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Laura Kruegers

Podcasting Script
*Intro Music*
Laura: Hello and welcome to another episode of Stupendous Saints!
Joining me here today is a great friend of mine, (Friends name)!
Friend: Hi Laura! Thanks for having me here today.
Laura: So (friend), would you like to introduce todays saint?
Friend: Of course! Todays Stupendous Saint is the beautiful Saint
Laura: She was quite a brave soul, wasnt she?
Friend: Oh yes, definitely.
Laura: Saint Philomenas parents were pagans who became Catholic. On
becoming Catholic they were blessed with Philomena. They promised her to
the faith and Philomena was to always be a virgin.
Friend: When Philomena was 13 her parents brought her along to a court with
the Roman Emperor Diocletian, who is a well known persecutor of Christians
and who threatened an unjust war against her father.
Laura: But when the emperor saw Philomena, he said he would give her
father all the disposal of the Roman Empire if he had her hand in marriage.
Knowing she was to be forever a virgin, Philomena rejected, even to her
parents pleas. Her parents then turned her over to the emperor to do with her
what he wanted. Diocletian then chained her in the palace dungeon and tried
to persuade her violently each day to marry him.

Friend: How terrible! How did she ever remain faithful to god and being a
Laura: She had a very special visitor. After 37 days of captivity the virgin
Mary appeared to her and told her on her 40th day of imprisonment she
would leave this state of pain, but that far more frightful torments were to
Friend: Oh no! Like what?
Laura: Youll see! Mary also said she would provide aid through her angel
Gabriel. Diocletian decided that since Philomena was promised to Christ he
would have her scourged at the pillar like Jesus was. But when it was over
and she was returned to the dungeon heavenly angels appeared to her and
healed her.
Friend: Wow! And she was only 13 years old?
Laura: Yeah, isn't that amazing?
Friend: It sure is.
Laura: But that wasnt the end, or even the middle of Philomenas pain. Next,
Diocletian had an anchor tied to philomenas neck and threw her into the
river. But two angels appeared and unfastened the anchor and took her to
safety. Philomena wasnt even wet!
Friend: No way, thats so awesome!
Laura: I know right? But there's still more. Diocletian then had her dragged
through the streets and showered with arrows. When Philomena returned to
the dungeon, she fell into a heavenly sleep and awoke healed. Again the
emperor had her shot with arrows, but this time the arrows switched direction
mid flight and shot the archers who fired them. Diocletian was infuriated and

ordered for Philomena to be beheaded. Philomena entered Heaven on a

Friday, the third hour after mid-day, the same hour Jesus expired.
Friend: How did a 14 year old endure so much pain, so much grief, and was
still so faithful to her vow of virginity?
Laura: She is truly a saint to be admired. She had so much faith at such a
young age. That is why she is the patron saint of all youth.
Friend: That is such an amazing story. I hope that someday I can have even
just a fraction of the faith she had.
Laura: Same for me. Would you like to end us in a prayer to Saint Philomena
(Friends name)?
Friend: Of course!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit:
Dear ever virgin Saint Philomena, Pray to God for us today that we may
always be faithful to our Father and to each other. Pray that the petitions we
have my be answered and understood. Help us love each other as you love
Christ, and to see the best in every one.
Laura: Thank you so much for being here today, (Friend). And to our
listeners, thanks for joining us today for another episode of Stupendous
Saints! Have a great day and God Bless.
*End Music*

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