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| The MORNING of the MAGICIANS Scarborough House Publishers Chelses, ML48118 FIRST SCARBOROUGH HOUSE TRADE PAPERBACK 1991 } ‘The Morning of the Magicians was originally published in hardcover by Stein and Day/ Publishers First published in France under the ttle Le Matin des Magiciens Copyright © 1960 by Editions Gallimard The Morning of the Magicians was published in England in 1963 as The Dawn of Magi Translation copyright © 1963 by Anthony Gibbs & Phillis Led. Introduction copyright © 1991 by Charles Berlie All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America ISBN 08128-85325, LCNo. 91-13653 To the i sult the nar hart of Gustoe Bot ral fer me. memoria fis PREFACE, se ham a gr et i Tt et Aas aces cpa a et Biot eee Sa amet Rta Sia uie Geos el emetnalag tes Sis h ae ier umeh oea ey hip Dag eS ASTER, Tad cc mee i SoS Bo et Pace nie Se See Sar ee reat ace nobles ach suit enn ea Glas Pop ah ns cote ety meh reat Iam ge deren ere et er e TREE Soars ea ae SO Gs Sa aad is eee cee Spirent Sateen Stare rene ESCA ae onesies Eh eerarma rales Sowarnsaniearemcrsnnrne Sicriaue diene beeen Nel ee Scalar Gree aeteae Gime Be Sreealeoae rasseatreis Stacia Soret Ceca cult ne SL en ed ance Ho ura rig Remeron Sar elclla Wastin fs ies abe oP Oe ne et took pe air ee Tote a ernst wabaas gant aca eaten a SESria ole re paeet aren Srey eben en trie SRrea? "Fees the mow tale eps no iy father dedi 1948 without ever having ceased to Believe in ceative mare, without ever taving cared to fove sd fo penetrate ‘wih hs love the sa world in whieh he ives, without ever baving {oat the hope of sing the ight behind the heavy weight of matic He belonged to the generation of romantic toilts who had as hse idals Victor Hugo, Romain Rolland, Jean Jeu, weoeaates Thats and kept ale blue fowet in the fle of too fig. Jost athe edge of pure min onthe oe lng al fet cal of social action on the cher, may fnter (ne worked fortes, Reese a ede felrdigncr ined 4 reconeling an ardent tad union evi wean oni ek Goer erin, He ad aodaced ie the Hable aco demanded by his work a sort of icthed of concen ooh Duriication of the mind ea whch be left kuacieas oe ‘Bes, Stitching Barton holes or presing cloth, his face eben fadiantexpretion. Every Thursday (aichel Railay & Erase and Sunday my finds would gather round his woskcach Re) {om od fo favour hit srengity sd neal lof thea ce fe changed in some vay. ‘Full of confidence in’ progress and scence, believing fa the coming to power of the pelcariat he had connected sSoneted Pilot Tor hinsef Phe reading of Fansnareas saa oy [srg re apt frre yim, Cae ony 5 eto fo read books on palacontclogy,atreneay eae pees ‘Alchough with litle formal Glucaton he yer managed topeeceaay fo the hart ofthese subjecs, When he talked it was as nt haves Tehard de Chardin (wn we hada ees ead afin those day): {The experience of our century is going to be something cone slderabty more than the bith a if las! Te is no longer tues on of endowing ruch and such a god with human faceiics Wits ‘clipious power ofthe Earch will undergo in uns foal Sige: Ree fits own discovery. We are begining to undstsand, and fF Gog, {hat the caly acepcable religion for mani the ene ther wa eek im rat ofall fo recog, love and. pasonstaly seo ae “universe of which he fs the mci imiporcant cement My father believed thatthe evolutionary proces is not to be ants with slain, which isa purl supercon ‘hat iis allinclsive and ascendant, supeientag de eareee engin’ of cur plane, preparing i to tale cose wi intelligences of ocher workin, to drt neace to the nes a (Cosmos. For him the uman specs fs not someting cout By irc ofthe spread of communal Uving und te sereaeee 4 univenal pryche, iis proeresiog toward a te of mee omsciuimceh, He ised to'say that fant hot Jo peoeer ed Seved, but thatthe laws of condensation of eave ener eee Ho Aourish at the conc evel atten hope Ak eee Jost sight of this hope fe was frm that ewpest sine fetenely and with a riigious dynam, the as of this wet, ‘Seking fr and high an inimedate andy checte opti ot courage In 1948 the war was OF, ald Be bass ee ee JTellacd de Chardin tl que fe Ya comma" (Telbard de Chardin 1 ioew hin) by G: Magasin Sonate, Novae a sere een, out Si TASS Ae ceeemren seks ek Seemmrea nas Soca dent en cess Beate atl a wy bot on we ae Ot ow sssod with me a at moment? Twat meng Han Seiad an enya see We me France Gs JT kn to css entton wich ad seat world apa we es undee rom che pes ad mira och fey of reapec ad that i wae may uy to pencuste ew JOUER clined to me thats clear head fed to felts ‘Sivicipare in a game where everyone was cheating. i Silage war fought mad =a wa my way esrb ant vedi saotte Resonce. 7 oS oe help a sy ctr ramon pene = apie ou dw ce time Lok for ft oust. ive tis en ah lage BRleavad Gn crag "dow hich ter ep wat ENE Seon wet te mine Ac inch wh tat cen fo cic an angles fon "en oud ora fro the Gen Whee | fad he cp oy tater ol ugh my boda sealing tn to undersa Se Py Range ens wath pes lia altwce ‘Some time later, just after the Liberation, I found a new mast spall tata ne tc becasue ‘Poked Mid co sepuate mf fom all enc eine, Exhic ben to iy end them asa sw sal TOPE immooiy and of permanency 9 let prencey menymous, transcendant, which would console me for al i ccc and forte woes Sesury. TUughe of my fates wh 7 fouted te tect pf entaling te mind a tnowedae ‘a mine In facts {posesied nothing exeepe the sion of poses Tbe, an an ovetrieung contempe for Grose who i 2 $ deen. : ie lespaired of me. I despaired of myself. I steepe lbs se? one aa peston of eau enn ene ‘Gutnon, and believed it wes our disgrace to be living in a com- ‘icy eed word ar on the Apo, The wee paen Bra San Raa i hy ee lags "The cause etal your mistake, geademen, if Your Un Pracoe of he crc being ake bf cpation snd the wor You belcve that cizaton andthe world progress. No, they ED sa Foner ele ed ge Ty SS Ea ae wre es ey SS Sune acy eae weep SRERPL ES cho tnee ge meted erorulad cei tan ihe ueeun wl wt wa cee pect lacaele canceaece Esha Gah ape cateey pecuoat necieasil ete i ae esas capo ee ERY Sy le opie ha apc eco? Flamer Sess lae ant etl eect ingens coed EU opto oped aftr icoe meet ari ae SE Ee geste Eee eal ee SY wen te, ae lu Greg ae ts SoSSg GATES na wrecks imerentadie tanutanie(eeecemil ‘Safes ten ae sponte Sita Tanne as cea mus TSC evn tts nt od bane ofl ARES tenet ot ee Ee ple fa et es pibyfules preheater Teese ty Wake Ve aPiowe an eee spree one cee eee eee Hees Wet fortes oe ose eateries usar co Beier Rae cay aa arg Ries iihtgres sara ie ate ct inking thar we we mg hindred spice, He sav in me beacon, Soeot Se hams dorian srg eee Se at ae ot i per at SESTATian dated Sn et tt Seymug. earner ceases gaat Seagate meee "pele cats PO wert reir col is ea ante me plete er Sree Pegy ahs” mime oe ge SE uae aes fii bat done Eee en ons Sota Suchen gra Ver He Seirar Spaceman maa Sines pat emelaas He fel rn Set at rng sc HEcteR sem ste te eng Sepdeeals Sheraton cee Poayasupsa acs taper this mold es nothing but a comfortable habitation, was tobe amepe ssrayin the gale of & new spisit~ the span of the oosens ERS Earth’ for whom the world is a going machine, eae lesa of Becoing any oe chloedy Tato tend sidestand the meaning of te purse veo ths Non ‘The human adventure had s decion for nap eke ie judged PERS they mowed of atin thin dsceuon Teasers arse eed ‘ees leading t some Kind of ult-huma bese aed meas Se rsseay ee pinoy dee fase fom is century. He was alee in ha cepacia Hoe ER inpied me; patiulaiy as 1 eid not then usecoase: ec ‘Bote spinal fa his proprosivenss than T ef sopreseees By spray, Twas tlfocting within the closed system cf may thinking: T sete ‘ore than a its sid iateosal had given him sich splendid consepions wise ts Laie ‘is 0 pas they oo this child of aathes maaee Cet ‘We would gut eachother in anger and sd, Tio ae wei tnd my teraue of devpuir, be bac to hit work wader ees ES igh that yellowed hit ie, From cape oar br his breaths, his mustrings, Then suddeaiy, somes ds test be would begin fo whine ductly the opsany Oss Bee hoven's Hymn to Joy" Jove wil always fn ite way back Each eveniog: susan pour when we used to hive tone argument, TRAE ee ‘ear again thove mutters which invaigly teins erase ft sublime hm ‘He bas been dea ewe years. II had under-sod then es 1 gow I would bare managed my iniligeacs ta my ‘eat more dll. Then, t was an facesant rated os plied fo him after many often stenle and dissec fact would have been abe, much soane, to consi ie subjectivity hat for me with 4a afecion er tke aes ‘ovement. I would have been able tothrow up Sie eet ester succem in the vigout of my youth a Cece Verne pepe Sede matin mind Pct tae oes fe fo ‘Bape a once, religious and ye pact of te grat cake noes Eavler, much cre, would haveacyulred Mlthsnose ccna This book sums up fve years of questing, tusk de ean os Shenae tie fot of seas and ta {Lane ysl ito this catenise ~ ant without adegure nape cesar I could no longer deny this world of ass satis en ‘which Iso cealy beoag. ee Sag Snares is Ceara e greets Sashes carve eer at Pension nade sean, soy tSieeys bona secting for, a2 Rimbaud expressed fy tera ee Se a fier oe seer a Es BS os em al DP te a of SUSE pares pageant GSTS minna ah ee ad ne SEL Saeco SF min ee SUS, Sahm pl acevo a snr Pa cy te aan ore Ecun yshatna te racios ep Imgssinana deste nema mn egies Papin tee ees ath Wea aes eee we ote nthe Phen eee leo hk he aoent ga et archer te gi ae areca eae Lege acy Bele en ee rept Sora Seeks uumte eta Ee anew nee a Uae, Oto ot Eales sop hea ccm cea ey Rare ai feng ep ba secs ape Pre ae selokem gts uefa cenn cary Sed he a Sele tcp ec Teel Pace a BU Gah wy king te SSCS Oa Tea oy sea Berit just about the time I was finishing my book cect te coun, Ow meting ometing tae tak ance I have always thought) was to peers of pres fora {iad js did ho yas oat ean pole school end my ences ink, But ew experiences were beginning for me sed SRP wit Uexlnel

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