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THE LUFTWAFFE PROFILE SERIES | NO.6 es G06 FH GINLI TS @ J UN odldse 3 Vdd 330M and | FLETTINER A SCHIFFER Ap : MILITARY Hast yr BOOK The Flettner 282 “Koli Foreword The mrss rar ot th scone eaten aga ar 1h men eo eg ana Sree ta speed Stans Gator bet nmemas wit oc es eae isn ei snc te Sirgen ue eh erate, Wom dace cos setiney ae haan tei aaa ate nae How Sg tt ee min Dieta gate SS oe ear ee Suni rn soe te ase scrmaeuneea ee ere Be ote ence sca TEA netanerg pert vor ane waar a ee Sa Sa se Wr ws See oan! wean Helicopter Development by Flettner InDecomber 1934 tas were held by the evelopment group of the PLM (LC I) in the presence o State Secretary Mich which were to leas to important decisions concerning fu- ture air armaments. “The folowing is noted inthe minutes un- or Section 4"Rotar Wing Arrat’“The de velopment of rotary wing aircraft isto receive preferential treatment. Consequently al work ow under way sto be accelerated, as these aircraft wil presumably be of significance for lgpdandsemuse nt aura”) ‘This prognasis wasnt full vindlcated un the many mistary eonficis after tho Second Word Wa, especialy Korea and Vietnam. Now the helicopter is also an integral part of the cil aviation sector, especially inthe ac res {ve field, Over the course of time the technol- ‘gy associated with this type of aircraft has ‘been much improved. Back hen, however, the field of helicopters, their development and de sign as wel as tho basic rosoarch inthis area, ware absolutely uncharted ground forthe tech Picians and designers Inthe LCIL1's general working plan (Dee. 1905) ‘rotary wing icra” appeared underthe heading: "Sport basic training, advancedtrain- ingand specal arerat”(Repor Ia). The fol- lowing types are Isted: Fi 184, Fa 61, Focke Wall project (he later Fw 168) and LO 30 Focke-Wul license (2), ‘The C 30 will be discussed briefy be- ‘cause the navy was alroady interested in us- ing tas a shipooard avoraf, The C-30 was a pure autagio design by the Spaniard Juan de la Cierva from the year 1833. Concerning I ‘cense manufacture ofthe type by Focke. Wt, ‘tis to be noted that Focke-Wulf dé not obtain rights to produce the 30 under license in 1938 2s was claimed in a racont publication on helicopters. License nogotiations began in Fobruary 1936, intially wih the “Hamburgor Flugzouabau G.m.bH" (abbreviated He, lator Bohm und Voss), however these colapsed for financial reasons. Focke-Wulf entered the ne- ‘gotiations in July 1935. The start of lcenso ‘onstrucion by Focke-Wulf was delayed on ‘account of currency exchange difcules unt December 1935, when the exchange ate was, ‘uarantoed for 36 exampies ofthe © 30.) Preliminary shipboard tals withthe C20, ‘autogire began on November 10, 1936 at E> Stelle Seo (Naval Test Staton) Travemincs. ‘The tals ended unsatisfacioriy asa result of the type's inadequate performance, its less than satisfactory handling characteristics in ‘usts anc the poor view ofered the pile dur- ing deck lancings on small platforms. Furher evelopment of the C 30 for itary use was therefore abandoned. (4) The following briat history of Anton Fietner’s developments in the fed of helicop: ters included hereto provide the reader wih a eummary of hs work ‘Anton Fit (1885-1981) made aname {or himself in 1917 as the Inventor of the “Fetiner Tab" Another of his ideas was the “Fetiner Rotor" a means of propeling a ship by wind, which was nota success, Flettnor began work on his frst exoer tmentat helicopter atthe beginning ofthe nine- teen-thiries. Arranged over a relatively small fuselage was a win-bade rotor of 90.5 meters diameter: the blades were suppores by beac Ing wire extencing from a racing tower above the rotor axis which rotated with the rotor A 30-H.P. Anzani engine criving a puller prope: Ter was mounted rather fer outboard on each blade. AS a result of his direct crive of hero: torblades there was no torque momenttecom- ‘pensatofor. Fuel was drawn rom atubular tak ‘mounted fore or aft ofthe engin. “The prototype, of wood and plywood con- struction, was built by “Segelfugzougbay Eamund Schneider of Grunau in 1695. I ‘rashod the same year whl intthored fight. Fi1g6: In January 1995 Fletiner received a de- velopment contrac fom the RLM for an “ex: perimental autogir”(autoiro with tree-bade rotor). Three so-called "SV-Types" wer planned, Inspection ofthe mockup took pace In June 1938. Only one prototype, the Fl 184 Vi D-EDVE was bu. The aircraft was de: stroyed as a result of pt errr inthe course ‘ofits maiden fight in December 1896. The F 4184's external shape still exhibited a cortan bri” (Humming Bird) similaty tothe © 30 autogiro being built un- or iconso by Focko- Wl at that time. Power ‘was provided by an Sh 14 engine driving conventional propeller. (5. 5a) Fi tes: ‘The development contract for the F1185 was issued by the RLM in February 1897; to 'SV-Types were planned. It was given the des Ignaton Helicopter Conversion 184"inthe A craft Development Program, because the planned Fi 184 V3 was used in the construc tion ofthe F1185 V1. The project was financed ‘withthe ingurane sum raceved fom the stroyed FI 188V1 anda grantot approximately FFM 50,000 rem the FILM Mockup inspection took place in Apri 1987 The F185 was a gyroplane equipped vith a three-blede rotor; torque balance wes Anton Fletiner i front ofthe F262 Via GJ+SH in Schwolante, Octobor 1944. achieved by means cf vanable-ptch pusher propellers driven by extension shafts located ft theends of curiggers mounted on each side Fietne' frst experimental heicopter during tetharad fight (1984). Note the bracing tower above the cock. NWenS ey of tne fuselage, The starboard propelor pro ‘duced backward thrust, the por foward, 30 thatthe total moment exerted on the fuselage balanced that ofthe main or. "The sole prototype bull was tho FI 184 V1 O-ELFT, which carried out a number of flights in 1998, Resuits were favorable. a ‘though all teste ware made in close proximity to the ground. Fi 26s: ‘The ture concept ofthe F282 was ap- parentin hel 265, which was conceived and ‘esigned in 1698. The F282 exhibited signi ‘cant improvements compared to preceding ‘esigns, for example the double rotor with intermeshing blades, automatic changeover m helicopter to autogiro fight autorcation, from the V4), and the ebilty to switch back to helicopter fight. Six prototypes were built (WerkeNe. 1578-1684), one of which (TK+AN) ‘was tested inthe larga wind tunnel at Chalis Meudon (pars) in the summer of 1940. ‘The Fi 265 V1 D-EFLY took off on its maiden fight in May 1939 in the hands of Flagkapitan chard Perla following an exten: sive series of ground tests (st ful power ran (8 17/1739, fst tethered fight ata height cf 20 om. on 14/9109), It was also used fore tensive miliary testing in conjunction with the Kregemarine (lo example deck landings on ‘an approximately 25-meter-square landing platform on the crise Kein) The aircraft was femoved rom service on Api 29, 1940 "The FI 265 V3 crashed due to plat eror ‘on August 21, 1938 and was destroyed inthe ensuing fre, The Fi 265 V5 (reited on 28/11/ 41) and the F285 Ve (retired 25/8/42) were stil on hand atthe Fletinar Company in No- vember 1942. Their return to service was post- pone and eventualy abandoned. (7) ‘AllthaF1285 prototypes accumated the following in the course of testing: pure fight time 126 hours, 32 minutes; takoots 1,180; running time 516hours, 44 minutes (fight time ‘tethered fights + engine runup time). Ath time tis represented aresors numberof hours of operation fora helicopter. Fi2e2: The Fi 282 was undoubtedly Anton Fleter's most sucsecsul helicopter develop- ment. Today one can say without exaggera- tion that ft was the best helicopter of its ‘on which the FLM issued te development contract forthe F282 isnot known ean be assumed with cartzinty, how ‘ever, hat sign work was begun in 1988 whe testing of the FI 285 was under way. Al the test resuits and experiance from the Fl 265 ‘were apalid to the design of the F282. By mid-August 1941 work onthe Fl 262 V1 had progressed fo the point where could be used on the ground as a transmission unit festbed, The tet Dod was anchotod but could cmb the length ofthe restraint to a certain height and hover 425 hours and €9 minutes wore spent in these fess, which lasted until November 21, 1941. In the evont of the de struction ofthe V1 of a lengthy interruption of testing due to some ether problem, it was planna to use the Fi 282 V4 as a replace Imant test bed F1265 TK+AN in the Chalals-Meudon wind tunnel (Pars, 940). F1265 745A during trials on the cruiser Kein. ‘The first tre fight was made by the FI 282.V2 on October 30, 1941. At the controls was test pilot Ludwig Hoffmann, who had joined Fiotnar as the successor to company pilot Parla, Tests resumed in March 1982 fol lowing design changes tothe cardan shaft the tests revealed a significant mproverentin the helcoptershanding, Te FI 262 V2 wes taken out of sorvco on May 25, 1942; the aicrat's ‘ranamissionand engin were removed foruse in oer prototypes. Hoffmann caried out two attitude fights inthe F282 Von April27, 1942. On the fist he reached a height of 8,500 meters over the takoof point ang onthe sacond (rom 1517 to 1610 hous) 3,800 meters in 38 minutes. Tho F1282 V5, which featured a number ‘of changes compared tothe V3 (ail suraces, ‘uselage, pit sea), began fying in January 1942, It algo remains to be mentioned thatthe 1282 V2 and V3 had a fly-ciazed cockpit From the VS on the plot seat was ether en- ‘ely open or had a plexiglass shold intent ‘oron the sides. Various emoennage arrangements were alo tested, The V3 had a horizontal etablizer right and left with end fins. V-shaped stabi lizor, similar to that of the Cierva C 20, was. Installed on the V2. Calculations revealed that reversing the cection of rotation ofthe rotor should signi cantly improve directional stabily, especially at low power settings. The Va was rigged up fas a testbed to confirm ths. Fight ests with the Ve and V5 began in Soptomber 1942 and ‘confirmed the theoretical ndings. Directional stablity Was so good, that the entire fuselage ‘Section aft ofthe rewallwas simaly lef ofthe \V9. Fight tosis were problem tree. Tha V9 was, the prototype for a version tobe operated by the Navy from large submarines and desig: Anton Flottner G.m.6.H. Flugzeugbau — ‘raving ofthe cockpit glazing ofthe Fi 282 V2. F162 V2 with fly glazed cockpit. First fight October 20, 1941. £71282 V3, GF4YC, horizontal stabilzers wth endplates, glazing intont of pot only. 5 es nated "Mediied Model in Form of a Standing Gyinger (282 U). ‘The F282 V21 and V23 were built as ‘wo-seaters: an observer sat wih his back to the plot in the fuselage behind the engine block. This made necessary the removal ofthe fuselage fuel tank was repiaoad by Wo un- protected, cylindrical tanks mounted externally Cnboth sides ofthe pot seat. Furthermore, 2 itferent rotor arrangement ~ two threa-blade rotors wasted outon the testbed. I proved to un edraordinerly smoothly, however this ‘was nota consideration for miary Use. ‘The entire F282 fight test program was rot conducted at Rechiin, as was customary {or land-based aircraft instead, rom August 1042, tals were carted out at EStelle See ‘Travemlinde. In charge of helicopter and au {egito testing here was Fiagerstabsingenieur Dipling. Hane Fiecher; hi assistant was Flogorstabeingenieur Dip ng. Oto Dumke. ‘Alter Fischer was badly hurtin the crash of fone of the E-Stelle's Do 2176 (B+YH), Gerhard Geiks ‘assumed responsibilty or the workings of this group. Py rovcreucrrmmeust | pres Ofciat RLM type sheet (Sheet No. 145), showing the F1282 V2. 128221, CHTU, atwo: ‘seater, wth company plot Fusing at tre control, n the rear seat is Anton Fretner All potos trom the Mohr ‘Archiv, background phe Pages 2 and 9 trom tne ‘Brtroe Colecton. F1282.V21, CI+TU, atwo- seater. Note the cyindcal fu tank next the cock- pit, The 017 on the rotor bread isthe transmission umber Traveminde was selected because the air vat safety ship Gro was based there and ‘ud be used for deck landing Was. The site also simpified helicopter sea tials with the avy. was also imperative fo move the site of the tals from Fletiner's faciity in Borin, where there was a greater risk trom the grow: ing Aled bombing rics. ‘One spacial experiment took placeinco- ‘operation with the OVL' Institute for Marine ‘Avion. It involved “Towing tests with a 50: kg. ging body.” The proposal originated trom the director of the Erprobungs- und Lehrkommand (Testing and Instruction De tachment) 20, Hauptmann von Winterteit ‘whe caried out the towing fights trom an ant ‘submarine vsselin Gotenafen on May and 4, 1989, In acon tits role as areconnais: ‘sence aircraft in support of the sub-chases, ‘armed wth bombs the F 282 was also to par 6 tiipate actively in the anti-submarine role. The fllowing extract fom the E-Stole ‘Travernande's monthly report of June 1246 is also worthy of mention: "A mock combat between the Fi 262 (Fietiner company pilot Fuisting) anda Fw 180 (pilot Lin. iseniahr of Keo 2) took place at Schmesicnitz on 22/644, order to investigate the chances ofa fighter iting a helicopter. At present the evaluation ofthe flm and the pilot reports have not yet arrived. At heights above $00 meters the fightr was able to get the copter in hs sights briefly, Near the ground, especialy in cittcu erain, the fghter has tie chance againet a helicopter.” Vuierabity to qunfie was also invest gated, whereby they proceeded on the as: ‘sumption that the mathematical probabilty of 71282 V8, GFLYE. curing tials with Towed stores’ May 1043. ‘a moving rotor blade boing hit was much less than thatofa fixed wing. nother consideration was that & shoulé be exaremely ficult to fre (on and hit the slow-moving helicopter from a {ast fighter. The latter coulé escape by making brief evasive movements which the fighter could not folow. Furthermore, tests invoWving ‘round fring at the moving rior blades were Carted out, a8 the helicopter was flt to be more winerable to gunfire from the ground than ftom the ait. An unmanned, tethered Kol’ was used: inspite of several isin the rotor blades ground fre falied to bring down ‘the helicopter. The “Anton Fletiner GmbH” was ‘mall engineering company dedicated to hel copiers. is beleved thatthe em was founded in Borla in 1035. The eatest document the ‘author has been able to find isa letter trom the Mistary Economics Inspectorate (W.1) Il Berlin to the RLM concerning fems involved in prociction for the Luftwaffe and dated Octo- ber 2, 1936. The letter sates thet the WA. fest became avare thal them had been given P1282 V12, GJ+SF; taxyng the holcopter under is own power was strict forbidden. The Kolibri Described Important work by the PLM (LC II) as the re- sul of a formal application for an exemption ‘rom military service for one of Fetnersskiled workers. (@) ‘The same inspectorate sent the secrecy agreements to the Fetes Company, Bevin: duction botlenocks: the vansmission and en gine. No company had boen as yet been se lected to produce the transmission and pxo- duction ofthe Sh 14 A (on which the Fi 262% BMW 314 engine was based) had ended in the summer of 1999, The only remaining source was a small icense operation in Hun ay. ‘As well, arrangements ha to be made for the timely selection and training of techn- cal and flying personnel fr the F282, which was the responsibilty of the Luftwaffe, as a Certain core ct personnal was requis for ser Vice tras. (24) ‘A memo trom the OKM/1.Sk. dated May 12, 1942 refer to cary eutabilty helicopter shipboard als, with special emphasis on op- erations from anti-submarine vessels; the he lopter was seen as an interim means of con- tong te pursuit of submerines from the al. Training of personnel was to take piace within the shipboard squadrons (ordfiegerstaen), Placed in charge of the service Vals was a Luftwatle officer who possessed the required experience in shipboard operations under

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