Jorozco Genre Analysis Final

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Jesus Orozco


Ever since Donald Trump pitched his idea of the great wall of Trump
to keep illegal immigrants out of the United States the topic of immigration
has blown up in the last couple of months. The media has exploded talking
about this dilemma and how our government should approach it. There are
those who are ok with immigrant coming in and working while there are
others who are against it. The groups of people who are against immigration
have decided to express their opinion on the matter through two genres.
A.Barton Hinkles Immigration is good for the U.S Economy explains how
immigration isnt only a good thing it is also very beneficial to us as a nation
and then there is Favianna Rodriguez who organized the CultureStrike, a
gathering in Tucson, Arizona to kick off an art campaign targeting antiimmigration laws and federal immigration policies. These two genres will be
analyzed more in depth throughout this paper.

Audience and purpose

The first genre, A.Barton Hinkles Immigration is good for the U.S
Economy, is an article explaining why immigration has a positive impact to
our nation. The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of some studies
that have been done to prove that immigration is beneficial to us. The
second genre, Faviannas CultureStrike is a collaboration of many different
artists, filmmakers and others all coming together to spread the word about

Jesus Orozco

immagration and how to help out in the fight. The purpose of this is to
advance a community-informed, impactful cultural strategy to displace the
dominant anti-migrant narrative by infusing the national narrative with
creative, values-based, pro-migrant images, ideas, and stories. We seek to
advance cultural organizing by bringing together engaged artists and writers
and arts organizations to learn, teach, share skills and resources, and
conceive and execute new works in a supportive, non-exploitative space.
(Rodriguez, 2011) Favianna says. The intended audience for the 1st genre is
most likely for people who dont know which side to support. The article
gives very easy to understand examples and gives the reader a fair amount
of information. The person making up the 1st genre we can only assume he
is knowledgeable and keeps up with current immigration problems. For the
CultureStrike movement the audience consists both artist and anyone who is
willing to join. Culturestrike is meant to make people be involved. We will
come together to bear witness, share skills and tactics, organize cultural
workers, and to imagine. We believe this delegation will deeply inform artists
and writers of the conditions faced by immigrants at the frontlines, creating a
space where unique collaborations can be fostered across genres and
geographies. Our end goal is to catalyze new bodies of work!(Rodriguez,
Time is very precious and both genres differ on how long they have to
get their message across. The first genre being Hinkles article takes roughly

Jesus Orozco

10 minutes to read and fully understand. Readers will have to take their time
and fully process what he is trying to say. Due to the fact that it is an article
it must be quick and concise in order to not lose the interest of the reader.
The second genre, Faviannas CultureStrike, is mostly all visuals which means
anyone just has to take a quick look to understand what they are talking
about. However, since it is just simple visuals the viewer will need to be
interested in order to fully appreciate the message they are trying to give.
Both of the genres purpose is to inform the audience of immigration
and how it is unfair, however they do this very differently. In the article, the
purpose of it is to give clear examples and facts of immigration and given the
fact that it is an article that was printed on the Richmond Times-Dispatch it
severely limits the use of vocabulary and it must sound professional. On the
other hand, the CultureStrike is more of an arts gallery so it doesnt have to
be very professional or censored. CultureStike is not trying to bring in any
professionals they are trying to bring in anyone interested in fighting and
bringing awareness to immigration problems. The language features for the
Immigration is good article are very neutral. He uses only black font with a
very legible text with no disruptive images. The language features for
CultureStrike are very different. They have bright colors and texts to catch
ones eye with exclamation points as if they are telling you they are right
about what they are trying to say.
Rhetorical issues

Jesus Orozco

Both of the genres address the rhetorical issues differently and are
used in a very different manner.
In the first genre Hinkle gives facts and clear examples on why
immigration is actually a good thing. As he makes his points he gives them
with certainty and with confidence. He establishes his credibility with his
background being a professional journalist who has been acclaimed in the
past. He also adds to his credibility with various statistics and quotes from
reliable sources such as a Partnership for a New American Economy. In the
second genre, Favianna Rodriguez and the CultureStike are protesting
against anti-immigration laws by using visuals such as arts and other forms
of media. She establishes her credibility with immigration because she is of
some Latino decent and has witnessed immigration unfairness first hand.
Hinkles does not use emotions often in his article. One example of him
using emotion is when he uses his previous example of Juan to target the
border hawks saying . If Sebastian is willing to let Juan enter the country so
he can do business with Lucas and Mike and Amanda and Steve, he isnt
being a moral phony. He is simply minding his own business. Maybe the
border hawks should try it some time. (Hinkles, 2014) Its a clear shot at
sarcasm and very emotional but not in a sad way. He isnt trying to make you

Jesus Orozco

sad he is trying to open your eyes. Favianna and the CultureStrike do use
emotion to lure the audience in. Most of the visuals they use are of families
being separated, children crying, and words suchs as Aqui estamos y no nos
vamos!! Y si nos hechan nos regresamos! (Rodriguez, 2011) Which
translates to we are here and we arent leaving!! And I they kick us out well
come back!! .This is clearly used to pull at the audiences heart strings and
make them feel sadness and discontent with the the current immigration
The first genre, being the article, uses logo with the way he uses facts.
He constantly keeps putting in numbers and referencing studies done, such
as one study that showed that In one recent year, 93 percent of
undocumented alien males participated in the labor force. The figure for
legal immigrants was 86 percent. Among native-born American men, it was
81 percent. He uses logic to show that not only are illegal immigrants more
productive and are more likely to make new jobs for native-born Americans,
they are overall a very positive thing. He is considered a reliable source also
because he is a professional journalist. The second genre doesnt use many
logos because it is just mainly visuals but one example of its use of logos is
when they show the statistics of deportations of Obamas presidential term
saying A number of the artists involved in our project are heavily critical at
President Obama for his record-breaking deportation record and for

Jesus Orozco

expanding detrimental federal programs, such as SCOMM, which are only

leading to more deportations and devastation of our communities. There
have been more deportations on President Obama's watch than at any time
in American history. Continuing these massive deportations is a devastating
betrayal of the diverse immigrant communities that helped to elect him,
said Andrew Hsiao, a journalist and a founder of CultureStrike. And as
writers and artists, we are speaking out against federal programs that tear
families apart." (Rodriguez, 2011).
Structure and Delivery
Given that they are two very different genres the structure and
delivery are very different as well. In the first genre, Hinkles catches the
audiences attention with a bold statement about the weak argument the
border hawks make. This immediately makes the reader want to keep on
reading the article to find out what Hinkles argument is. The second genre,
has eye catching visuals and bold lettering to catch anyone walking by eyes.
The presentation is very important because both of the genres have a
specific amount of time to get their message across. Since one genre is
visual and the other is typography the information needs to be delivered in a
way so it is easy to understand and so that the reader is always fully

Jesus Orozco

Overall both genres did their job well and effectively. The first genre
was more based on studies and numbers while the second was based more
around emotions and passion. Both did an excellent job at captivating their
audiences. Both of the genres addressed the issue differently and both did a
solid job to get their message across. Immigration is a problem and it is a
problem that these two genres are trying to change.

Hinkles, .. A. (2014, July 21). Retrieved from
Rodriguez, F. (2011, september 7). Retrieved from

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