l7 Evaluating Expressions2

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Evaluating Expressions

When an expression involves a variable, you can substitute

values for the variable to evaluate the expression.
Look at the expression 2m.
Now, if m = 4, substitute 4 for m.
= 2 (4)
Method #1 Simplify first and then substitute the variable
2x 5 + 4x x 12 + 3x + 6
Variables 2x + 4x x + 3x = 8x
Constants -5 12 + 6 = -11
8x 11
8(10) 11
80 11
Method #2 Substitute the variable and then complete order of
2x 5 + 4x x 12 + 3x + 6
2(10) 5 + 4(10) 10 12 + 3(10) + 6
20 5 + 4(10) 10 12 + 3(10) + 6
20 5 + 40 10 12 + 3(10) + 6
20 5 + 40 10 12 + 30 + 6
15 + 40 10 12 + 30 + 6
55 10 12 + 30 + 6
45 12 + 30 + 6
33 + 30 + 6
63 + 6

1. Evaluate each expression.

a. 3 4m (m = 3)
b. 15 + 8m (m = 1)
c. j + 2j2 (j = 4)
d. 15 3n (n = 2)

Write the equation first. Then solve it.


2. Substitute the values of m = 0, then 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 into each expression.
3m 4
3m + 6
10m 8
5m + 9
-m - 2
3m + 4
3. How could you predict that each is true even before you substitute?
a. If m = 10, then 4m 2 has to be positive.
b. If m = 10, then 4m 2 has to be even.
c. 6m 200 is negative for small values of m
4. For each part, create an expression involving n to meet the condition.
a. It is even when n is 4
b. It is a multiple of 10 when n = 5
c. It is greater than 100 when n = -4

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