Rojasproject Overview Table 3

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Project Overview Table

Student: Christopher Rojas

Name of Project: Organizing TSIA Testing

Area of Concern

Needs Assessment

The TSI Assessment (TSIA)

is part of the Texas
Success Initiative program
designed to help colleges
determine if a student is
ready for college-level
course work in the areas
of reading, writing, and
mathematics. All incoming
college students in Texas
are required to take the
TSI Assessment - unless
they are already exempt to determine their
readiness for college-level
work. Students can be
deemed by high SAT, ACT,
or STAAR scores. My
campus is one of the area
testing sites for TSIA and I
was asked to spearhead
both the initial TSIA
testing and a make-up

I personally identified 186

college-bound seniors
who did not meet the
exemption requirements
for TSIA testing. The
logistics and
implementation need to
be planned on a budget
$1000. This budget needs
to include staffing, test
materials, and facilities.

Projects Action Plan

Competencies Addressed

February 2016- Met with

the principal, assistant
principals, and
instructional coaches to
outline objectives,
requirements, and

February 2016
C004- Facilitating design
and implementation of
C007- Apply decision
making skills.

Mid-March 2016- Identify

students who need to be
tested and inform them of
the impending exam.
Have students complete
required pre-assessment

Mid-March 2016
C008- Management of
campus budgeting and
materials use.
C001- Facilitating
implementation of
campus vision.
Late March 2016

Late March 2016- Meet

with staff and support
team to go over action
plan for testing day.

C005- Advocating an
instructional program
C009- Ensuring a safe
learning environment for
all participants.

Pre-Assessment: The
previous year of TSIA
testing saw 141 of 173
eligible students (82%)
take the exam on either
the initial testing day or
the make-up day.
Final evaluation - The
evaluation of this project
is based on how much test
participation increased
over the previous year. I
feel it was a success
because we had 179 out
of 186 eligible students
(96%, 13% increase)
participate and we came
in under budget ($181
under budget).


If I had to do this
again, there would be
nothing major that I
would change. I feel
the entire process
went relatively
smoothly and we
reached a large
amount of the
students. However, if
I was in charge of the
school I might have
set up some sort of
program for these
students in their
junior to make them
aware of this test.
Most students had no
idea it was a
requirement so it
caught them offguard. The program
might aim to better
prepare them for the
tests so they could
possibly avoid TSIA

Early April 2016- Follow

through with action plan
for testing day.

Early April 2016


I might not use this

project again after
this program, but I
can certainly use the
experience I have
gained from it. I feel
that I grew in my
logistical planning and
while also gaining
invaluable insight into
communicating with
my peers.


The evaluation of this

project is based on
how much test
increased over the
previous year. I feel it
was a success
because we had 179
out of 186 eligible
students (96%, 13%
increase) participate
and we came in under
budget ($181 under

C001- Shaping campus

culture by facilitating
vision for learning.
C004- Facilitating design
and implementation of

Mid-April 2016- Meet

with staff and support
team to go over action
plan for make-up testing

Mid-April 2016
C005- Advocating an
instructional program
C009- Ensuring a safe
learning environment for
all participants.

Late April 2016- Follow

through with action plan
for make-up testing day.

Late April 2016

C001- Shaping campus
culture by facilitating
vision for learning.
C004- Facilitating design
and implementation of

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