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Ocean Davidson

Discuss Desdemonas domestic nature and the part it plays in the tragedy of the
play Othello
The women of Shakespeares play always have an important role as he puts emphasis on
their character the women often do impact the male protagonist, just as Romeos unconditional
love for Juliet and the result it brought the two makes it no difference from Shakespeares
Othello, Othellos love and jealousy with regards to his wife is what makes this play a tragedy. It
is because of Desdemonas domestic nature which brings her to her death and the breakdown of
her husband, minus the villain of the play Iago. Desdemona has high spirits, obedient as a wife,
shes straight forward and happens to be the most honest speaker of the play. In Cyprus
Desdemona continues to fulfil her duties (domestic) and marriage has brought her so much
happiness to the point where she finds it unthinkable ( Thesis needs a better design. What exactly
is her domestic nature? ) that her husband has turned against her or to even question her chastity.
As a wife to Othello Desdemona was The Perfect/Good Wife to the eyes of the
audience and to the people of the Venetian society but it began to fade slowly through the eyes of
Othello all because she was trying to be the good wife who put her nose in business where it
didnt belong. If Desdemona didnt encouraged (grammar) her friendship with Cassio (a single
man or a womanizer) and tried to convince her husband to give him back the job as lieutenant
then Iago would not have gotten the evidence he needed to prove his lie. Not only did she
attempt once but Desdemona annoyed her husband (how so?)Act 3 scene 3 Desdemona: Yes,
Faith, so humble, That he hath left part of his grief with me to suffer with him, good love, call
him back.
Othello: Not now, sweet Desdemona, some other time.Desdemona: Shallt be tonight,
at supper.Tomorrow dinner then...Why then tomorrow night, Tuesday morn or Tuesday
noon, on Wednesday Morn! I prithee name the time, but let it not Exeed three days. It is here
that Desdemona has forgotten her domestic role as a female, a wife and especially the wife of a
general in the army. Not to mention earlier in act 2 scene 1 where Iago begins to plot to himself
after Cassio held Desdemonas (married) hands : Iago (aside).... He takes her by the
palm. Ay, well said, whisper! With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio.
Ay, smile upon her, do, I will gyve thee in thine own courtship. You say true, 'Tis so, indeed.

This is the beginning Desdemonas domestic nature and her part in the tragedy of the
play, because of her innocent nature and naive to some extend (gr) childlike mind she sees
nothing wrong with her behavior as a wife which is what made it unthinkable thats her husband
would turn against her. She is also unable to realize that it is her behavior towards Cassio which
is further contributing to Othellos anger. She does not seem to think about her actions; instead
she simply behaves exactly how Iago thinks she will based off her predictable nature. She was
blinded by her idea of what was right for her friend, and that caused her to not take into account
what was right for her husband, it was her characters naivety which allowed Iago to manipulate
almost everybody and drive the story forward into the tragedy it was meant to be.
You needed a deeper analysis and a better essay structure. It seems that you only just started.
Much more was needed.
K= 6/12 A= 9/18 0=5/10 TOTAL = 20/40

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