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Meiosis and its effect on

By: Kayleb, Corbin, Danielle, Colton, Damon, Jessie,
Cobra, and Martin

End result and purpose of meiosis

The purpose of meiosis?
The purpose of meiosis is to produce gametes.
The end result of meiosis?
The resulting gametes have 23 new chromosomes, one of each of the 23 pairs, that are unique
combinations of the original maternal and paternal copies.

Process and definition of meiosis

Meiosis is the process in which a cell divides its genetic material into (two) mostly
equal halves and splits into half a genome which then finds a partner and
recombines into a complete genome. This process is undergone by sexual cells in
sexual beings, such as all higher order plants and animals.
-Four daughter cells
-Half set of chromosomes
-Different DNA

Meiosis and its effect on evolution

Meiosis is the reproduction of cells using two cells. It differs from mitosis because
Meiosis requires two parent cells to combine genes. Whenever two cells combine
genes, the parents mix their genes and add variation for the parent. As
generations age, this adds more and more variations in the population. This can
help evolve a population as they move or their habitat changes.

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