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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

InTASC/NAEYC Standard:
Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs are grounded in a child development
knowledge base. They use their understanding of a) young childrens characteristics and needs,
and b) multiple interacting influences on childrens development and learning, to c) create
environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for each child.

Brief Description of Evidence:

In my ECED 111 Environment Infant and Toddler class, we were to develop a lesson plan over
an art activity for preschoolers. The lesson plan was developed to create art with two year olds. I
chose to do a bubble blowing activity with the two year olds. The children were able to work
independently, as well as observe their friends during this lesson. They were able to get their
hands dirty and enjoy themselves.

Analysis of What I Learned:

When implementing my bubble blowing lesson plan, I learned that you have to prepare for
challenges. I decided to use a canvas instead of cardstock. Doing so did not hold the bubbles too
well. I learned that children love to blow bubbles, as well as stick their hands into the bubbles.
Children love getting messy. They love getting their hands dirty. This lesson plan taught me to
think ahead and try to implement the lesson before doing it with a big group. It is good to try to
work on the lesson with a smaller group first to see what you can do differently the next time.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the InTASC/NAEYC

This lesson plan gives children a bit of freedom. Children are able to be independent during this
lesson plan because they are able to blow their own bubbles onto the canvas. I was able to reflect
on this lesson plan, correcting and changing anything that was needed. This bubble blowing
lesson helps me demonstrate my competence on the NAEYC Standard by allowing children to
work freely, as well as with friends.

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