Reading Critically Writing Well

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Nicole Gandia

Professor Ogden
English 1A
5 May 2016
Annotated Bibliography: Reading Critically Writing Well
Axelrod, Rise, Charles Cooper, and Alison Warriner. "A Guide to Writing Essays
Explaining Concepts." Reading Critically Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 2014. Print.
In this part of the book it shows us readers the steps of writing a college level essay. In
this part it shows each step of how to create an essay by making sure that you have a
concept that is well researched that readers will understand. It also shows how to format
your essay by making sure that you have a thesis, body paragraphs that contain not only
visuals but also sources that have been integrated into the essay, as well as making sure
that you go over your draft to make sure that it is a well written essay.
Axelrod, Rise, Charles Cooper, and Alison Warriner. "A Guide to Writing Position
Arguments." Reading Critically Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 2014. Print.
This part is a step-by-step guide to writing an argumentative essay.
The five crucial parts of an argumentative essay are:
1. Present the issue
2. Clearly state the writers position
3. Effectively provide supporting reasons and evidence
4. Acknowledge and refute counterarguments
5. Reaffirm the writers position.
Axelrod, Rise, Charles Cooper, and Alison Warriner. "Arguing for a Position."
Reading Critically Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins,
2014. Print.
Here they really talk about the importance of arguing. They show how most arguments
start because of beliefs and points of views. They really just want to makes sure that if
youre going to write an argumentative essay that you have strong reasons along with
strong support. Also the writers say to make sure that when writing an argumentative
essay that you take into consideration the people who disagree with you.
Axelrod, Rise, Charles Cooper, and Alison Warriner. "Explaining Concepts."
Reading Critically Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins,
2014. Print.
Here they talk about different writing strategies that are important in writing. Some of the
thins that they talked about was definition, illustration, cause-effect, or comparisoncontrast. They talk about how it is important to figure out what type of strategy youre

going to use for your essay because it will really help your audience connect with your

Axelrod, Rise, Charles Cooper, and Alison Warriner. "Proposal to Solve a

Problem." Reading Critically Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. Boston: Bedford/St.
Martins, 2014. Print.
The writers talk about how a proposal is important to solve a problem within the essay. A
proposal is when you use a piece of writing that will identify and analyze a problem
while evaluating solutions to the problem that has come up. In this part it states that the
proposal is really important because it states the problem.
Axelrod, Rise, Charles Cooper, and Alison Warriner. "Reflection." Reading
Critically Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2014.
This goes over the goals of reflective writing, which are:
1) Describing the occasion vividly
2) Developing the reflection fully
3) Maintaining coherence by providing cues
4) Engaging readers interest
Axelrod, Rise, Charles Cooper, and Alison Warriner. "Using Sources to Support
Your Ideas." Reading Critically Writing Well: A Reader and Guide. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 2014. Print.
This part goes over how it is important to make sure to use sources to support your ideas.
1) Stating the claim
2) Providing evidence from sources to support the claim
3) Showing how the evidence is relevant and effectively support the claim

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