Interview Questions Aaron

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Student Name:
Printed Name of Person
Role of Individual:

Stephen Thompson

Business Address:
Phone Number:


Aaron Lutz

Place of Business:


__Other Professional #1

__Other Professional #2

Clear Creek Community Church

999 N Egret Bay Blvd, League City, TX 77573

Date of Interview:
Type of Interview: __ In Person __ Telephone __Email*
*Documentation Required (Attach E-mail to Interview Verification Page)


For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job.

Fantasies- only work one day a week, volunteer job, etc. Reality- 10+ hours of work goes into
sermon prep. Leads 100+ volunteer, and 150+ students. like a small church

What is your current educational level?

Bachelors degree from TAMU business (Marketing) Masters of Theology from DTS

Please describe the typical day-to-day activities of someone working in your field.

Go to meetings, sit on chairs, communications, sermon prep, meet with students, etc.

What characteristics or gifts do you think are important for someone in student ministry?

Communication, confident leader, organization, detail oriented, and relatable

5. What is one piece of advice youd give to someone looking for a career in student ministry?
Experience, experience, experience. More people you know the more youll advance. Say yes to
volunteer opportunities, do it for free before you ask for money
6. What roles do you play as a student pastor?
Event planner, communicator, leader

What do you think is the future of your career?

Revised Fall 2013

Wants to be a senior pastor but first a campus pastor etc.

8. What role does the Haiti mission trip play in your ministry?
It is the climax of student ministry, the stair step approach only juniors and seniors

What is the difference between students and adults when it comes to ministry?

Students are only here for 4 years, so you invest in them differently. For adults its not just
training the individual its the family as a whole. Ministry is equipping people/saints to do the
work of God, so time and resources are used differently.

What is the future of student ministry?

As the generation changes student ministry must change with it. If students want meaningful
relationships then we must give them meaningful relationships and If students want to make a
difference then we must give them the opportunity to make a difference

Revised Fall 2013

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