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Dear Friends


Dear Friends, Family and Supporters,

We are very grateful for the faithfulness of our Lord and each one of you
who have prayed, supported and even visited us in Sinaloa, Mexico. We
just finished celebrating our 19th anniversary of Iglesia Bautista Betel.
Be sure to watch the video of the four days of special services. We were
blessed to have Pastor lfego Ramirez Francisco from Veracruz as our
special speaker. The church was filled to capacity (85-95+ people) every
service! Several unsaved family members were among the visitors from
surrounding towns. Our sister churches attended different nights
which made the fellowship more special! We have been praying for
several years for the salvation of husbands among the church family,
and Carlos O. openly shared with us that he finally prayed to receive
the Lord! We closed the anniversary with Radams Gil baptizing two
brothers from the mission church in Guamchil.

Mission in Tamazula

Be sure to take a few moments and click on the rest of the pictures to
get an up-close look at several events from the past few months!
This summer we will have special evangelistic outreaches through our
annual Daily Vacation Bible School and camp for the teenagers.
Thank you for praying for us, for our people and for the lost!
Video: Easter, March 27

Youth Rally, March '16

Denise pitching horseshoes!

Shes a dead ringer!
Apdo. 229, Guamchil, SIN, MX
USA Tele (864) 252-7667
Facebook YouTube Vimeo

Family News (Click to read prayer update)

Tap & Katie in Campeche, Mexico
Brian & Diana* in Sinaloa, Mexico
Paul & Rebeca in Barcelona, Spain

Redeeming the Time,

Tap & Denise Hornor
MGMI: 2925 W. Polk St., Phoenix,
AZ 85009 Tel.: (602) 272-0312

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