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Faithlyn Norman

December 10, 2015

Maria Silva
Facing History Reflection- Microaggressions
Microaggressions Facing History Activity
On Wednesday December 9, 2015, Facing History did a whole school activity based on
microaggressions. Microaggressions are a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a
minority or other non dominant group that is often unintentional or unconsciously reinforces a
stereotype. For example, a microaggression will be, youre hispanic? I could've sworn you were
white. During this activity, the students that taught us about what microaggressions are and how
it affects our society today.
During this activity, I noticed that the students who were learning about this topic were
very engaged and drawn in to the presentation, including me! I think people were so engaged
because the presentation was very informative and also because a lot of people are used to saying
or hearing microaggressions, therefore, it connected to them.
The activity felt like a safe space to express my opinions and the presentation was not
boring at all, but actually taught me some things that I never knew/ heard about. It also felt
awkward because I am a person who has had microaggressions said to me. On the other hand, I
have said microaggressions to others, but obliviously of what I was actually saying.
During this activity, I learned so much and gained a better understanding on
microaggressions. I feel like this Facing History activity was not a waste of my time. I
contributed to this activity in a great way! I used the chalk talk time to get my opinions on paper,
so that I can actually think it all through. After this activity, I will watch what assumptions I
make before I actually ask someone about themselves. Possibly ask it in a different way. Overall,

I enjoyed this activity, I look forward to more Facing History activities.

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