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DUuBols AREA HIGH SCHOOL ‘New Community Service Hours and completion year will be phased in by graduating ye YOU NOW MAY COMPLETE YOUR REQUIRED HOURS ANYTIME BEFORE"THE DUE DATE Chas of 048 ~ Mast complete 10 Comtamity Service Hours by Set 30 of our senior year * Crs of 2017 ~ Maat complete 10 Commarity Service Hors by te beginning of you senior yea.2® tours of Zs ory hf eu JUNIOR yur ‘All underclesen mat can Cornmtnity Servite hows thie porto complet. When ll rere hours ae complete, stents mst submit the tinesbet to ABB Student Name: iP kreat Gace wc Ged ENR ae ROUTE Mary ace ao Deeper "Tash/ Activity Hous Seperveor cece, (Describe briefly) | Completed | Information [GA emnd ye) cc ’ SUPERVISOR Gertifiation: a aaee teat he Lasctoe wt wander sftewsn a ws, ‘ean jet Gi ects SUPERVISOR Site 5 EE ee Dope OU ‘ Take " . f Beng Ot ) | Semorserey ‘SUPERVISOR Gpifotion ay tert hee ar apt Srna anes ji i) SUPERVISOR Siguatures Ld Continue community service journal on back

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