Internship Summary

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Jazzmine Wierzbicki-McMickle

HIED 66429 Internship Summary1

Internship Summary
Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel
M.Ed. Program

Dr. Brenda McKenzie

Practicum Faculty Advisor

Fall 2015 -Spring 2016

Jazzmine Wierzbicki-McMickle

HIED 66429 Internship Summary2

Over the course of the Fall and Spring semesters I interned in the
Admissions Office at Notre Dame College. It was a unique experience
because it was spread out throughout the two semesters and was not
something that I anticipated going into the Fall semester with. I had an
internship in a different Office at Notre Dame lined up, however the
internship fell through right before classes started. Instead of franticly trying
to find any internship, I thought about what I was interested in and really
tried to find the right fit. I believe that I found that at Notre Dame and it was
ultimately one of the best internships that I have had in my time in college.

The purpose of this internship is as follows:

The purpose of this practicum program is to enable Jazzmine
Wierzbicki-McMickle to learn about the operations of Admissions- specifically
the admissions team at Notre Dame College. Jazzmine has not had previous
experience with Admissions and this practicum experience will provide her
with a background in admissions while allowing her to explore a career path
in admissions. Being a member of the Admissions Team will provide Jazzmine
with first hand experience working in an admissions office and prospective
students through various tasks provided
During the course of the internship I was able to really understand the
roles of the admissions office and what it really looks like to be an admissions
counselor. I got to be a member of the team, and really see my contributions
be valued and utilized. The experience was designed to help me explore the

Jazzmine Wierzbicki-McMickle

HIED 66429 Internship Summary3

possibility of a career in admissions, while this was accomplished I think it

went above and beyond that. Not only did I explore what that career path
would look like, I gained the experience I needed to pursue that path. One of
the learning outcomes for the internship was to effectively articulate
transferable skills from various past/current positions and coursework;
something that as I am starting the job search process I feel confident in
doing. I sat in on an on-campus interview for an admissions counselor
position, and heard the feedback from the staff afterwards. That experience
alone has done so much for me when I am writing my cover letters and
starting my first interview process. Being able to articulate what I have done
in a way that can correlate in an admissions setting is something that I have
gained through this experience.
Working as an observant eye throughout most of my time at Notre
Dame gave me a different perspective on how I see things in a day to day
setting. I think often times we get set in thinking, this is how it has always
been done so we have to do it that way. Adapting that mindset was
something that was very easy initially but got harder as time went on, since I
was much more invested into what was going on. Although it was difficult, it
gave me some different tools and ways to utilize assessment on-the-go.
Often times at large scale events the focus is on making sure it runs
smoothly and you get what you need done. Being able to observe and work
through essentially the Decision Making Framework we are using in case
studies is so important.

Jazzmine Wierzbicki-McMickle

HIED 66429 Internship Summary4

Coming from a public institution background to now working at a

religious private institution there was a learning curve. Since I had
anticipated this learning curve, I made sure that a learning outcome was to
understand and effectively navigate through this type of institution. With that
being a focus of mine, I was able to really dive into what admissions and
even things like disability services and student activities on a small private
liberal arts institution. As I am entering the job search, with the hopes of
working in an Art University; this knowledge has become very helpful since
most Art schools are private. Working through problems and scenarios that
involved financial aid, the rights of incoming students, and programing
efforts looked different because the college abided by the code of conduct,
not the constitution. Although we talked about that in law it was really
interesting to see that in action. If an organization on campus was putting
on an event that didnt align with the schools views, they had the right to
not allow them to hold that event.
Overall, I was able to meet all of the learning objectives that myself
and Mandy has set fourth in the beginning of the Fall semester. One thing
that I did find a little challenging was the time span in which everything
happened. Since the internship was spread out over two semesters, the plan
that I started off with in the Fall looked different than the start of the spring
semester, and that looked different than what I believe I accomplished and
got out of the internship in the end. Since I am still completing the internship

Jazzmine Wierzbicki-McMickle

HIED 66429 Internship Summary5

until the end of the semester, I still have some tasks that I was not able to
accomplish yet.
One huge skill that I think I was able to gain from this experience was
improving my public speaking. I was able to talk in front of groups at some of
the visit days, and in prospective student visits. I wish that I had more
opportunities to do this, however I think I have made huge strides compered
to where I was when I started. Some other skills that I feel I gained were in
the assessment area, I did a lot of benchmarking and my work with CAS
standards have really given me the tools to produce effective assessment in
the future. Not only did I work with CAS standards, I assessed every program
and provided relevant and constructive feedback throughout my time there.
When I realized that Admissions was a career path of interest, I started
looking at job postings and seeing what qualifications and experiences I felt I
needed. One of the biggest qualifications that I could only gain through an
admissions department was Client Management Database experience. I was
able to learn how effectively utilize programs like CARS database, Hobsons
Client Management, and Jenzabar. I also learned how to use those systems
to do things like create financial aid award packages, and go throughout the
full enrollment and acceptance process in the correct programs. As I am
sending in cover letters for jobs, I am able to talk about those experiences
and skills and really elevate myself over other entry level applicants.
It was very interesting to see the connections I made with my
coursework and the work I was doing. I did except to think in the context of

Jazzmine Wierzbicki-McMickle

HIED 66429 Internship Summary6

public vs. private, and I expected there to be student development theory

application when dealing with transitioning high school students. However, I
did not expect to have been working through the decision making framework
without even realizing it, nor did I realize how much I would use class
discussions from Administration of Multiculturalism and Diversity in Higher
Education. Notre Dame has a growing population of black males entering the
university, a discussion that came up often in staff and division meetings.
The conversation was centered on how can we make sure we are providing
the necessary resources for these students, when their graduation rates are
much lower than the black female counterparts. I was able to engage in
some important conversations with evidence to back up my claims about
ways to target those individuals, and support them through the admissions
The internship in Admissions has been such a positive experience and I
have learned so much throughout my two semesters. The office culture, I
found made a big difference in my excitement to be there. All of the staff
were more than welcoming, really cared and valued each other, and just
wanted to see the whole team succeed. I know that played a big role in
making this experience as great as it was. I am so excited to take all that I
have learned and apply it in an admissions setting as a full time professional.

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