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English 12 Investigative Research Paper

Peer Edit 2015

PEER EDITOR: Brendan Adams
WRITER: Austin Burkhart
Please COMPLETE the following steps ALONG WITH MAKING COMMENTS (Use
Editing Feature) ON GOOGLE DOCS to receive Peer Editing Points.

LOOK OVER PAPER. Does the Writer include:

Yes, but needs formatting Works Cited Page with Correct MLA Format (Check Google
Classroom Tips
or OWL) Make Sure it is Alphabetized by first letter--Author or Article. Flush left first
line/second line tabbed once (must do this manually).
Yes Title on First Textual Page (No other Information because of Title Page.)
No page numbers MLA Page Formatting (Name and rolling page number in upper right
hand corner.)
Yes Five to Seven Pages of Text (Must be a FULL 5 Pages at least)
READ Paper. (No marking. Allow the Paper to speak to you. Just Read!)
Two Comments:
(1) There are a lot of grammatical errors
(2) Perhaps the paper is a bit too opinionated

HIGHLIGHT IN RED any Mechanics Problems. (Do the best you can!)
Comment on Mechanics:___Great X Good ___Few Prob ____Lots of Prob
Biggest Problem: X RunOn ___Frag ___Sp ___Wording____Commas


Highlight Thesis
Is it One Sentence? X Yes ____ No
Does it State Main Idea of Paper? X Yes ____ No
Is it too Opinionated? (Remember, it should Explore Topic Not Rant!) X No ___Yes
Suggestions for Thesis: ____ Great X Okay but could be Better ____ Needs Work
(1) The thesis could be a bit more solid
(2) It seems a bit opinionated



Is there a Topic Sentence for Each Paragraph? in Paper X Yes ____ No
Do They have some Thread from the Thesis? X Yes ____ No
Suggestions on Topic Sentences: ____All Great X Some Okay ____None
(1) Most sentences in general need more commas.
(2) The topic sentences need to be more general about what the paragraph will be



Explain Attention Grabber: X Great ____Okay but could be Better ___Needs Work
What was used? X Statistics ____ Story ____ Questions ____Other

CHECK HISTORY (CAUSE): X Great ___Okay but could be Better __ Needs Work
Does it Explain How Topic Began? X Yes ____ No
Does it Detail Who was Involved in its Beginnings? X Yes _____No
Does it Provide When? Where? X Yes ___ No
Do you now Understand the Topics History? ____Definitely X Sort of ____ No


CHECK PROGRESSION (EFFECT): X Great __Okay but could be Better

__Needs Work
Does it Explain the Topics Development in History? X Yes ___ No
Does it Detail Those involved as Time Progresses? X Yes ___ No
Does it Discuss Negative or Positive Changes? X Yes ____ No


CHECK PROBLEM: X Great ___Okay but could be Better __ Needs Work

Does it Discuss Topics Present Concerns? X Yes ___ No
Does it Discuss Who is Involved with These Concerns? X Yes ___ No
Does it Discuss its Pros? X Yes ____ No
Does it Discuss its Cons? XYes ____ No


CHECK SOLUTIONS:____Great X Okay but could be Better __ Needs Work

How many does Paper Discuss? ___ One ___ Two X Three ____ Four


CHECK CONCLUSION:____Great X Okay but could be Better __ Needs Work

Does it Wrap Up Paper Points? X Yes ____ No
Does it refer back to Thesis? X Yes _____ No
Does it provide Futuristic View of Topic? X Yes ____ No
Does it provide Food for Thought? X Yes ___ No

CHECK Parenthetical Citations.
X Authors Last Name ________ Article Name _______ Other ________
8 Total Number Parenthetical (Minimum 9)
9 How Many Sources? (ALL CITED ON Works Cited Page Used=Minimum 9)


(1) Add commas!
(2) Include more statistics and specific examples from the real world where there are
issues with biodiversity.

~ Remember to use the EDITING Suggesting function in Google Docs (found in Upper right
hand corner) AND complete this form. Both are necessary to earn peer editing points! Be

thorough! Help your peer! You are the last stop before a teacher grades the essay. Getting
more than one peer edit is highly suggested:)

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