Group Project p5

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The Coddling of the

American Mind
Nina, Bella, Sarah, Chaz
P5 | Group 2

Part 1 (Bella): Claims/Ideas 1

Explains how
Buddhists and
Stoics developed
practices to
clean their mind

Relates this idea

to the modern
version of these
behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a modern

embodiment of this ancient wisdom (Haidt and
Lukianoff 1).
Cognitive Behavioral therapy is the equivalent of
the Buddhists and Stoics practices for better
mentality (Haidt and Lukianoff 1).

Claims that C.B.T

is easy to learn,
just as effective as
drugs, long-term

Unlike drugs, cognitive behavioral therapy keeps

working long after treatment is stopped, because
it teaches thinking skills that people can continue
to use (Haidt and Lukianoff 1).
C.B.T. is a long-term practice that teaches people
thinking strategies that they can utilize for the rest
of their lives. (Haidt and Lukianoff 1).

Part 1 (Bella): Claims/Ideas 2

Questions us if
school campuses
are coddling
students minds

States emotional
reasoning is
present in campus

But does campus life today foster critical

thinking? Or does it coax students to think in
more-distorted ways? (Haidt and Lukianoff 3).
The authors question if campuses are actually
encouraging critical thinking or persuading them
to think differently (Haidt and Lukianoff 3).

Argues that itll

lead to conflicts in
students futures

Schools may be training students in thinking

styles that will damage their careers and
friendships, along with their mental health (Haidt
and Lukianoff 11).
Because schools coddle their students, they won
t be ready to face real world conflicts (Haidt and
Lukianoff 11).

Part 2 (Nina): Organization of Ideas


author compares drugs with cognitive

behavioral thinking
expresses that cognitive behavioral
therapy treats patients long term because
it teaches crucial critical thinking skills,
compared to short term treatment with
drugs such as antidepressants
author compares emotional reasoning to
rational reasoning
E.R. - letting your emotions dictate the
way you think
R.R. - decisions made based on sound
reasoning or valid facts


Problem : distorted thinking

Solution: improve mental hygiene by utilizing
cognitive behavioral therapy
Problem : author expresses that university
students do not know how to use emotions
effectively in and out of classroom, which
causes them to to feel emotional discomfort
Solution : allow students to be exposed to
words and ideas that would otherwise cause
them to feel this emotional discomfort, so that
they may thrive in other environments

Part 3 (Chaz):
The tenth paragraph in this article could use more elaboration on defining unwelcome speech
as harassment; not just to sex, but to race, religion, and veteran status as well.
Two questions we have about this section is...

What falls under unwelcome speech?

How does this not conflict with the First Amendment?

Additional types of evidence or elaboration the author could have included are

Elaboration on unwelcoming speech that could ground for a harassment claim.

Examples of sex, race, religion, and veteran status unwelcome speech.

Part 4 (Sarah):
On one hand, the authors are right to say that college students should learn how to calmly deal with
their emotions. Especially when others bring up something personal and offensive. On the other hand,
it is still true that students in college are always doing something. They are too busy to get therapy on
their own time. They have to write essays, study for finals, or work at their part time jobs. When will
students have the time to sit down and talk to someone about their feelings? Its likely that students in
college wont be able to afford therapy. And what if students dont to do cognitive behavioral therapy?
Maybe they are uncomfortable with this idea.

Part 5 (Sarah):
In the article The Coddling of the American Mind, Greg Lukianoff and Johnathan Haidt acknowledges
that cognitive behavioral therapy is one way to treat mental issues. Both authors agree that getting
therapy instead of taking antidepressant drugs, is more effective and will last longer. They wrote that
Americans today are more sensitive about certain topics such as race, religion, or sex. These topics
make people emotional and everyone should learn how to deal with their emotions. Greg and
Johnathan states, Rather than trying to protect students from words and ideas that they will
inevitably encounter, colleges should do all they can to equip students the thrive in a world full of
words and ideas that they cannot control. (Haidt and Lukianoff 13). Their point is that students
shouldnt avoid talks that make them uncomfortable, but use cognitive behavioral therapy to thrive.

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