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Literature in English

Bethula Lord
Cape question 2005. Discuss the ways in which the playwright makes use of the device of
Disguise is to change the appearance or guise of so as to conceal identity or mislead, as
by means of deceptive garb. Give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal
ones identity knowing this Shakespeare cleverly uses the art of disguise in his plays along with
comedy for dramatic irony. Despite Othellos training as a soldier to identify the enemy on the
battle field, he lacks the perception to identify the enemy in his life. Iagos disguise as a friend is
validated by the mistaken identity of honesty and nobility Othello gives him. This lack of
perception enables Iago to manipulate Othellos insecurities without being noticed, leading to
Othello projecting the mistaken identity of the enemy on Desdemona. This lack of perception is
the foundation of the tragedy in the play. Othello wrongly sees Desdemona as the enemy, as she
harms his self-image of nobility and grandeur by cuckolding him. Seeing her as a threat to his
place in Venetian society, he is forced to kill her out of Justice, O balmy breath that does almost
persuade Justice to break her sword. All of this develops from Iagos mere disguise. (A good
attempt, but you still need to work on the preamble, and on structuring what needs to be
discussed. Also, temper your essay to discuss the issue, and not just provide endless background.

Also, Iagos disguise is not mere.)

Throughout the play Othello, Shakespeare presents many types of disguise to the

audience, from the main disguise of Iagos mask to the disguise of Othellos marriage (Is
Othellos marriage a disguise?) as well as Cassios relationship. The most prominent disguise is
the true unmatchable nature of Iagos actions, but other than that several other masks can be
revealed .Desdemona however lover the Moor to the end, even blaming herself for her own
death, rather than letting Othello be blamed. In this way her death was in vain, because all
through the play she fights to keep a love alive that was nothing but an illusion. Iago and Emilia's

relationship however is more "real" than that of Othello and Desdemona. They have not love, but
only lust, however they do not pretend, or try to create an (g.r.) disguise that there is anything
there that isn't (S.S.).
Emilia and Iago are constantly fighting, and it is very clear to the audience how they feel
about each other. With Othello and Desdemona however it is not so straight forward. Othello
creates for Desdemona an illusionary stat (sp) of comfort. Desdemona is forced to live with the
illusion that Othello still loves her. Not so with Emilia and Iago. Emilia is very well aware that
Iago does not love her, and so she lives in a harsh reality. With this we can see that a bit of
Othello and Desdemonas marriage was a disguise rather than simply infatuation as some
critics suggest. (How so? Evidence is needed.

What critics?


How was it infatuation?)

Othello prefers to create a mask for their perfect marriage father than at times admit
that there a miss of communication between them, he attempts to disguise the gaps in their
marriage rather than concede to reality.
Bianca and Cassio's relationship is also illusionary with some disguise. Bianca believes
that Cassio will marry her, and Cassio lets her live this illusion. When he and Iago are talking
about her, Iago says, "She gives it out that you shall marry her / do you intend it?" To this Cassio
does nothing but laugh, and then follows it up with laughing denials. Bianca is living in an
illusionary hope that Cassio loves her, just as Desdemona lives in an illusionary hope that
Othello still loves her. Emilia and Iago's relationship is the only "real" relationship in the play.
In this way illusion often disguises reality. Why is the Cassio/Bianca situation dramatically
significant to the overall issue of illusion?
Iagos disguise is however the most prominent disguise of all in the entire play as he is
absolutely double faced, and never says what he actually thinks. Rodrigo adds up Iago's entire
personality to perfection. "Faith I have heard too much; for you words and performances are no
kin together. the audience is able to see through the disguise that Iago has built up for himself,
but we are able to see what goes on in his mind through his soliloquy and aside. He is seen by

the other characters as an "honest" man, and is too often described as "honest Iago." Even
Cassio says "I never knew a Florentine more kind and honest." However, the audience knows
that Iago is not a person of this integrity in the least bit, but the other characters in the play are
not able to see past this disguise in reality. Iago himself says "Men should be what they seem"
and later says "I am not what I am." Sometimes it seems almost like Iago cannot see through his
own disguise. (How so? You need to clarify this statement. Dont you think that Iagos disguise
drives the play?)
Although Othellos lack of perception and sense of identity is quite apparent, Iago suffers
a parallel condition that is not as evident. His flimsy excuses to get revenge on Othello are
revealed to the audience, but they do not satisfy, because he know[s] not ift be true, But for
mere suspicion in that kind, Will do as if for surety. His motivations quickly lose credibility as
he carries on his revenge even after the fulfilment of his first (and only) goal, to demote Cassio
(not an acto of revenge) from lieutenant We have to question whether Iago himself knows his
motivations for revenge, or if he is disguising his love for disorder and chaos. Iago possibly had
credible reasons for revenge, but as his revenge grew he gave into his inherent malignity,
concealing it under flimsy reasons that do not stand to scrutiny. He is disguised in an unnatural
self and is unable as Shakespeare has presented to escape.
Some good points were made, but were then lost because you have to focus on the issue of
Disguise vs illusion as disguise. You also need better analysis using evidence, and quotes from
credible sources. You need to focus your thesis so that your discussion would follow. Please use
the template.
K= 7/12; A= 10/18 O=6/12 TOTAL= 23/40

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