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Vocabulary List #1 Advanced English III

1. diabolical devilish
2. wrath anger
3. iniquity sin
4. candid straightforward, frank
5. penury poverty
6. servile humbly yielding or submissive
7. melancholy gloomy
8. alleviate to make more bearable; to lessen
9. omnipotent all-powerful
10. chide to scold
11. prudence caution, discretion
12. disparage to belittle
13. altercation quarrel
14. aesthetic pertaining to the beautiful
15. antipathy strong dislike
16. cache hiding place
17. castigate to punish or rebuke
18. clemency mercy
19. timorous fearful or apprehensive
20. sanguine cheerful, hopeful
21. loquacious talkative
22. commence to begin
23. guile deception
24. furtive sneaky, secretive
25. incessant without pause
26. dolorous sad, mournful
27. gregarious sociable
28. diligent hard-working
29. abate to reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; to lessen
30. aberration a departure from the normal
31. redundant - repetitive
32. accrue - to increase or accumulate
33. acme highest point
34. cursory hasty
35. fickle capricious, changeable
36. acrimonious bitter in language or manner
37. dubious doubtful, questionable
38. adamant firm in purpose or opinion; unyielding
39. admonition warning
40. adulation excessive praise

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