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Long Lesson Plan for 2 observed lessons

Name: Safeyya-H00271682

Level: 1

CCSS Math Strand:

Counting and Cardinality

CCSS Standards: Compare numbers.

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):
compare between the numbers.

use symbols to

teacher books


student book(s)


worksheets/ papers


teacher materials

The activities for low, medium, high

student materials/

The activities for low, medium, high, glasses.





Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):


glossary definition


Smaller than

When the value is smaller than the

other value.


greater than

When the value is bigger than the

other value.


Students Prior Knowledge:

The students can add and subtract the numbers.
Students can read the numbers from 1-100.
Can compare between the tens and the ones.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

The student orders numbers based on the value of the digits, instead of place value.
I will tell the students that first we see the tens which is in the left them the

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
Student communication and use of math language
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):

The young teacher activity

For the engaging I will choose some of the students to tell the students about

the previous lesson and what we learn.

- To encourage them I will let them wear big glass when they teach the students.
- Also this activity is to develop their personality by stand in front of the class and
communicate with other students.
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

Then I will identify the lesson by telling them about how we will compare
between the numbers or the steps of comparing.
First step: look at tens. For example: 23, 33
Second step: see where the big number is?
Third step: put the symbol of greater than or smaller than. For example, 23>33

Solve with the students 2 questions to give them clear idea about the lesson.
Activities for low, medium, and high:


For low:

I will give them real objective, such as two groups of buttons and each
group of buttons represent different numbers. The students should put the
symbols of greater than or less than between the two groups. (see
For medium
I will give the student cards, and each card includes a number with the
symbol. For example, one card has the number 11 with the symbol (one
tens and ones cubes drawing). So the students will choose any two cards,
then they will put between them the symbol greater than or less than to
do the activity. (see appendix2)
For high:
The students will have two numbers and empty squares only. So the
students should put the symbol of greater than or less than between the
numbers. Plus, they should represent the numbers with the cubes (tens
and ones) and put it in the empty squares. (see appendix3)

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

I will ask the students randomly to see if they understand the lesson.

Copy of original lesson from a teacher resource book or website (original versions)

Copy of all resources given to students; Reference page with all books, journals and websites

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

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