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Reflection 4

How I start my lesson

I have taught grade one students lesson about tens and ones. So
the first thing that I did is starting my lesson with classroom rules
but in a unique way which it is about a picture of Superman and the
superman's face is one of the good students face. Besides the
Superman tell the students the classroom rules. This is because I
want to attract my students to be like the good student. Then I have
given the students quiz about the previous lesson to see if they get
the concept of the last lesson or not. This is because this lesson is
.connected to the previous lesson
?How Do I introduce my lesson
I have given the concept of the lesson as a story to encourage and
attract the students' attention. Also, the characters of the story
were Mansour and Hamdan; I have chosen these characters
because they are connected to our culture. I want to connect the
math with real life by telling the story by using Emirates culture.
What I have seen is when I was telling the story the students were a
focus with me, and that is my purpose to choose a story to introduce
.the math concept
?How Do I end my lesson

To reflect my students understanding I have done a game for them

which it is a puzzle game. I want to see if they get the concept or
not but in a fun way. Also, I have chosen this activity because I want
them to move and work together. They are grade one students and
as a teacher I should teach them the morals, so I let them
collaborate in this activity to teach the students how to cooperate
with each other. This is because I have noticed that grade one
students are so selfish, and I want to identify with them step by step
how to work with your friends.
Straight and area for development
After I have finished my lesson Miss Latoya, have given me the
feedback. She has told me that she impressed with my lesson, and
she loves it so much. Also, what she likes is starting the lesson with
a quiz to evaluate their understanding. Besides giving the model,
before each activity or work, I should give the students an example
to let them see how it is work because they are grade one students,
and we should model every simple thing. Engaging the students
and keeping them focus with me are also my strength points.
Another strength point is classroom strategy which it is counting I
have used it to let the students focus on me. Changing my tone and
give them positive encouragement are so important so I have
ensure to do it. Overall Miss Latonya gave me a lot of strength
points which make me happy. However, about areas for
development I don't have any. But she doesn't give me an excellent

in some sections which are language, communicate, management

and reflection. In these sections, she have given me good because
she wants me to development more and to do my best in the next
Connect my lesson to experiment or theories
According to (The Early Childhood Direction Center [ECDC], 2009)
the social-emotion development must teach and learn it is not
something you can have when you born. Parents or teacher must
identify the students' important skills because the children did not
born with these skills. On my lesson, I have identified for the
students communication skills by letting them collaborate with each
other also when I have let them show their works in front of the

The Early Childhood Direction Center. (2009). Understanding
Social and Emotional Development in Young Children.
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