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Cultural Training

Using the Health Science Consortium website choose 2 of the cultures that are represented and
read through both of the powerpoints on that culture. Then you will type up each of the
questions that are given throughout the ppt with the correct answer. Then you will write
approximately a page double spaced 12 point font summary (in your own words) about what
you learned about that culture and how this information can be useful to you in the future. This
can all be can be in the same document.
_____________________ Culture
_____ Read through ppt.
_____Type up and correctly answer the questions in the ppt
The Amish consider themselves- Christian
Amish immigrated for economic opportunity- false
Amish often finish their schooling after 8th grade- false
Amish speak many different languages- true
Anabaptists believe in- separation of church and state
Population of amish in wisconsin- 12,000
Amount of times per month that amish attend three hour gathering- 2
How Amish view personal space- males and females have more formalized behavior
Which of these beliefs are valued by the amish- submission, humility, and forgiveness
Upon retirement, elders usually move in with family to be cared for- true
Amish avoid worldliness because- it is advised in the bible
Amish believe that they have the power to control everything around them- false
_____Summary about the culture in your own words
The amish live their lives in close contingency with the Christian Bible. They are a
denomination of Christians that were originally derived from the mennonites, which were derived
from the protestants, which were derived from the Catholics, which were derived from the Jews.
They have a strong sense of community, follow strict rules, and only go to school until they are
in eighth grade. Many of them do live without electricity, and not all of them may speak English
at home.
_____________________ Culture
_____ Read through ppt.
_____Type up and correctly answer the questions in the ppt
Which of the following countries border laos?- Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Thailand
The Hmong were allied with US forces in the Vietnam war- true
There are 30 clans in hmong culture- false

What is the cultural religion of the Hmong?- animism

Physical contact is not abundant within the Hmong culture- true
Hmong came from- Laos
Hmong believe in- interactions with deceased ancestors
Highly discouraged in Hmong culture- violence
Roughly this many Hmong died in Vietnam war- 57,000
How many Hmong people live in the US- 200,000
Who educates and trains Hmong children to uphold ethical values present in their culture?family
Smiling and maintaining eye contact with the opposite sex is considered flirting- true
Hmong people believe they can control everything happening around them- false
_____Summary about the culture in your own words
There are many Hmong people in the La Crosse area. I even have a classmate who is
Hmong. One of my good friends is also Hmong, although she does not practice animism, the
religion most hmong people practice. They believe that every living thing has a spirit and that
they are all part of the supreme being. They immigrated from Laos because of the violence
shown against them in the Vietnam war. Many of them were refugees in America. In my friends
case, her dad was a refugee sent from Laos to live with his grandparents when he was only
twelve. He was already an orphan when he was that young.
Turn in this sheet and your culture summaries and questions to Mrs. Gruen.

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