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Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report First observation B.

Ed Teaching Practice

Semester 1

Name of Student: Fatema Alhebsi


Name of School: Zamzam School

Grade: Grade 1

Grade level: 1

Date of the observation:13th of March- 2016


MCT Name: Fatema Almansoori

A - Professionalism and Understanding

Good relationship with MST and students. Fatema is really helpful and strong. She has a good
attitude and she plans well for her classes.

B - Planning for Learning

Your objective is that the students at the end will be able to fill in the blank. For example, they have
able to solve 2+..=8. Choose a better way to write your objective for example; students will be
able to solve the Math problems by filling in the math equation with the correct number.

C - Implementing and Managing Learning

You started the lesson with two trees and you put (5+2) and you asked a student to put apples on the
trees and then you asked her to count and give the answer. Then you told a story about a girl who
wants to give flowers for her friends which was a good activity for the problem solving. Good use of
materials. For the second time, you used the coins for counting. Then you used the students
examples. I think it would be better if you write the problem to let the students read it again if they
miss some information. You explained some rules while the students were working, but nobody was
listening because they were busy. Explain everything at the beginning. Then you reviewed the
answers. After that you gave each group a worksheet to answer. Give them the columns at the
beginning but I prefer to let them not use materials so they know how to answer the homework and in
the exam. After that you reviewed the answers with the students. it would be better if you teach
students how to count by using their fingers. subtractions? It wasnt in any of your examples thats

why the students struggled with it. Good to choose the good students from each group and pronounce
the good job.

D - Monitoring and Assessment of Learning

Good use of praise: clap your hands and stick a star on the students cloths.
Good use of the bell to stop students from working.

E Reflection
When I saw you after the class you said that you want to make the students less active (group
work) because they were noisy

General Comments
Nice activities but it would be better if you explain the activities before you give them to
students. Plus, no need for the columns for the third activity. Give them time to solve the
problems without materials. It would be better if you teach students how to count by their
fingers. Take the materials from them to not let them play with the materials. It would be better
if the Math problem is written not oral so if the student didnt catch it she can read the problem
and solve the equation with putting the missing number.

To Be Completed By Student
Students reflection on the feedback:

In fact, my lesson was going well. Also, my MST like my teaching and my strategy to control
the students I think that for many reasons.

First of all, I try to do a good review about the last lesson which about addition I try to use
apple tree, for example; I write the math problem then I choose a student to a responsible math
problem in apple tree board (see Appendix 1). To tell you the truth, the students were too
active and like this board. Then I present a PowerPoint and tell them a story to take
information about my lesson. The students were too exacting when they listen to my story and
help me to solve the math problem which fills the blank. I try to use this way even can the
students easy to understanding the lesson in a funny way. There is undeniable that, I try to
follow an effective strategy to control on noisy students (see Appendix 2 and 3).

In conclusion, I think my lesson was amazing, and my voice was clear and loud also, I have
good control of the students. But Ms. Fatima gives me just one weakness which is, explain the
activity for the group before distributing the material even they listen to me and avoid their
noise. I will follow their advice in next class even I can develop myself.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2:

Appendix 3

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