet, minority groups are targeted more often than whites, meaning they do
need special assistance. The fact that they need more assistance shows that
they deserve their own law. If we want to cut down the violence rate in our
country then we must give proper consequences to certain actions.

Main Argument

Hate crimes have been happening for as long as we could all remember.
From the Rodney King to 9/11 terrorist discrimination at airports, it
involves every minority group in our country. None of these things


shouldnt happen, which is why this law is in place.

In the most recent poll taken on hate crimes in 2015, 48.5% of hate crimes
were race related. 20.8% of the hate crimes are sexual orientated. And
17.5% were religious related. Lastly, 63.9% of hate crimes involved


assault, rape, murder and harmful vandalism.

These statistics explain how much minority groups are targeted in our
country and how they need to be protected to a further extent. Also, the


things that are involved in these crimes are absurd.

. Assault and rape are serious offenses and if we cut down the hate crimes,
we could make America a safer environment all over.

Main Argument #2

It seems that the trend of bashing a certain group of people has faded over
time, right? Well not exactly, statistics show that the number of hate

crimes have stayed steady in the past 20 years. It is very high in some

regions and not so high in others.

At least 8 black people, 3 white people, 3 gay people, 3 Jewish people and
1 Latino become hate crimes every day. Also, every hour, someone
commits a hate crime in our country. That means 24 hate crimes could be
committed over a span of one day. This is a drastic statistic and shows that


racism and discrimination is still prevalent, which is never a good thing.

The fact that certain political leader seem to be encouraging hate crimes
indirectly doesnt seem to be helping. Politicians and presidential
candidates such as Donald Trump bash illegal immigrants such as


When we see intelligent and iconic figures encouraging it, we believe it is
okay to discriminate.

Main Argument #3

So many of our nations historical figures have fought for their rights in
this country, yet we let our prejudices take over our minds. Everyone
should be treated equally and it is because of hate crimes that our nation
remains divided. One thing that makes it difficult to unify our country
together is discrimination among law enforcers. Police officers are the
only figures who can legally address crimes in our country so if minorities


do not have them on their side, then who can help them?
When you find bias minds among police officers, it makes it hard for our
country to grow. Especially, when you have cops committing hate crimes
themselves. 24 law enforcers were charged with a hate related crime last


When the only person who could protect you from others is harming you
themselves, you already lost the battle.


Hate crimes are unethical to commit, especially when our nations


anthem is everyone should be treated equally.

This concept has frightened minorities across our nation. Also,
encourages these groups to only feel comfortable amongst their
own people, which gives them a discriminated point of view


towards other groups, not helping our nations unison at all.

We will never have a perfect society but it is important to try and
reach one. In a perfect society, everyone is equal is a real thing
and not just a saying. That should be the meaning of Make
America great again!



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