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LDRS 810: Qualitative Research Methods

Ruben E. De Pena
Instructor: Dr. Michael DeGrosky
Project Interview Protocol

Research Project: What does divided community mean to Latinos in Nashville, TN?

Time allocated: Up to an hour, from _________


Interviewers name: Rubn De Pea
Interviewees name:
Interviewees position:
Interviewees country of origin:
Opening Statement:
The purpose of this project is to discover what Latinos think and feel about the meaning of divided
community in Nashville and the implications if such division existed. You have been selected for this
interview because you are part of the Latino community and I thought your opinion would be very
relevant for this study. The timeframe for this interview is up to an hour, and will consist of six
questions. I may, nonetheless, ask you other clarifying sub-questions based on your response. In
addition to taking notes, I will record our conversation, which will only be used for the purpose of this
research and not shared with anyone. I would like to assure you that, as a researcher, I will protect your
anonymity and confidentiality. In fact, I will not use your name as I refer to any information that you
might provide. Shall we proceed?


What is your experience of being a Latino person in Nashville?


Please describe your view of the unity of the Nashville Latino community.

Research Project: What does divided community mean to Latinos in Nashville, TN?

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LDRS 810: Qualitative Research Methods
Ruben E. De Pena
Instructor: Dr. Michael DeGrosky
Project Interview Protocol

Can you share an experience that, for you, suggests divisions exist between Latinos in


Can you share an experience that suggests that Latinos in Nashville are unified?


How does being divided or united affect Latinos in Nashville?

Research Project: What does divided community mean to Latinos in Nashville, TN?

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LDRS 810: Qualitative Research Methods
Ruben E. De Pena
Instructor: Dr. Michael DeGrosky
Project Interview Protocol


Is there anything else you would like to share that I have not asked?

Closing Statement:
OK. Thank you so much for taking time to do this interview. Your information will be extremely valuable
and will be used wisely. I will contact you again to show you a copy of the transcript of this interview to
make sure that everything is just as you said. I would like to remind you that everything discussed is
confidential and any use of it for this research will make reference to a fictitious name, such as
Participant # 1, 2, 3 etc.

Research Project: What does divided community mean to Latinos in Nashville, TN?

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