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714 Dunwoody Drive

Springfield, PA 19064

(610) 543-1716

To Whom it May Concern:

It is my pleasure to recommend Kimberly Nobili for a teaching position. Kim and I have worked
together for the past 3 years at Incarnation of Our Lord School in Philadelphi4 where I am the
K-3 Instructional Coach.

has been teaching at Incamation School for the past 5

yeani. She taught in a 4e grade selfforthe last 2

contained classroom for the flrst 3 years and then in a self-contained lst grade class

Kim is very dedicated to Incarnation and her students.

She is exffemely

well prepared, organized

and dependable.

Kim possesses an exceptional ability to connect with her students. With a firm but friendly
demeanor, Kim manages to keep control in the classroom while making learning fun and
er{oyable. Kim uses a variety of stategies to help her students become successful learners.
These stategies include guided reading, literature circles, cooperative learning, differentiated
instruction and behavior charts.

Kim is extremely patient with her students who come from very diverse backgrounds and
cultures. Through consistent positive reinforcement she motivates her children to learn new
skills in all subject areas. She communicates regularly with parents and uses portfolios, peer
evaluations and conferencing to help assess each of her students.

I highly recommend Kim to you without reservation. If you have any further questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me.



Helen Downs
K-3 Instructional Coach
Title I Non- Public Program
School District of Philadelphia

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