Engl4183 Style Sheet II Diego Palacios

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Diego Palacios


Style guide sheet

A Style Sheet Guide

Page Format
Size - 8.5 x 11
Orientation Tall
margins Top: 1.03, Bottom: 1.23, Left: 1, Right: 1.01
headers Title: ATTENDANCE, page numbers
footers No footers
numbering Pages are numbered in header, top right corner
rules No rules or painted lines
columns No columns present
gutter placement and width Width: 0, Placement: Left
graphic placement and width No graphics used.
Colors Black for the words. Titles and headings highlighted blue, yellow or purple
document title Arial, 14, Title case, Center, bolded
Attendance - Arial, 12, Title case, Center, No emphasis
Introduction - Arial, 10, Title case, Center, bolded
Bookkeeping - Arial, 10,Title case, Center, No emphasis
captions - Arial, 10, Title case, Left-indented, Italics
menu items Arial, 10, Title case, Left-indented, bolded
key strokes - Arial, 10, Title case, Left-indented, No emphasis
spacing - Default
cautions/ warnings - None
hints - None
lists - Arial, 10, Title case, Left-indented, No emphasis
footnotes/ endnotes Cambria, 19, Title case, Right-indented, No emphasis
abbreviations - PFS ( Prospect for Success), UNCC (University of Carolina Charlotte)
acronyms CXC (Communication Across the Curriculum) FYW (First Year Writing), COED (Charlottes
College of Education)
capitalization - Default
hyphenation - on
in-text definitions - Arial, 10, Title case, Left-indented, No emphasis
quotation marks Smart quotes
spelling US English
steps Numbers, bullets
active or passive voice - Active
imperative voice - None
second person direct address of reader - Yes
parallelisms - Yes
gender references he, she.

Diego Palacios

Style guide sheet

Figures & Tables

captions all labeled figure 1
size & placement Medium, Left indented
textual references to figures & tables - Arial, 10, Title case, Left-indented, bottom, no emphasis
units of measure None
decimals aligned - Default
typography & punctuation of elements such as lists, headings, titles - noen

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