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Freedom Writers



Dr. Mary French, Project Supervisor

Chelsey Alvarado, Project Designer
Brittany Diggs, Project Editor
Liem Nguyen, Project Photographer
Michelle Rueda, Project Manager
Progress Report for the Internet Privacy PSA Video Project
April 8, 2016

This is a progress report on the our research to create a video to persuade people to keep their
information private on the internet to prevent internet stalking.
The biggest recent concern with Internet privacy is the way that people will use it. If phone
numbers, emails, addresses, and other activities are frequently shared, then it is possible that
someone will have the resources to harass a person. The purpose of this is to highlight how
people (particularly children, teenagers, and young adults) share their information without regard
to who is receiving it. The plan is to create a well structured PSA/video that shows the worst case
scenario for internet users - cyberstalking. Using dramatics and key facts taken from a variety of
sources (e.g., Privacy Rights Clearinghouse*), we hope to show viewers the likelihood of their
actions leading to negative results. Video will discuss topics including, but not limited to:
cyberstalking, cyberbullying, harassment, hacking, and identity theft.
In order to form a functioning project, the video will be researched, then scripted before shooting
begins (estimated to start April 8th). Before submitting to project supervisor, the video will be
shown to a variety of outside sources (friends and acquaintances of project members) to test for
comprehension. The project will be uploaded onto a video sharing website (YouTube) at a later
date so it may reach people outside of the class.
*As the project develops and a script is written, a full list of informational sources will be
provided as a document given to the supervisor, and at the end of the video in credits form.
Results of Video Project
Task 1. Research for facts to be included in the video. [March 28, 2016 to April 1, 2016]
All group members will research various internet privacy and cyber stalking facts and
experiences from credible sources, and send links or files to the project manager (Michelle). The
manager will then sort the information to find relevant material to consider adding to the project.

Task 2. Create a video outline/script draft. [April 1, 2016 to April 6, 2016]

All group members will meet to begin creating an outline of what the video will entail. Project
Photographer (Liem) will examine all ideas to make sure theyre possible with his available
Task 3. Finalize script. [April 6, 2016 to April 8, 2016]
Project Manager (Michelle) and Project Editor (Brittany) will edit script for coherence and cast
roles. Both will plan for locations and free time of group members.
Task 4. Shooting begins. [April 8, 2016 to April 15, 2016]
Group members will begin shooting. Expected to take less than one week.
Task 5. Usability test/rough cut viewing. [April 15, 2016 to April 22, 2016]
Showing of rough cut of footage, audience survey given to test understanding and usability.
Task 6. Work on usability report. [April 22, 2016 to April 27, 2016]
Project Manager and Project Editor will work on writing up usability report, keeping in contact
with other project members to make sure all parties understand the report.
Task 7. Edit for final cut. [April 22, 2016 to April 30, 2016]
Project Photographer and Project Designer (Chelsey) will work on editing video and adding
anything deemed necessary by the audience survey.
Task 8. Group together for any major issues. [May 1, 2016]
All group members will come together to watch revised cut, add any key points needed, and
confirm what the final cut will look like.
Task 9. Last editing. [May 1, 2016 to May 3, 2016]
Last editing will be done by Project Photographer and Project Editor.
Task 10. Final cut delivered to Project Supervisor. [May 4, 2016]
Deliver final cut in format specified by project supervisor. Immediately confirm her receiving the
*All key submissions will be made by Project Manager unless unavailable, in which case
submissions will be made by Project Editor.
Gantt Chart

Table 1. Task Schedule

Task Assigned

Assigned to



Chelsey, Liem, and Brittany

April 1

Edit Research


April 1

Create Storyboard


April 6

Scout Locations


April 8

Cast Roles


April 8

Create a Script

Chelsey, Michelle, Liem, and


April 12

Outline Surveys

Brittany and Chelsey

April 18

Edit Surveys


April 20


Chelsey, Liem, and Michelle

April 22



April 22

Write Lab Report/Usability


Michelle and Chelsey

April 25

Edit Lab Report/Usability


Liem and Brittany

April 27

Movie Editor


May 2

Final Edit

Michelle, Chelsey, and Brittany

May 2

Team Profiles
Project Manager - Michelle Rueda
A Texas Academy of Biomedical Sciences (TABS) student who has led various group projects
and presented several times. As project manager, she agrees to continuously organize group
members in order to achieve needed goals for project completion. She will submit all files
needed to the project supervisor, and make sure that all group members are on the same page in
terms of the goal of the project and how to get there.
Project Editor - Brittany Diggs
A TABS student who has been involved with a variety of group projects, and has done well in
several English classes (both dual credit and high school). As project editor, she agrees to
continuously edit documents for the project for completion and understanding. She will be the
one to submit the files and lead the project if the project manager is unavailable.
Project Designer - Chelsey Alvarado

A TABS student who has a personal interest in design and editing, and will work to learn and use
her design skills in order to make the project aesthetically pleasing for an audience, and to fill in
any duties needed by the Project Editor and Project Manager.
Project Photographer - Liem Nguyen
A TCC student with a personal interest in photography and videography. As project Photographer
(and Videographer), he agrees to film the scenes for the project, and then to work with the
Project Designer to edit the footage for to standards needed for the project.
Team management policies
In the event of a personal issue between two group members, the Project Manager will mediate,
and ensure that the two members can work together professionally, while keeping personal
matters separate.
If the issue involves the Project Manager, the Project Editor will mediate.
In the event of a project issue between group members, the Project Manager will work to make
sure that the issue ends with the side that will best work for the project.
If the issue involves the Project Manager, the Project Supervisor will be
approached and asked for advice on the issue.
In the event of a timeline issue, all group members will begin to take on as many duties as
possible, rearranging to that all the work is done as appropriately as possible.
If the work cannot be completed, then the project will be done as much as
possible, and the grade received will be accepted, no questions asked.
In the event of a group member not completing all their duties, the other group members will
discuss the issue with said group member. If the problem persists, the Project Manager will take
on duties of the group member, and make sure that the Project Supervisor is aware of the
situation, so the grade received can reflect the work done.

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