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Viking New Tech

Huntington North High School

Change in Huntington
What Could Happen if People Really Cared

RaeAnne Smith
Great Communicators
Period 4
James Steensma, Facilitator
December 7th, 2015

RaeAnne K. Smith

James Steensma, Facilitator

Great Communicators, Period Four
December 7th, 2015
Change in Huntington: What Could Happen if People Really Cared

Have you ever wondered how locally owned businesses preserve themselves
in your city? How about how they are successful? Locally owned businesses
love to knock other worldwide businesses out of the park. If Huntington has
more locally owned businesses, not only would we have a little piece of
ourselves in our city, but we would also get a larger population. We would
get a larger population due to the success of any of the businesses.

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