Rojasproject Overview Table 2

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Project Overview Table

Student: Christopher Rojas

Name of Project: Credit Recovery

Area of Concern

Needs Assessment

On my campus, we have a
large problem of senior
students lacking the
necessary credits to
graduate. Sometimes,
these students were
denied credit not because
their grade was
insufficient, but they had
not accumulated enough
of the state mandated
seat time in class. Our
campus has various ways
to aid the students in
making up the missed
time and regaining credit,
but it is often a struggle to
convince the students to
go through the process. I
was assigned four
students by my
administrator to shepherd
them through this process
and have them graduate
on time with their peers.

After researching the

assigned students
transcripts, I compiled the
following deficiencies in
their records and
attempted to educate
myself on the students
Student #1: This student
was pregnant in the 11th
grade and lost credit in a
semester of US History
and a semester of Algebra
2. (1 credit needs to be
Student #2: This student
missed school due to
multiple suspensions in his
sophomore year. He lacks
credit for a full year of
Geometry. (1 credit needs
to be recovered)
Student #3: This student
went through a rough
patch in his freshman year
with some family issues
and he failed to receive
credit for World
Geography, Algebra I, and
English I. (3 credits need
to be recovered)

Projects Action Plan

Competencies Addressed

Early January 2016- Met

with the principal,
assistant principals, and
counselors to outline
objectives and assign

Early January 2016

C004- Facilitating design
and implementation of
C002- Communication and
collaboration with school

Late January 2016- Met

with all four students to
introduce myself and
explain their situation.
Explain the credit recovery

Late January 2016

Assessment: The frequent
status checks have served
as a basis for mid-project


I feel I could have

maybe done better
with this project if I
had more time to
work one-on-one with
the students. Since I
was still working as a
full-time teacher
during this project,
my opportunities to
meet with them were
limited to my
planning period. I still
believe at least three
of the students will
graduate on time
despite the short
amount of time I had
to work with them (I
am worried about
student #3 not
graduating). As an
administrator, I
should have more
time and be able to
reach more students.


My experience with
this project has
taught me the power
communication can
have in an educatorstudent relationship.

Final evaluation - The

evaluation of this project
is long-term. It will be
assessed once the
students do or do not
graduate on June 4th,

C002- Communication and

collaboration with school
C003- Act with integrity in
a legal manner.

February 2016- Met with

each student individually
to do status checks and
encourage their
progression through the
credit recovery program.

February 2016
C009- Ensuring a safe
learning environment for
all participants.
C007- Apply decisionmaking skills

Student #4: This student

fell ill for a long period of
time during her
sophomore year and
missed class due to
multiple doctor visits. She
failed to receive credit for
a semester of English II
and a semester of World
History. (1 credit needs to
be recovered)

Early March 2016- Had

multiple meetings with
counseling staff and credit
recovery team to discuss
students progress and to
formulate intervention
plans for two students
who were not making
sufficient progress,

Early March 2016-

Late March to Early April

2016- Met with each
student individually to do
status checks and
encourage their
progression through the
credit recovery program.

Late March to Early April


I was able to make

real connections with
these students, and I
feel it has helped me
become a better
Hopefully, I can use
these skills
throughout my career
as an administrator.

C004- Facilitating design

and implementation of
C002- Communication and
collaboration with school

C002- Communication and

collaboration with school
C003- Act with integrity in
a legal manner.
Late April 2016

Late April 2016- Final

status check on all four
students and give them
last-minute guidance on
completing the
requirements of the

C002- Communication and

collaboration with school
C003- Act with integrity in
a legal manner.

Early June 2016- Students


Early June 2016

C004- Facilitating design
and implementation of
C002- Communication and
collaboration with school


This project will be

successful if all four
students do end up
graduating on time. I
will not deem it a
success if even one
student does not
graduate, because
that will mean I failed
them as a mentor and
an administrator.

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