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Hementary School One Day Plan Botorethe Training: Before ead your oki Rugby class or any age, repare wt the feoing- Faniarze youre with the Rokie Rugby Games and Activities tha you wile trachingtha day Bringnga cheat sheet wll ‘help kep your session moving and make sure you hitall the key pints. ‘Make sure tohave enugh rag alls to successful teach the mmber of students in each class. Oneball per fvelidsis| suazested, ‘ie 34 ruphy balls ae profered for this age group. (Gigs length and number of student wil tte your program. ‘you have rugby gear, besure to wearit. Printout infrmation forthe Kids totake home ono they can partcpate in rug. Glass Session: Introduction oftheistry of rugby: + Bringthe student together and introduce the history ofraghy orn longer than minutes. Keep arughybllinyout hand fr the Introduction. Engage ty asking questions. 4. *Dees anyone know which country invented raghy2”. England 2 “Rughywas invented when aby playing soccer picked op theballandbeganto run witht Aayer from the other team ecidedto tack him. Thatis how rughy was invented” ‘3, “Rugby came over to American the early 1800s. twas played on college campuses al across Amica Inthe erly 00's they startedto changes the roles. Afterabunchafrule changes fotbal was the new sport™ 4. Recaps "What country invented rughy2", “What sport ddrughy come fram?™. "What pert came from rughy?” Intraducethe game: + Firstintraduce the ball-“Itis fatter than afootall and more pointy thana soccer bal Everyonegets a chance tocaryit ass, ‘atc and seoreinrughy.” + Introduce the catch.”Catching therughy balls afun challenge. Everonehold your hands up in front of your chest, with your thumbs together and fingers spread wide, forming a W. This means you are ready to catch the ball We only want to pass to ‘layrs with ther W's up, ready tocatch the bal.” + Introduce the pass and tavoa volunteer help you-"Inrughy we pass aeress ourbocis. This passis an underhand pass similarto scooping or shoveling (demonstrate, Football passes (demonstrate) and basketball passes (demonstrate aenotallowed in aby” Get thom moving: + Immediately get them up and moving with your relay races. + Progress trough games and make sre to ask coe questions to te group. + Focus on keepingthem moving. Bofore class starts: Setup the first game with cones and rughy balls. Keep a rugby ballin your hand for the introduction. ‘$4 Minutes: introducing Rughiy. -lotodiues te istry ot hy -Infetac he ughyball -lnteoduce passingand catching HHO Minutes: Reghy Relays: Rug Relays area great wayte got thes familiar with rugby ermsancdalvo canfortabletoldings bal Lead tem fourtofvequic: ‘elay races wile teaching therm impartantaspects ofthe game suc as haw to hold ball what ys, foe lo passand atte abl and olfertun things they cana, ‘HO minutes: Citele Passing Depending on the age ofthe kids, cree passing can be done i afew different variations. emphasizing proper passing fort Create: ‘competitions and variations that getthe kids moving and ving fur. Again, oniphasize what the propor passing and:caeling fomesae. ‘HOminutes: Rugby Freeze Tag ‘Thisameis eattvottines rye space al gt the bis runsingaound Rotate ager aroun tka every student ets 2 cancoto ‘tcp Emphasize communication emongst yes as walaseameark, ‘HO minutes: USA Eagles This gamois peat ar emptasiingourUSASatioal Teams, swell 2 lates teanmorkand dons. ings amas ovetotao tines will keep tre kids engaged and active, Review everything that you went over throughout the training and check for understanding: ‘What score called?-ATry! ‘How many points is atry worth? 5 ‘Whats the name of the USA National Teams? -The Eagles. Make sure they had fun! -Besuretopass out fliers or other relevant information. ‘teammate and continuing forward. WHAT TO COACH: and to keep the contin.ity of the game, spreading fingers wide, keeping the ballin both hands. ‘To have players maintain the continuity of play by receiving a pass from thelr Leaming how to property catch a rugby ball is very important for player safety Step 1: Show players how to properly catch a rugby ball. + Form the letter “W" vrith both hands by placing thumbs together and + Keep your eye on the ball all the way from the thrower to your hands. + Gatch the ball with both hands while keeping the "W" shape, + Tuck the bali close to your body near your stornach and run forward WHAT TO COACH: diffcutt. Ses eSS US Step 2: Have players practice with a partner by forming two lines across ftom each other and work on receiving the ballin a stationary position. Start players closer together before having them spread apart to make the passes more Step 3: Have players advance trom a stationary position by walking, jogging, end running from one end of the field to the other, completing 10-20 passes each. Help players individually work on receiving the ball correctly COACHING NOTES Sees OBJECTIVE: SUSGESTED TIME pose eos ow eee Tohave players maintain continuity of |_| ALLOCATION: : play by passing to a teammate in a 5-10 minutes : better position. WHAT TO GOAGH: itis important for players to remember a few simple tules to effectively pass a rugby ball during play. Once: Practiced enough, these rules should become second nature and players will be able to perform a basic pass easily. Step 1: Show players what a basic pass looks like: * Run straight + Hold the ball with both hands + Look at the receiver + Pass at chest height in front of the receiver + Be sure the pass is made laterally or backwards + Complete the pass and follow through by pointing hands at the receiver {. [ee oT ET WHAT TO COACH: z ‘Step 2: Have players practice with a partner by forming two lines across from each other and passing in stationary positions. Start with a short distance between players. Increase the distance between lines to make it more cchatlenging. ‘Step 3: Have players practice the basic pass in small groups of 2-6 players going from one end of a grid to the other, completing 10-20 passes each. Help players individually learn how to pass by correcting their form. COACHING NOTES Se meray CAME: Reais eee * EQUIPMENT AND SPACE NEEDED: + 10x 26 yard grid |__+ 10 cones and § rugby balls ‘SUGGESTED TIME ALLOCATION: 5-10 minutes or four different relays, | PRINGIPLES OF PLAY: | Onoply Pressure OScore Points Oontest Possession GfGo Forward ‘OProvide Suopoct O create Continuity HOW TO PLAY: 1. Start by separating players into equal relay teams of two ar more and have them stand in ine behind a cone. 2. Make the first race a simple down and back with a rugby ballin hand, passing to the next player inline on the way back. Be sure to instruct on proper passing and catching techniques prior. 3. Next, have players ground the ball and yall “Try!” when they get to the far ‘cone. Have them run back and pass to the next player in line. 4, The next race should have two players from a team race down and back, _—\ rs ee ae HOW TO PLAY: ‘completing three passes in between each cone, scoring at each end. 5. Last, let players have fun by celebrating a “try dance” at the furthest cone before running back to pass to thelr teammate, COACHING NOTES Sans SESS EQUIPMENT AND SPACE NEEDED: | SUGGESTED TIME ALLOCATION: + 10x 10 yard gra | +t cone and 1-2 rugby balis | S10mintes PRINCIPLES OF PLAY: Apply Pressure pS Points © Contest Possession © Go Forward OProvide Support @Create Continuity HOWTO PLAY: Have players form a circle with about 2 yards in between each other 2. Start by having players attempt to complete passes around the entire Circle without dropping the ball. 3. Once players can get around the circle, make the game harder by adding a time limit. 4, Alter the time limit, play a game of standing “Duck, Duck, Goose" with the circle. instead of the tagger running away from the “Goose”, have zh ee HOW TO PLAY: the two players switch places and have the “Goose” race a ball being passed around the circ, + Choose a tagger to walk around the citcle clockwise with a rugby ball playing “Duck, Duck, Goose”. (Once the tagger chooses a “Goose”, the “Goose” will start running around the circle while the other players work to pass the ball around the circle. The goal is for the “Goose” to beat the ball around the circle. Have each player take turns. COACHING NOTES GSS feamonrsy * EQUIPMENT AND SPACE NEEDED: | SUGGESTED TIME ALLOCATION: + 20x20 yard grid aaa Fines + 4 cones and 8 rugby balls PRINGIPLES OF PLAY: | QdAnply Pressure O-Score Points OContest Possession O Go Forward OProvide Support @ereate Continuity | HOW TO PLAY: 4. 1-3 players are picked as taggers. Taggers are given a ball lo use for tagging or use two hand touch when necessary. 2. Allnon-taggers evade any taggers by moving into space within the grid 3. When a piayer is tagged with the rugby bal! they must remain stationary or frozen.” 4, *Frozen’ players can be released when their teammates perform a set ‘skill, We suggest giving a high five to un-freeze a player, The game can HOW TO PLAY: either run for a set time or until all evading players are “frozen.” 5. Players crossing over the boundary lines and stepping outside the grid become automatically frozen, COACHING NOTES Lia teak el aU | EQUIPMENT AND SPACE NEEDED: ‘SUGGESTED TIME ALLOCATION: | | + 10x 20 yard grid aaa Seen 40-15 minutes or 3 rounds | INCIPLES OF PLAY: fraply Pressure O'Soore Points Contest Possession © Go Forward O Provide Support Ccreato Continuity HOW TO PLAY: 1. This game is similar to the classic Sharks and Minnows, One player starts in the middle, facing the remaining players lined up along one ‘edge of the grid. 2, Players must attempt to run from one side of the gr to the other without being tagged. When they arrive at other side, they stop and wait fora restart 3. To start the game, have the defensive player shout, "USA!" and then the offensive players lined up will respond with, “EAGLESIIM" After ee ae shouting, *EAGLESI", the offensive players will attempt to run to the other side of the grid without getting tegged. Players must remain within the boundaries of the grid during the game, HOWTO PLAY: 4. If tagged, the tagged player joins in with the center tagging group and attempts to tag others on the next round. COACHING NOTES Par aary nenipcialesiag els

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