Chapter 17 Questions and Answers: by Michael Smith

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Chapter 17 questions and answers

By michael smith

List three systems on the alvin?

Answer 1
1) They increasing the strength of the walls by making it out of a titanium alloy so that it can withstand the pressure it will be under.
Another redesign is eliminating steel weights used in ascending and descending by using a VBS system controlled by water pumps.
Also the arm that is used on the Alvin will no longer move by each piston but rather by a computer coordinate system controlled inside
the vessel.

How is the alvin an example of the relationship between engineers and

answer 2
2) The Alvin shows a relationship between engineers and scientists by
showing how information and applying science to problems guides engineers in how they need to design.

question 3
Explain why the air in a balloon goes out when a hole is made?

answer 3
3) The air is leaving the ball going from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.

How is the compressibility of gasses used in a design system? How is
the incompressibility of liquids used in a different designed system
described in this chapter?

answers 4
4) Compressibility of gases is used in the hydraulic presses that control Alvin, and incompressibility of liquids is used in the vbs system
which takes in and releases water to change the depth of the vessel.

Pressure difference is 20 psi
What is the surface area of the piston if pushed hard enough to push 5
pounds ?

answers 5
5) one hundred square inches

How is the pneumatic system designed work? And how is the fact that
gasses are compressible incorporated?

answer 6
6) Pneumatic systems use the principles of pressure causing gases to go from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. It also
uses the law that pressure and volume are indirectly related.

Develop a sketch design for a robotic arm ?discuss whether it should be
hydraulic or pneumatic ran?

answer 7
7) It will be moved by a pneumatic system because I will not be able to take advantage in changes in pressure to use a hydraulic

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