Formal Peer Observation (Year 3 - Semester 1) : Grade: Lesson Title

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Formal Peer Observation (year 3 - semester 1)

Student teacher name: Saffeya Mohammed

Peer student name: Marym Mohammed AL Tenaiji
Date: 1/3/2015

Grade: 1

Lesson title: Addition

Used positive words to encourage students.
Used the drawing strategy to deliver the addition lesson.
Helping students to count through using their fingers.
Used effective story to start the lesson.
Used the PowerPoint too make the story more clear for student.
Used the math book question through making it as an activity.
Used the same color paper for the same students.
Prepared all the stuffs on teacher table.
Told students after they finish to show me their paper.
Repeated the instructions more than one time.


Teacher students comment

I think the lesson was good because I have achieved the lesson aim which it is the most important thing.
Also, the classroom management I have seen that I can control the students by giving them clear rules that
they should follow it.

I have taught grade one lesson about addition and I try to identify the concept in best
way I can, so I have use a lot of helpful activities that can help the students to
recognize the lesson. For example, I did drawing activities so the students will use
drawing to identify the addition by drawing cubes and count it. In addition, after the
students finishing from the drawing I let them represent their works.
Moreover, I have used a lot of strategies to manage the students. For instance I have
set the classroom management at the beginning of the class and I have done the eyes
contact with the students to stop the misbehaviors.
Furthermore, grade one students need a lot of effort to attract their attention. So when
I explain the activities I explain it more than one time because they maybe didn't
listen at the first time so I should explain it again.
In conclusion, I think that I did my best to introduce the lesson and I will work on
doing great lessons as much as I can.

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