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Project Overview Table

Student: Christopher Rojas

Name of Project: Dobie High School Voter Registration Drive

Area of Concern

Needs Assessment

Projects Action Plan

State law mandates that

every public high school
principal in Texas
facilitates a voter
registration drive on his or
her campus at least once a
year. My principal
delegated this project to
me this year and asked
that I attempt to increase
the participation this year
in comparison to previous
years. In the past, the
drive has been met with
tepid enthusiasm from the
students because it has
usually been implemented
as a last second
afterthought with little to
no planning.

In order to target all of the

voting age students in my
school, I pulled a report of
every student in my school
who would be 18 yearsold by April 1st, 2016 (the
cutoff for voter
registration eligibility). I
found that 568 out of
3801 students (15%) met
that criteria.
Unfortunately, I did not
have access to the
previous years student
eligibility data so I could
not compare this years
numbers to last years.
However, I do know that
only 46 students out of
3756 (1.2%) were
registered in last years
drive, so my goal was to
beat that overall
registration percentage.

Late January 2016- Attend

certification training to be
a deputy voter registrar.

Competencies Addressed
Late January 2016
C003- Act with integrity in
a legal manner.
C009- Ensuring a safe
learning environment for
all participants

Late February 2016

Meet with National Honor
Society in order solicit
help with program and
marketing. Collaborate on
strategy to increase

Late February 2016

C008- Management of
campus budgeting and
materials use.
C001- Facilitating
implementation of
campus vision
Late February 2016

Late February 2016Communicate voter drive

intentions and goals to
school administration and

C005- Advocating an
instructional program
C001- Shaping campus
culture by facilitating
vision for learning.

Pre-Assessment: I know
that only 46 students out
of 3756 (1.2%) were
registered in last years
drive, so my goal was to
beat that overall
registration percentage by
a large amount.
Final evaluation - The
evaluation of this project
is based on the amount of
increase I achieved in
voter registrations in
comparison to last year.
Overall, I was able to
register 247 out of 3801
students (6.5%) this year.
I consider this is a success
because I was able to
register almost five times
as many students as the
last year. This equated to
44% of the students
eligible to register were
signed up to vote.


Overall, I feel this

project was very
successful. The voter
drive went from being
just another thing
happening in the
background to being
the biggest event at
the school for an
entire week. If I had
to change anything I
would extend the
marketing process
even farther in
advance to increase
awareness to an even
higher level.


I will definitely use

this project again in
my future endeavors.
My goal is to be a high
school principal, so
this project will be
quite useful when the
state requires a voter
registration drive on
my own campus. I

Late February 2016Create and distribute

marketing materials.

Late February 2016

also gained great

experience in leading
diverse groups of
people and effective

C001- Shaping campus

culture by facilitating
vision for learning.
C001- Facilitating
implementation of
campus vision.

Early March 2016Execute action plan during

weeklong voter
registration drive.

Early March 2016

Early March 2016- Submit

all proper documentation
to the State of Texas

Early March 2016

C002- Communication and

collaboration with school

C003- Act with integrity in

a legal manner.


The success of this

project is based on
the amount of
increase I achieved in
voter registrations in
comparison to last
year. Overall, I was
able to register 247
out of 3801 students
(6.5%) this year. I
consider this is a
success because I was
able to register
almost five times as
many students as the
last year. This
equated to 44% of the
students eligible to
register were signed
up to vote.

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