School Safety Action PLN 2015-16

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School Safety Action Plan 2015-2016

Component 1: People and Programs (school climate)

Goal 1: To Increase emergency preparedness
Activity 1: Provide CPR/First Aid training for all students 5-8. Provide CPR/First Aid as
a staff training to update staff certifications.
Activity 2: Present classroom-based curriculum about local wildlife; when an animal
doesnt look right; and how to respond.
Activity 3: Hold monthly drills for emergency procedures.
Activity 4: Update emergency communication information for the school community.
Goal 2: To improve school climate

Activity 1: Continue conflict management and anti-bullying education through the

school year on a regular basis as taught by the instructional staff and school

Activity 2: Provide social-emotional learning curriculum in regular classroom


Activity 3: Provide Love and Logic Training to school staff and parents.

Activity 4: Start Student Leadership Club to promote student engagement.

Component 2: Places (physical environment)

Goal 1: To remedy safety issues on campus

Activity 1: Brush around the fence line for clearer view of wooded area ongoing

Activity 2: Paint cross walk and install speed bumps in driveway.

Activity 3: Increase chip depth on primary playground and outdoor fitness stations.

Activity 4: Purchase and install blackout curtains for lockdown procedures in rooms
identified as lacking; purchase a few mall bats; research pepper spray.

Activity 5: Review the safety plan with local Forest Service and Volunteer Fire
Fighters, Site Council and Staff.

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