Literature Assessment Othello

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Literature Assessment:

Joanna Fiddler
CAPE 2006
Question: Discuss the ways in which the playwright makes use of the device of disguise.
The common aim of playwrights of anytime or location is to captivate the audiences attention,
by doing this Shakespeare employs one of the many attention grabbers by using the device of
disguise. Shakespeare cleverly uses the art of disguise in both his tragedies and his comedies, in
order to employ a literary device known as dramatic irony, in which the audiences are aware of
something that the characters in the play are not (their identity). This leads to create tension in
the play and excites the audience. Build up to intro was good, but you still need to work on the
The ironic thing in Othello is not really what Iago says but from what the other characters say
about him, by calling him honest Iago the bold Iago and a very valiant fellow. Iagos
disguise makes the audience fearful for the other characters and causes them to play those who
suffer his wrath. He destroys Othellos friendship with Cassio, Othellos marriage with
Desdemona and influences him to kill Desdemona by convincing him that his wife had been
unfaithful to him with Cassio he himself, attempts to protect his disguise by stabbing Cassio,
Roderigo and his wife. Why is this issue useful in terms of appealing to the audience and
building suspense etc?
Othellos villain Iago is known as the most impressive master of deception because he plots with
consummative sophistication, carefully manipulating Othello (without any real proof) into

believing that Desdemona has been unfaithful. His understanding of the Human psyche is
phenomenal, as is his ability to orchestrate a complicated interweaving of pre-planned
scenarios. As stated in a website, because Iagos deception is potent because of
his patience, his intrinsic love of elegant manipulation. 1. Sentence structure and 2. Explain why
this is significant to the issue of disguise.
A classic example of manipulation was taken from 1:3 429-433 But for my sport and profit. I
hate the Moor, and it is though abroad that twixt my sheets He has done my office. I know not if
t be true, But I for mere suspicion in that kind Will do as if for surety. Iago wants to destroy
Othello because he tells us that he hate the Moor because he heard rumour that Othello has
been hooking up Iagos wife Emilia twixt (Iago) sheet but because Iago is so cunning it is
difficult to actually believe if what he was saying is actually true. Okay, so this was manipulation
but does it speak of the importance and art of disguise?
Another act of disguise in Othello is an act of hatred which was displayed by Iago which can be
seen from the audience only. Hatred is supposed to have a cause, some concrete event or even an
insult that inspires a lasting rage. But Iagos motivation of hatred seems to be eluding any
reasonable definition. His hatred and determination to destroy his boss, Othello, with reasons
giving for anger that Othello did not promote him or jealousy that Othello might hav slept with
Iagos wife. Iagos loathing has been famously called a motiveless malignity that redefines our
understanding of hatred, making it seem a self-propelling passion rather than the consequence of
any particular action. I need to see evidence that supports this view.

To conclude, Iagos ultimate deception is not of Othello, Cassio or Roderigo but the audience,
because he refuses to tell Othello his motivation in Act 5, where he is also refusing to tell us.
Conclusion still needs work
You essay needs more meat. You still need more examples and a better explanation to go deeper
into the analysis of your work. Please use the essay templates and try to expand your essays with
evidence from multiple sources.
K= 6/12; A= 8/18; O=6/10 TOTAL =20/40

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