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Scanned Mar 17, 2009 Ne raver 0-0 02/39 STRICT COURT, now Defends: sow 70 ann suuscaraen before we on che aay « Liptel val Bru one, orstaicr cuank Distater counys DALLAS EOUNTY,. TRKAS ay, Liege — nd vatver of controntation and Folenesece things approved. by the Court The" Sieve dudieiat Confession tn hereby approves £0" Eeee ete 9186 Scanned Mar 17, 2009 wa w cae Nomber FIR OZ B2-N STATE OF TEXAS 0 INTHE 195th JUDICIAL Vs O pIsrRict ¢ acl halls D DALLAS cq ‘TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: ‘The defendant and attorneys fr the defendant and Stte waive jury Wal ef mak the TOTTowing Defendant's plea PySuily (Noto contendere ‘Toeahancement paragraphs) j4Trwe {Not tue ‘Type af plea ‘PéPlea bargain. [ Perta pleabargxin [] Open pes Open asta () Deferred] PIC community supervision [1 Fine {] Restiution (1 Oter: {7 Sates recommendation: ‘Agreed sentence 35 $A Confinement in (penitentiary) (ate all-osunea) for dara fromhs) (ears) 11 Posteonviion community supervision. (days) month) Gear) in (enitentary) tate Jat (county Jai probated or (aay) (months) (ears) {1 Deferred community supervision for (days nos) fear) () Bie of § [) Tobe paid [1 Tote probated {Boot Camp {] Shock Pabaion []S.A.R.P.F. (Jail Drag Treatment Center {) Conditions of eommnity supervision; Resttuin of $ Otter 1} Change of Name (Applicable only if box is checked) ‘The defendant suggests that his tre ame is oer than hatin the charging instrument and moves that ic and al other documents inthe cause be amended 1o show hier true name to be Its so ordered. Court's Admonitions to Defendant storey's recommendation ast punishment snot binding on the Court, but you wil be permite to ‘Withdraw your pln ifthe Court rejects a plea bargain made in the case fhe punishment assessed isnot ‘more than that plea-brgained, you may nt appeal anon jurisdictional defector error that occured be- {re the plea unless the Court rants permission or the matters appeated were raised by weten mation fled and rule on by the Court before the pea. Ifyou are not acizn of tha United Stats, apes of gul- 1 or noo contendere may, anti almost certain fo, resin your deporation, exclusion from admission 10 the United Stats, or doi of naturalization, If ou havea eour-appeinted atorney, you have tight to 10 days from the date ofthe atorney's appointment to prepare for tla. You hae aight tobe tied on an Indictment returned by a grand jury, and to 2 emire days, ater being served witha copy ofthe charging insrument, to he araignd, nies on bond. If you receive uadjudeated community supervision and Vola its conditions, you may be arrested and subjected to shearing to determi whether or nat gilt Should be adjudicated. No appeal may be taken from tbe Cours decision. If guilt is adudiestd, al Proceedings an your right appeal continue, If gui adjudicate, the fll range of punishment is open {o the cour. In Sex offense cases, see Cours Admonitin o Sex Ofemders, whichis incorporated by reference ad atached here.) Defendant's Walvers ‘With the approval of counsel, defendant makes he following statements and waivers, Im the accused in he charging instrument and am mentally compete. T understand the sceusaton against me, the range of punishment forthe offense, andthe consequences ofa plea of guilty or nolo contendere. T ‘understand that Ihave an absolute right om jury tll, the igh to remain sen, tat anythin Ty can and willbe used against me, that Ihave aright to confront and cost-exanie he witnesses, and that 1 ‘have a righ tobe tied upon an indictment returned by 2 grand jury Tundersand tht fT am nota Unie ht 27 Scanned Mar 17, 2009 Fy Sates citizen, plea of uR¥f'br noo contendere may, and probaly wil 23 my deporation tom ao a dn tos ion eth Unie Sse ei sanraaton ner Pete eat ag tobe ed pon a icien rene by ran jay; any nd al ees, 0, samt apue ffm otc, nthe caging atone my iho yl alg aorta te carping sme yh eran set hapa cf cononaon retidaunetunaton owes ay ig 10 so pepe rl ae fe soles of ea eggs end repre presente or conet fe al cae ae ae estnny 6 ans or rte semen of ines, al Sr es ns af ny Pe an my eal cofesion eel an velasly he oe yay cameron fa eon, o lie bp of aon pa. aan mons reprig uu aman pen {if Petendin’s Pea to Bahancement Paragraph) (Anise only I bors checked) 1, the defendant, plead tru othe enhancement paragraph’S_which is/are a part ofthe charging Instrument and judicially confess tat Tam the same person who was previously, and duly and leg}, convicted of the offense S_ alleged therein. Signatures and Acknowledgments Iu the defendant, knowledge tat Ihave red and understood, and that my attorney bas explained tome ail he foregoing admonitions and warnings relating to my plea, and that my statements and (Waters ae rely and voluntarily made wit fill understanding ofthe consequences, I request thatthe Se er tee, pee, 9D 4- 5-00 had les Stat BILL ILL Disret Attorney, Dallas County By, + alsho t i Itapgeating to the Court that the defendant is mestlly competent and i represented by counsel that defendaot understands the nature and consequences ofthe charge, end that all the partes have Consened to and approved the waiver of ury tal and stipulations of evidence, the Cour finds the Waivers agreement, and plea to have Been freely and voluntarily made, aceeps defendants pln, and sare raion ainny rer ret wn as — ae TODGE Scanned Mar 17, 2009 1 ~ w sm mist or rout cose w, 78-02132-N osm, supsexat, __ DISTRICT cour, Bact L Clubla sas com, 2 FOR REPERRUL TO NACTSTRATE ‘ro THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: canes nov defendant in the shove cause, vith bis underatgned/couasel, and would alo Eeat hes ha counsel, and the attorney for the Seate have entered 1nt ‘had defendant hereby waiver hin rights to have this taerice Judge, ané requests that hie cause be alles County, Texas, by che eat Neswin before sald the pley bargain seterced to « Crininal DBieerice Jedgey so that magischace end" cegetve. the punishaont and rasulte Cont tareceestoof the . ou COMES John Vance,” Criminal District Attorney of Dallas Covnty, Texas sino consents to and approves of the refeteal of this cause by the District Jud wee SEITE Sastrsae moptacrace Of allan County, Texas, so that defendant aight Clete bia plee herein in purauance of the plea bargain agreenene entered into etveen the parties. anu, amt DIsTRICE AxpoRNEY ay foe ‘the above and foregoing vaiver, consent, and request for referral to a Metta’ Den petsented co nay seme is hereby in sll-thinge approved, This 'biscrict Napistcate of Dallas County, Zexany nce with ‘sergnin eet tne te Zt Cluildg dated tceay ae scaay onl Ttanceiay waived Wie High fo ave TUTE GaPe eae yo Duo Judge of Dallas County. - 2 Aas 29

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