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El Samaritan

Every sermon is a divine appointment. Before you were born and

before I was born God saw you and me here. You been invited by the
holy spirit.
Luc the 10 chapter. The gospel are sermons not story. See Matthew to
the Jew, Marc to the Romans, Luc to the gentiles, John to the.
Luc 10 has 3 incidences: Jesus sending out the 70, and in the end
Jesus with Martha and at the middle the story of the Samaritan. What
those 3 things had to do with one another.
Lets us pray.
In Matthew the genealogy of Jesus is from Joseph, but in Luc is from
Mary, because Luc want to connect Him with the human race. Luc
been a gentile as no problem to make a Samaritan the hero of the
story, not like Matthew who as a Jew, will not give credit to a
Samaritan. But Luc want us to know that everybody as a opportunity
to be save. Black, white, yellow, red all has the opportunity to be
Jesus send the 70 out, then at the end of there going out, they came
back rejoicing saying: v17, Lord, even the demons are subject to us
in Your name. they were proud, they were the faster growing church.
See I dont why they were so surprise that the demons were subject
to them, if when Jesus send them He gave them power over demons.
Why are we choc when we do what Jesus say.
But He say to them: v20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the
spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are
written in heaven.
See Jesus tells them to dont be coat-up in the sawing and reaping, be
careful to not be lose yourself.
And then at the end of the chapter, we get to the story of the sisters,
you know the story well. Martha get upset, send her in the kitchen
to help me but Jesus said hold on now, what you are doing is fine
but she has choosing the best part Dont get so busy in the kitchen!
Dont get so busy in the things of life, that forget that the only reason
why, God brought you in the church, preacher, it was not to win soul,
but that your own soul may be save. And in the middle of the 2
stories, we find the one of the good Samaritan.
V25 to 29,. A church member who ask Jesus who is my neighbor?
We know the story well
1) priest came down that road. And when he saw him, he passed
by on the other side.
2) Likewise, a Levite, when he arrived at the place, came and
looked, (how bad he was bleeding, o had a broken leg, but I am

on the way to church, I will pray for you).. and passed by on the
other side.
3) And then come the Samaritan

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