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April 4, 2016

Stephanie Lee

Planning Memo
Project 3

--The audience for this project is the faculty, staff, and students at UNC Charlotte.
--The primary purpose of the project is to create a guide for users to follow to better
understand their new Gmail system.
--Particular topics/tasks to be included in the document are:

How to access Google mail

What are labels? How do they work?
What are Filters? How do they work?
How to set up signatures
How to change your picture
How to change your theme
How to access a delegate account
Desktop Notifications via the browser
And any other topics users tell me theyd like help with

April 4 - planning memo due by end of class
April 27 - rough draft ready to be edited
May 9 final project due
-- I intend to create a helpful and user friendly guide that any user can follow to receive
help with their Gmail accounts.

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