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Matthew Ruopp

Deby Jizi
UWRT 1102-028
18 February 2016

Double Entry Journal Getting Off the Hedonic Treadmill, One Step at a
Time, pp.324-336.
Parfitt, Matthew and Dawn Skorczewski. Pursuing Happiness.
Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2016. Print

Source: Quote (Page# or Paragraph #)


Introduction, p 325

Is it me, or is the word implications

overused recently.

Paradox:reluctance to improve well-being

Are we doomed to stay in current state?

p. 326 smaller minor behaviors real

changes in overall well-being

Lifestyle change?

p. 326 objects not absolute Two


Mo money, mo problems.

p.327 marriage had a strong initial

impactjust one year.

Contradicts popular beliefs of the


p.326 Studies have shown no


no difference in well-being based on

good vs. bad outcome, whats the

p. 327 studies have shown


Can happiness change, then?

p. 328 focus on minor life events

significant emphasis on attending

religious events.

pp329-332 Study 1

Did sample size of # locations skew


Pp333-335 Study 2

Shows connection short term boost in

well being. Relevance to long term well

Final thoughts

Increasing well-being requires lifestyle


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