Paperboy - CRG

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Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 1-2

During our reading, we met . . .


Little Man


Mrs. Worthington

How does the boy describe stuttering?


2. What is the Gentle Air trick?

3. What do you think he means when he says its better to be called
a snake than a retard?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

4. What form of communication does the boy prefer? Why?
5. How did the boy get the name Little Man?
6. What worried him most about the paper route?
7. When Little Man says, the streets are like friends that I dont
have to talk to, what does he mean? Why do you think he feels
this way?
8. When Little Man wrote the apology note to Mrs. Worthington,
what did you learn about his character?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

C hapter R eading G uide 3

During our reading, we met . . .


Ara T

Mr. Spiro

How does Little Man feel when people use the wrong words?

2. Who is Ara T, and what does Little Man need him to do?
3. How does Little Man view Ara T?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

4. What question did Little Man think was the worst question? Why
did he feel this way?
5. How did Little Man feel about his name, commas, and
6. How did Mr. Spiro make Little Man feel? Why do you think he
felt this way?
7. What did Mr. Spiro give Little Man? What do you think it

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 4

During our reading, we met . . .


Big Sack

Why do you think Big Sack wanted to talk to Mam?


2. Why do you think Mam didnt want Little Man around Ara T?
3. Why wouldnt Ara T give Little Man his knife?
4. What note did Little Man write to Mr. Spiro?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

5. Why did Little Man follow Ara T? What did he discover?


Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 5-6
During our reading, we met . . .


TV Boy

How did Mr. Spiro surprise Little Man?


2. How did Mr. Spiro help Little Man? What does that make you
think about his character?
3. How does Mr. Spiro treat Little Man differently than other
people? Does this impact Little Man?
4. What did you learn about Little Mans real name?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

5. What was Little Mans favorite quote? What do you think that
6. How does Little Man feel about the Rosetta Stone and
7. Connect the story of Jason, the Argonauts, and The Golden Fleece
to the pieces of the dollar bill.
8. Describe Little Mans interaction with Mr. Worthington. Why was
Little Man supprised?
9. How does Mam feel when Little Man tells her that Ara T wont
give him his knife back?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________


Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 7

Was Little Man able to have the conversation with Mrs.

Worthington? Why?

2. When Little Man thinks that should have been a warning to me

that things were going to be bad for the rest of the day, what do
you think this foreshadows?
3. What happened during Little Mans night at the Italian restaurant
with his parents? How did he feel, and why?
4. Describe the reaction of Little Mans mother and father to his

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

5. What does Little Man not like about his mother?

6. What does Little Man find in his mothers close? What do we
learn about Little Man from what he finds?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 8

Why do you think Little Man didnt ask his parents about his
birth certificate?

2. What do you think has happened to Mam? Do you think she will
come back?
3. What were the three questions Little Man wanted to ask Mr.
Spiro? Why do you think he chose these?
4. How does Little Man feel when Mr. Spiro tells him something he
doesnt know?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

5. What does Little Man tell Mr. Spiro that no one else knows?
Why do you think he trusted him?
6. What does Little Man accomplish in this chapter?
7. How do you think Mr. Spiros reaction make Little Man feel?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 9-10
1. Do you think Mam is telling the truth about what happened to
her? Why?
2. What does Little Man think happened? Do you agree?
3. Why does Little Man wish he were a grown up?
4. What does Little Man want more than anything? Why does he feel
this way?
5. Compare Mam at the beginning of the novel to her actions now.
Has she changed?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

6. Why does Little Man go to Ara Ts shed? What happened while
he was there?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 11-12

How does Little Man feel about his knife? Why?


2. What decision did Little Man make about Mr. Spiros dollar bill?
Why do you think he feels this way?
3. What does Little Man start to realize about not talking?
4. Describe Mams interaction with the big kid at the zoo?
5. What helps Mam when she faces hardship? Does Little Man feel
the same way?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 13-15


Why does Little Man have to steel papers?


2. What shows that Little Man is honest?

3. If you were faced with the decision to steal but knew you would
correct it later, would you make the same decision Little Man did?
4. Compare and contrast Mams interaction with the big boy at the
zoo and Little Mans interaction with Willie.
5. What does Little Man realize about TV Boy? How does this
change Little Mans perspective?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

6. Why does Little Man want to be TV Boys friend?
7. How does Little Mans relationship with Mr. Spiro change?
8. How does Little Man feel about grown-ups?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 16-17

How does Little Man feel about Mr. Spiro leaving?


2. What happened to Little Mans room?

3. Why did Little Man go into the red building? Was that a good
4. What does Little Man see when he walks in?
5. Why does Mam not like Ara T?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

6. How does Little Man help Mam? Does it work?
7. Who rescues Little Man and Mam? How?
8. Describe the significance of Mam closing her handbag?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

Chapter Reading Guide 18-20

How does Little Man feel about the incident with Ara T?

2. Describe Mams history with Ara T and Big Sack.

3. Why was Mam willing to answer all the questions he wanted her
4. Why does Mam not get scared?
5. How does your view of your soul compare to Mams?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

6. What would you have done in Little Mans situation? Would you
have saved Mam?
7. What does Mr. Spiro leave Little Man?
8. What do the words student, servant, seller, and seeker have in
common? What do they mean to you?
9. Why is it important that Little Man told his mom he didnt like
praline pecans?
10. How does Little Mans opinion about his father change?

Name: _________________

Date: _______________

11. How did Little Man grow from his relationship with TV Boy?
12. What does Little Man want to do when he grows up?
13. Describe how Little Man feels about blacks and whites going to
school together. Do people around him feel the same way?
14. What does Vincent mean when he says, Words in the air blow
away as soon as you say them but words on paper last forever?

Name: _________________

Vocabulary Words














Date: _______________

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