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1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 BURNT RANCH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS -Monday, March 14, 2016 Regular Meeting - 4:00pm Burnt Ranch Elementary School 251 Burnt Ranch School Rd. Burnt Ranch, California AGENDA Formal Opening 11 Call to Order 12 Additions or Changes to Agenda Public Communication: Persons wishing to address the Board on any item except personnel are invited to do so at this time. In the interest of time and order, presentations from the public are limited to 5 minutes per person, per topic. Please state your name and address before speaking. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the agenda there shall be no action taken. The Board may 1) acknowledge receipts of the information; 2) refer to staff for further study; 3) refer the matter to the next agenda. Accept Open Session Agenda Motion. Second Vote. Consent Agenda: The following consent agenda items are considered to be routine by the District Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member so requests, in which even the Items will be considered following approval ofthe Consent Agenda 4.1 Minutes - February 8, 2016 4.2 Warrants - February 4% ~ March 94, 2016 Reports 5.1 Superintendent 5.2 Business 5.3 Enrollments and Attendance 5.4 Staff 5.5 LCAP Update Correspondence 7.0 General Business 7A 72 73 74 75 76 27 78 79 7.10 741 742 7.13 714 715 Discuss Developing a Facilities Master Plan* Review/Approve retaining a school facilities consulting service to assist the District with its school facility program eligibility updates and funding for its projects. Review/Approve Resolution 2016-08 Facilities Bond Act of 2016 Discuss updates on Prop 39 projects * Review/Approve 2nd Interim Budgets ‘Accept resignation from classified staff member Review/Approve updated certificated teacher salary schedules Review/Approve 2016/17 Business Services Contract with TCOE Review /Approve 2016/17 Technology Service Agreement with TCOE Review/Approve 2016/17 Trinity County McKinney Vento Homeless Services Review/Approve 2016/17 Escape User Agreement Review /Approve 2016/17 Trinity County Cooperative Centralized Services Agreement Review/Approve 2016/17 Superintendent Contract* Review /Approve purchase of new commercial dishwasher for cafeteria* Review/Approve Educator Effectiveness Expenditure* 8.0 Future Business 9.0 Adjourn “indicates that there is no attachment for this item. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Drews Ht | BURNT RANCH SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS .Monday, February 8%, 2016 Regular Meeting - 4:00pm Burnt Ranch Elementary School... 251 Burnt Ranch School Rd, Burnt Ranch, California. MINUTES: Formal Ope iB 1.1 Katherine Bauer-Helwig called the meeting to order at 4:00pm 1.2 There were no additions of changes to the agenda The board adjourned to closed session at 4:10pm. 21 Personnel (pursuant to government code §54957): Consider the appointment, evaluation of performance, discipline or dismissal of a public employee. The board returned to open session at 4:22pm The board reported out that it had voted for Resolution 2016-07 Resolution of Release and / or Reassignment of Certificated Administrative Employee Public Communication: Persons wishing to address the Board on any item except personnel are invited to do so at this time. In the interest of time and order, presentations from the public are limited to 5 minutes per person, per topic. Please state your name and address before speaking. In accordance with the Brown Act, unless an item has been placed on the agenda there shall be no action taken. The Board may 1) acknowledge receipts of the information; 2) refer to staff for further study; 3) refer the matter to the next agenda, The Open Session agenda was accepted in a motion by Cyn Van Fleetand Seconded by James King; Unanimous Consent Agenda: The following consent agenda items are considered to be routine by the District Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of ‘items unless a Board member so requests, in which even the items will be considered following approval of the Consent Agenda 7.4 Minutes - January 11%, 2016 Passed by Consent 7.2 Minutes - February 1s, 2016 Passed by Consent 7.3. Warrants - January 7" - February 3", 2016 Passed by Consent 8.0 9.0 10.0 Reports 81 Superintendent Kathleen reported that the 8'" graders attended college day at HSU, the students learned a lot and enjoyed the experience. The boys’ basketball team continues to practice and play games with local school. ASES program fiddle club is meeting on Tuesday afternoon and Art Club is meeting on ‘Thursday afternoon. Math Club with Mary, Cooking Club with Lacy, Science Club and History Day Lab is also meeting once a week. The garden club met in January and will have a work party on February 26". The School Readiness Group held an Open House on February 4 to share information and ideas about the playgroup. On February 1* Kristi Kilgore led a workshop for the teachers based on concepts from the new math curriculum. 8.2 Business Jeff Caldwell could not attend but will be at the March meeting. The school received the outstanding insurance payment from a former board members estate and it can now be removed from the lost revenue status. 8.3 Enrollments and Attendance Enrollment is at 96 and ADA is 94.75% 84 Staff Kristen Peckham and Ariel Smith attended county collaboration workshops. Krysty Kilgore and Kathleen Graham participated in FRISK (staff evaluation) training. 85 LCAP Update Many areas of the plan are being implemented. The Site Council reviewed it and made suggestions and comments. We will continue to update, adjust and add to the plan. Correspondence No Correspondence General Business 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Review/Approve 2014/15 Safety Plan Analysis Approved in a motion by Cyn Van Fleet; Second James King; Unanimous Review/Approve discarding library materials* Approved in a motion by James King; Second Charis Stockwell; Unanimous Accept Letter of Resignation from Certificated Employee Approved in a motion by Cyn Van Fleet; Second James King; Unanimous Review /Approve Notice of Request for Proposals REP for lighting changing to LED coming out of Prop 39 money Approved in a motion by Cyn Van Fleet; Second James King; Unanimous Review/Approve 4" Grade Trip Agenda 2 day & 1 night trip Approved in a motion by James King; Second Charis Stockwell; Unanimous 10.6 State Modernization Discussion and Possible Action* Resolution tabled until next month. Superintendent asked to produce lists of firms to develop facilities and a master plan 10.7 Discussion Regarding Van Replacement* The board discussed replacing the vans. 11,0 Future Business The Next meeting will be held on Monday, March 14% at 4:00pm 12.0 Adjourn to Closed Session at 5:16pm 12.1 Superintendent Evaluation 13.0 Return to Open Session at 6:00pm 14.0 Report out from Closed Session ‘The board reported that the Superintendent had been evaluated. 15.0 Adjourn at 6:05pm “Indicates that there is no attachment for this item. Cr ‘Check Number ‘5192087 ‘5192088, ‘5192080 ‘5192090 192001 ‘192002 5192008 192004 5192005, 5192096 5192357 5192358, 102250 192360 192961 197962 5192363, 5192364 5192365 192268, 192967 192368, ‘192260 192370 si2371 97972 si92a73 s9zs74 ‘192375 st924ss 92467 592468 192460 ‘192470 ‘192471 sig2ar2 92473 ‘192617 5192618 si92610 ‘192620 ‘192621 ReqPay12a Date ‘ozton0%6 onon016 ozto2016 ozno20%6 ozton0%6 ozorz016 ozto20%6 ozton0%6 ozton0%6 oznoro:6 242016 orear2016 242016 o2rea2018 o2r242016 2242016 o2p2a20%8 2242016 2242016 2242016 o2reaz0%6 2242016 oar2a2016 o2reuz0%8 o2reaz018 o2r242016, o2i2420%6 o2r2a2016 o2rze2016 0310272016, osio2r20%8 oao2r01s asio22016, osio272018, 0310272018, osio22018 310272016, osiosr2016 asioar016 osioer016 sioa2018, o3iosr2018, Melee eed Pay to the Order of Robin J. Oummer Mary A Matioks Lacy L. Duncan Calfrnia Dept of Eduation Employment Development Dept ‘Mendes Supply Company ‘uit “Tonts Trash Varsity ee Cream ‘ilo Creek Ace Hardware Casey Goyer Arar camoora Coast Cental Cred Union Design Air cola Lozano Smith, LLP Pacific Gas & Electic oui 8.8 Food Satos Stato Board of Equalization ‘Shasta Tr Schools In Dania ‘Shasta Tr Schools ns Mecca! ‘Shasta Tr School ns Vision “Tops Super Foods Verizon - Playgroup Verizon Caiforia ‘Verizon Wireless ‘Weavervile Gas & Son Burt Ranch School Disct PTO oF. Kilgore ‘ACSA Lozano Smith LLP Mountain Marketplace North Coast Laboratories ne 'SYNCBIAMAZON Wilgus Fire Histone ls Sacramento Foundation Burnt Ranch Revolving Fund Mendes Supply Company Pacifle Gas & Electric Potake Ave Hardware “The proooding Checks have been issued in accordance wit the Disirct's Poly and authorization othe Boars of Trustees. tls recommended tha the preceding Checks be approved. jurnt Ranch Elementary Sch Dist 301 dowo WL Board Report Fund Exponsed ‘Check Object ‘Amount Amount 01-4300 65.26 01-4300 wra8 01-8200 5780 7488 01-8200 4aot 13.4700 67.60 01-3502 67.30 01.4300 251.98 01-4300 3659 01-8550 228.98 19.470 964.68 01-4900 1290 01-4300 1000 or-5000 2043 3043 01-5020 101.86 01-5520 gar.t2 01-4300 20081 01-5200 jesus 8144 01-8800 29,484.00 ot4300 199.92 of-5850 1131.98 oF-5510 228253 ot4300 20 13.4700 76038 01-5580 1575 07-9680 1378.00 01-9580 1351200 07-9580 396.00 13.4700 136.28 01-5020 65.64 01-5920 5283 01-5920 +1008.70 01-8600 21831 14900 7340 14300 370.08 01-6200 200.00 570.03 01-8300 400.00 01-8850 44.00 13.4700 21246 07.8560, 475.00 07-4300 98 14900 1129 06000 200.00 21129 5800 65.00 01-6800 222.00 01-4300 2281 ovss10 228253 4900 2571 ESCaPe ONT Page of2 ‘Generated for Katie Willems (KWILLIAMS), Mar 92016 2:16PM RegPayt2a Board Report Creme eed Se al ek Seed — cana apis Coan ou ‘roe Stet DROS Tons an once ‘east fteoes ——_gananole Tiny i teaetan ons fonee Sieass ——«SanMantsyouna oxsese ms Sever Sana ace con wean one fieoms ganas ones uses Siena «Sanaa Whow iets Hace eed ona enimerctonee 8 BT Fund Summary a checkout __Expereed Amount a a OT SORT ean cal Raane ; ee ee cess Less Unpaid Sales Tax Liability 20. ttre Am sama ‘The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the Distr’ Policy and authorization E ofthe Board of Trustees. Its recommended that the preceding Checks be approved. 201 - Burnt Ranch Elementary Soh Dist Generated fr Kate Willams (KWILLIANS), Mar 92016 2:16PM sum FL , 2230 16) 44.0086 Jack Schreder & Associates, Inc. Zeranens, 0a Ota ote School Facilities 95816-4923, \ March 8, 2016 Kathleen Graham, Superintendent Burnt Ranch Elementary School District PO Box 39 Burnt Ranch, CA 95527 Re: Proposal for School Facilities Consulting Services Dear Kathleen: For the past thirty years, Jack Schreder & Associates has worked with districts throughout California to obtain construction and modernization funds, complete facilities plans, prepare demographic and student generation studies, and implement local funding programs which include mitigation and bond measures. We have been very active in the School Facility Program implementation process, and have an excellent understanding of the program application requirements. Because of our experience and expertise in the application process we are able to interpret the impact of the new regulations on District eligibility calculations. ‘The School Facility Program (SFP) provides funding for new construction projects on a 50/50 state and local sharing basis and funding for modernization on a 60/40 state and local sharing basis. Planning funding is only available for districts that qualify for financial hardship assistance. All or a portion of district contributions are paid by the state for districts that qualify for financial hardship assistance. The State Allocation Board will only approve project construction funding upon the filing of Division of State Architect (DSA) and California Department of Education (CDE) approved final plans. We work with districts to determine SFP eligibility, obtain SAB approval of eligibility and facilitate timely preparation of plans to secure SAB funding approvals. ‘The enclosed proposal provides assistance with the State School Facility Program to assist the District with securing State Allocation Board approvals for eligible facilities funding, These services would be provided as needed by the District at the rate of $145.00 per hour. If acceptable, please return one signed Agreement to our office. March 8, 2016 Page 2 We would welcome the opportunity to utilize our experience to assist the District in meeting its facilities planning needs. Please call if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Jack Schreder Enclosures PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT FOR SCHOOL FACILITY CONSULTING SERVICES for the BURNT RANCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT Prepared by: Jack Schreder & Associates, Inc. 2230 K Street Sacramento, California 95816 (916) 441-0986 CONTENTS. PURPOSE SERVICES CONSULTING FEES SIGNATURE PAGE. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CLIENT LIST. STATE SCHOOL FACILITY PROGRAM PURPOSE OF SERVICES ‘The planning, funding, construction, and modernization of school facilities involve many complex issues, Due to the frequent changes in State school facility legislation, it is time and cost effective to be represented by a consulting firm based in Sacramento that is experienced in the many aspects of school facility planning. Since 1980, Jack Schreder & Associates, Inc. has provided over 350 California school districts with experienced school facility consultation. Jack Schreder & Associates, Inc. will provide the Burnt Ranch Elementary School District with assistance in applying for school facility funding through the State School Facility Program. Our services include the following: Approval of Eligibility 1. Obtain from the District facilities and enrollment information required to determine the amount of state modernization and new construction grant funding eligibility under the School Facility Program (SFP). 2. Review and analyze District data to support District applications for the maximum modernization and new construction eligibility and funding approval. 3. Prepare required enrollment and facilities reports for District review and approval to file with the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) to seek approval of modernization and new construction eligibility. Prepare annual updated enrollment and facilities reports as needed or required. 4, Submit modernization and new construction eligibility applications to OPSC for approval by the State Allocation Board. pproval of Funding 1. Work with the District staff, project managers, and architects to establish timelines for completion of plans and state agency approvals to maximize the opportunity for funding approvals and mect the construction timelines and financial needs of the District. Assist District with determination of project scope in order to secure maximum project eligibility and funding approvals. Tack Schreder & Associates, Inc. - March 8, 2016 ‘Schoo! Facility Consulting Services Proposal/Agreement Page 2 Complete application for funding for District review and approval. Assist the District in securing timely State Allocation Board funding approval upon filing Division of State Architect and California Department of Education approved final project plans with OPSC. Other Facility Program Funding Options 1. Assist District with application for all eligible new construction and modernization “additional” and “excessive cost” grant amounts per SB 50 regulations. Assist District with Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) prevailing wage requirements on public works contracts. Assist District with application for SB 50 Financial Hardship funding if the District cannot meet the required financial obligations to receive state grant funding. Assist District with application for Facility Hardship Grant to rehabilitate or replace classrooms and related facilities in accordance with SB 50 regulations. Assist District with the preparation of Program Expenditure Reporting Requirements. Assist with preparation of the Expenditure Report forms and Progress Report. Assist with preparation of required Program Accountability Progress Audit. Assist District with preparation of Deferred Maintenance application and required documentation. Assist District with preparation of Emergency Repair Program application and required documentation. Assist District with application for SB 1795 and/or AB 16, Joint Use, library, multi-purpose, gymnasium funding per SAB approved program requirements. Tack Schreder & Associates, Inc. ‘Schoo! Facility Consulting Services Proposal/Agreement ‘March 8, 2016 Page 3 CONSULTING FEES ‘The District shall pay the Consultant at the rate of $145 per hour for services outlined in this Agreement. ‘The Consultant will provide services as needed and requested by the District. Services will be documented and invoiced on a monthly basis. The scope of the work necessary to complete the services listed in this Agreement is dependent on the availability and quality of the District's enrollment and facilities information and Subject to SB 50 regulations. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS The Consultant shall be reimbursed as follows: 1. Necessary visitations to the District by the Consultant will be reimbursed on an actual and necessary basis. Reimbursed visitations shall have prior approval from the District. 2. Reproduction of documents shall be the responsibility of the District. If the District chooses, the Consultant will provide duplicating services on an actual cost basis. 3. Express mail expenses will be documented and reimbursed to the Consultant. 4. Application filing fees and other state required fees are the responsibility of the District. ‘Tack Schreder & Associates, Inc ‘March 8, 2016 ‘School Facility Consulting Services Proposal/Agreement Page 4 This Agreement is between Burnt Ranch Elementary School District and Jack Schreder & Associates, Inc. Kathleen Graham, Jack 8. der Superintendent Jack Schreder & Associates, Inc. Burnt Ranch Elementary School District 3/8/16 Date Date Tack Schreder & Associates, Inc. ~~ March 8, 2016 School Facility Consulting Services Proposal/Agreement Page 5 SCHOOL FACILITY Professional Services Proposal for: School Facility Consulting Services Burnt Ranch Elementary School District para as erg Croce a SCHOOL FACILITY Letter of Transt February 17, 2016 Ms. Kathleen Graham Superintendent/Principal Burnt Ranch Elementary School District PO Box 39 251 Burnt Ranch Road Burnt Ranch, CA 95527 Subject: Proposal for Services Dear Ms. Graham: We appreciate the opportunity to present you with this Proposal for Consulting Services to assist the Burnt Ranch Elementary School District with its facility program. We look forward to assisting the District with its School Facility Program eligibility updates and funding applications. SFC has extensive experience in assisting small Districts obtain the maximum funding for its projects. SFC is very experienced in providing creative solutions for districts: Y We have extensive experience in obtaining multiple funding sources for single projects. ‘©. State School Facility Program © Proposition 39 Energy Funding © Developer Fee Justification Studies and Mitigation Assistance Y We assist clients to determine the optimal project prioritization based on funding availability. Y We work to maximize project savings allowing quicker access to State funding and more flexibility with State funding to match local needs. Y We assist small Districts with a review of financial hardship funding and other funding augmentation specifically available to small districts available through the School Facility Program. Now is the perfect time to evaluate State funding as recently, a $9 billion State School Bond initiate has qualified for the November 2016 ballot as @ potential funding sources for the District's planned facility projects. | believe SFC can assist the Burnt Ranch Elementary School District (District) to maximize the State funding available for the Districts facility needs. We very much appreciate your consideration of our firm and are happy to discuss in detail any of the information contained in this proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience witiy any questions. Pettler Vice President I ee SCHOOL FACILITY TAS Experience and Qualifications ‘School Facility Consultants (SFC) has assisted its clients in all aspects of school facility funding and planning since 1986. We have worked with clients to realize over 2 billion dollars in school facility funding including new construction, modernization, and renovation projects. Our knowledgeable staff understands the intricacies of the planning and funding process in California, including the procedures and requirements of the California Department of Education, Office of Public School Construction, Division of the State Architect, Department of Toxic Substances Control and California Energy Commission. Our competent, professional staff is dedicated to helping school districts acquire maximum facilities funding. With decades of combined experience in a wide range of school facility issues, we at SFC are committed to integrity, professionalism and excellence in all that we do. We comprise a diverse group of motivated individuals guided by the shared endeavor of applying analysis and strategy to achieve concrete results for our clients. = At SFC, we offer a full-range of comprehensive services and work closely with clients to become a seamless extension of facility teams. Based in Sacramento, our consulting teams are active in the implementation, analysis, and monitoring of State programs and regulations. We have developed strong working relationships with state agency staff members and bring a deep understanding of facility planning to each of our client's projects. SFC's team structure provides its clients with reliability, accessibility and a broad knowledge base. The SFC partners maintain direct involvement with clients through regular communications with the consulting teams maintaining strong connections between consultants and clients. A Senior Consultant serves as the primary client liaison and manager of each client's project issues. Additional consulting staff is available on the team to provide additional support, research, and production of work product. Team Leaders manage workload and troubleshoot potential issues for the team. The team approach ensures that a consultant is always available to provide immediate assistance to clients. By working collaboratively, our consulting team members contribute their individual expertise toward an extensive and comprehensive knowledge base that addresses the unique needs of individual clients. SFC was built upon its strong values, culture, and work ethic. These qualities make for a highly effective and successful work environment for its staff, promoting teamwork and providing valuable opportunities for individual employee growth potential. This positive environment encourages productivity, and allows for the highest level of service for its clients. I-| SCHOOL FACILITY Proposed Scope of Services As the Burnt Ranch Elementary School District is a very small district, SEC proposes to assist the District position itself for potential State funding from the State’s Financial Hardship Program. Financial hardship assistance is available for districts that cannot provide all or part of their funding share of a School Facility Program project. To receive financial hardship assistance, a district must have made all reasonable efforts to raise local funding and must also demonstrate that itis unable to contribute all or a portion of the matching share requirement. In order to be eligible to apply for financial hardship status, the District must meet the following legal requirements: . 1. Lewy the maximum developer fee allowable and 2. Have a total bonding capacity of $5,000,000 or less In addition, for a district to receive financial hardship assistance, all local facility funds available to the district must be counted as part of the district's local match requirement. Once approved for financial hardship, project costs must fall within the State allowances. Based on our understanding of the work needed by the District we propose that SFC provide the following services: © Review, prepare and submit documentation required to update and maximize the District's current modernization eligibility under the State School Facility Program: ‘© Review site diagrams for square footage, classroom counts and age of facilities + Review current CBEDS enrollment data Prepare and submit SAB 50-03, Eligibility Determination forms © Review District's eligibility for Financial Hardship Funding under Schoo! Facility Program (SFP) regulation section 1859.83(c) ‘©. Prepare, submit and monitor State Allocation Board Modernization project design applications projects as determined by the funding opportunities identified + Work with project team to maximize the amount of the funding request for the Modernization or New Construction project «SAB 50-04, Application for Funding and justification documents ‘© Assist District with planning services, as requested by the District, and as accepted by SFC. I-| SCHOOL FACILITY Proposed Fee Structure For services outlined SFC proposes to bill services on a time and materials basis at the rate schedule below not to exceed $5,000 without prior District approval. Actual costs may vary based on project specifics level of assistance requested by the District. If it becomes necessary for a Consultant from SFC to visit the District, the District will pay for travel time at the rate schedule below. The District will also reimburse SFC for all necessary and pre-approved travel expenses. SFC Hourly Rate Schedule \ Principal $210.00 per hour Director $195.00 per hour Senior Consultant $185.00 per hour Consultant $165.00 per hour Research Analyst $135.00 per hour Administrative Support $80.00 per hour SCHOOL FACILITY School Facility Consultants Contract for Services with Burnt Ranch Elementary School District This document represents an agreement between, Burnt Ranch Elementary School District herein referred to as the Client, and School Facility Consultants, herein referred to as the Contractor. For the remuneration stipulated, the Contractor shall provide the following se ° ° Review, prepare and submit documentation required to establish and maximize the District’s current modernization eligibility under the State School Facility Program: * Review site Diagrams for square footage, classroom counts and age of facilities ‘© Review current CBEDS enrollment data ‘© Prepare and submit SAB 50-03, Eligibility Determination forms Review District’s eligibility for Financial Hardship Funding under School Facility Program (SFP) regulation section 1859.81(c ) Prepare, submit and monitor State Allocation Board Modernization project design applications projects as determined by the funding opportunities identified: © Work with project team to maximize the amount of the funding request for the Modernization or New Construction project * SAB 50-04, Application for Funding and justification documents Assist District with planning services, as requested by the District, and as accepted by SFC. For the services delineated above the Client shall pay the Contractor on a time and material basis at the hourly rate schedule below not to exceed $5,000 without prior District approval. The Contractor will bill the Client in increments of 15 minutes, and invoice on a monthly basis. The fees shall cover all normal business expenses incurred in Sacramento by the Contractor on behalf of the Client. Client agrees that if it becomes necessary for a Consultant from School Facility Consultants to visit the Client, the Client will pay for travel time per the rate schedule below. Client also agrees to reimburse Contractor for all necessary and pre-approved travel expenses, SFC Hourly Rate Schedule Principal $210.00 per hour Director $195.00 per hour Senior Consultant $185.00 per hour Consultant $165.00 per hour Research Analyst $135.00 per hour Administrative Support $ 80.00 per hour SCHOOL thane ona FACILITY conn ere Sosa urs-.0086 | The Client shall be responsible for reviewing and verifying all data included in documents, forms and reports prepared by the Contractor on behalf of the Client. The Client shall be responsible for meeting any certification requirements and shall be responsible for consulting legal counsel as related to the preparation and submittal of documents, forms and reports. It is understood that the Contractor shall function as an independent contractor without authority to obligate the Client for any indebtedness or other commitments. The Contractor will accurately and fairly represent the Client's position. During the term of this agreement, the status of those individuals performing the work stipulated in this contract may change, Changes to an individual's status may affect billing rates. The Client agrees to accept these changes. The Contractor agrees that any such changes in status will be reflected on the bill. The terms of the agreement shall remain in force unless mutually amended. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice. ‘ACCEPTED BY: Burnt Ranch Elementary Schoo! District Matthew A-Pettler Vice President ‘Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Date: February 17, 2016 Date. Kindergarten through Community College Public Education ilities Bond Act of 2016 Sample School Board Resolution Resolution 2016-08 WHEREAS, the California Constitution finds public education is a State responsibility in Article IX Section 5; and WHEREAS, Article 1 Section 28 states that public schools shall be safe, secure and peaceful; and WHEREAS, the State has met its constitutional responsibilities since 1982 by providing consistent State bond resources through programs contained in Division 1, Part 10, Article 12 and Article 12.5 of the Education Code; and. WHEREAS, the State is out of schoo! facility funds and carnot provide the State match for almost $2 billion in projects filed under current law; and WHEREAS, The Burnt Ranch School District has an estimated $1,000,000 in facility need, which may be partially funded by State bonds; and WHEREAS, the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016 provides for renovation and upgrade of existing classrooms, construction of new classrooms to accommodate growth, and for career teclmical education facilities to provide job training to meet the trained workforce needs of California's employers; and WHEREAS, the California unemployment rate is greater than the national unemployment rate; and. WHEREAS, 13,000 middle class jobs are created for each $1 billion in school facility infrastructure investment; and WHEREAS, these jobs will be created throughout California and will include almost all building trades; and Return to Aileen Dalen at the C.A.S.H. Office at adalen@mew-h.cont August 2015 WHEREAS, the new Local Control Funding Formula and Local Control Accountability Plan are intended to improve educational achievement for all students but do not provide dedicated facilities funding; and WHEREAS, quality 21st Centiny school facilities designed for student needs of today and tomorrow enhance academic achievement and further the State's academic goals; and WHEREAS, the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016 will not raise State taxes; and WHEREAS, the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016 State matching funds will reduce the need for additional local property taxes for schoo! facilities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that The Burnt Ranch School District supports the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016. Passed, approved, and adopted this SIGNED: 2 Return to Aileen Dalen at the C.A.S.H., Office at adalenam-w-hcom August-3-01E— sem 4 8 ‘ut Rareh Elementary DISTRICT CERTIFIGATION OF INTERIM REPORT +1 71062 0000000 “ny County Foto Pa Yas 20151 Fom et ‘and Standards, (Pursuant fo Education Code (EC) sections 33129 and 42130) Signed bate: _ Dist Sprit or Dennen NOTICE OF INTERIM REVIEW. All action shall be taken on this repon during @ regular or autharized special meeting of the governing board To the County Superintendent of Schools ‘This interim report and certfcation of financial condiion are hereby fled by the governing board ofthe scnooldltrit. (Pursuant to EC Section 42131) Meoting Date: March 14, 2018 Signed resin he Goveming Sou | CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL CONDITION X__ POSITIVE CERTIFICATION ‘As President of the Governing Board of this school district, | certily that based upon current projections tis strict wil meet is financial obligations for the curent fiscal year and subsequent wo fiscal years, ‘QUALIFIED CERTIFICATION {As President of the Governing Board ofthis school district. | certify that based upon current projections this district may not meet ts financial obligations forthe current fiscal year or two subsequent fiscal years. NEGATIVE CERTIFICATION ‘As President of tne Governing Board ofthis school cist, | certily that based upon current projections tis district wil be unable to meat its nancial obligations forthe remainder ofthe current fecal year oF forthe ‘subsequent fiscal year Contact person for additonal information on the inten report Name: Jeff Caldwell Telephone: 530-623-286) x224 Tile: Susiness Services Manager E-mail jealeweli@tcoek 2.009, _ Criteria and Standards Review Summary ‘The folowing summary is automatically completed based on data provided in the Criteria and Standards Review form (Form O1C8)), Ceteria and standards thal are "Not Mel” and supplemental information and additional fiscal Ingicators tnat are "Yes," may indicate areas of potential concer, which could aflect the interim report certification, ‘and shoulé be careluly reviewed, Not \CRITERIA AND STANDARDS . Met Met | 1 | Average Daily Allendance | Funded ADA for any of the curént rw subsequent fiscal years has T ‘0 changed by mare than two percent since fst interlm, x attr Depot Eauesion ‘SACS Finan Reprieg Sofware 701520 Fe ces oto) Pee 1012 Prnad si9n0%6 1098 AK ‘seiueo 3091 wenweW vor'se 9221009 3001 ‘sesea.ou1 wunyon pue dais ‘tes iq porous und Supe at “snus iou ew pus apesods wowounguray vy it9pe. ‘aininj a9 ut favow ov persiong 29894 89004 “Surseaisap popeydopun pue weuLae 9 anp BuBORIG — sATESL 4401 SHOR PLE enuanay, gos pcee voy ‘sunoo psonpay pue ary Buuride u gol anes © op 0) Baye ra 6 wousoins pareovanpuy ‘S102 te Sesser opesB Wig pve Ms 26sE) vaunoi43 so409 3094, ‘pew a9 0} Ava siuoussnipe BuO ‘Si UL ape! Wo@ 9} s! oven “nat S118 Busou yep 96ueK9 syouagiteies saunypusdsg “Suppunyweig ssoun.y aunsse you 3009 e007 040 ‘ayes fa pavoide und Buspuods 0) pa : 6c uousodoig #8005 ‘994 1084 Jsep94 Stylo? UI WedsUN ODE ES 5a voaeonp veut 9p iL “rperods useq wawenqussy ven ‘ep 01 seme we Aiedoid SI-PL way Auroo jo areus ui ‘ovesey 3401 anuanoy, won pug waseU =, wee wee vay o wou pereoednpur 6 wou rare OTST ‘wun puz weIUT :Suonduinssy Je6png wusyu] puz 9$-510z Pung [e12UE9 Koy 1d loousg AueuaWely Youey jwng copay ay asenoepsasessu ipa won pur 9482 + _—— = t =e t “aa © sume) gr-stoz 1esene wyow pve at 2iot Burnt Ranch Elementary School District 2015-16 (2nd Interim) Board Meeting Date: March 14, 2016 tices avee wstoest heaton fo Aalgned und Unsigned Enclne Fund Galnces Above the Minium Recommended Reserves dean Code Section £21273. rogues teat of heen that steneand unarigred ending od blaces above he mi ese Yer econrl cette lr ach ily ete re se aed sa nae gape ata Ton anes is 370/9725/9999 Foim Fone mows aus aura que Seton 1061-4 Gres and 01 GenwalranycounrSewelserie ne Standods sus valabie Reserve Arount sponsinas semua, srt Spec RsevebundtoOte Tha Cael EQuals Section 10C #5 7f Crtra and 2 Oat Pajete Sandor ists vale Reserve Amon sesso senis sioams2 Tera assened and Unasrd endng rend gual Section 16 Wo Cite and Standards acer Distt avaole Reserve Aunt suosaoee soromenss se 35058 ‘i tanta eter tee usr Ose Minar Revere for Econnie _aUaTsSecon 1089 of Crea and Standards Unceties Dil’ Rater Stands sans secon seman sein ge yb Neh sess, __soo.302 yngrs0| Jessie Forecast nino ase Tron Une oom Fant espn of Need ease sew aoxrat 01 Gwar Coa un Spe tae orusmse srs sree ot Gana rn 1 an na be oo a Free saenser sano022 somo eee ands antec a eel ees 12 Spe etre fo Non Capt re etre soci ein sesa0 seni to Ssateneess sorsoea1 soos sono] ehingUnibstantted Banc sa00 00 soo [Education Cade Section 42127 (a) requees a county superintendent to elther conditionally approve or disapprove a school elstrlt budget Ifthe dlstret doesnot provide for EC 42127 (22H) public review and discussion at Is public budget hearing. nant Rac 1-16 BURR 1-16 7 oe aes soe AP Woda ae February 22, 2016 Governing Board Members Kathleen Graham/Principal Superentendant Burnt Ranch Elementary School P.O Box 39 Burnt Ranch, CA 95527 Dear Governing Board and Kathleen Graham; Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation as the secretary at Burnt Ranch School as of February 28", 2016. 1am pursuing employment in the field of education in Sacramento California. Ihave enjoyed my employment with Burnt Ranch School and it is with sadness that | have had to make this decision. I will truly miss everyone and I thank you all for your understanding of this new chapter in my life, Warmly, Vf errea Yo hin Maureen Nelson AGREEMENT BETWEEN ‘TRINITY COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION AND BURNT RANCH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT ‘The Burnt Ranch Elementary School District agrees to contract with the Trinity County Office of Education for business office services for the 2016-2017 and pay the contracted amount indicated below. A complete description of business services provided to contracting districts is attached. Comprehensive Contract Options and Annual Contract Rates for 2016-2017. Annual Contract Rate for Payroll Services: 1% of Gross Payroll To be billed monthly based on each payroll period from July, 2016 through June, 2017 Annual Contract Rate for Budget Development: $12,125 To be billed annually for Budget Development 2016-2017 through 2016-2017 Closing Annual Contract Rate for Facilities Services: $53.74 per hour To be billed monthly based on monthly time accounting from July, 2016 through June, 2017 ‘The subsequent year contract will be negotiated no later than April 30 each year. ‘lfm 2 Llachoup da)nfiw ‘rity County Otis of Eaueaton Date County Superintendent of Schools Burnt Ranch Elementary School District Date District Superintendent/Administrator sam 44 Trinity County of Education TECHNOLOGY SERVICE AGREEMENT 2016-2017 This agreement is entered into on this date, by and between the Trinity County Office of Education (TCOE) and the Trustees of the Burnt Ranch School (District) for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The purpose of this agreement is to comply with Division 1, Part 11, Chapter 2 of the Education Code of the State of California ‘TCOE agrees to provide, and the District agrees to pay for services as outlined below. SECTION I - ERATEABLE SERVICE - $2,391. Internet Service Provider TCOE will be an Internet Service Provider for the district. Internet Service will include a connection to the Internet and Internet Access. TCOE does have an Internet content filtering system in place to assist districts in following CIPA guidelines and maintains a firewall between the districts and the Internet. Internet Access (erateable] © 25% of Technology Director shared by participating districts ‘* 100% Internet service provider access shared by participating districts SECTION Il - SERVICES NOT ELIGIBLE FOR E RATE - $705 Service can also include but is not necessarily limited to email services, web services and DNS services, perform anti-SPAM and anti-virus scanning of email hosted on TCOE servers. © Web Hosting $1,010 per participating districts © Email Hosting $505 base + $20 per user email based on active TCOE email accounts as of February 1 of previous fiscal year, i.e. for 2016-2017 it will be based on # as of 2-1-16. 0 $705 1-10 email accounts © $905 11-20 email accounts © $1,305 21-40 email accounts o $1,705 41-60 email accounts © $2,105 61-80 ‘email accounts oo $2,505 81-100 email accounts © $2,905 101-120 email accounts Trinity County Office of Education * PO Box 1256 * Weaverville* CA * 96093 SECTION Il - ALL OTHER TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT County office initiative training and support such as CalPASS Plus, National Student Clearinghouse will be provided by Trinity COE at no cost to the district. 2.40 hours of technology support will be provided to each district effective July 1 through June 30, 2017 ($1,862 value per district) 3. Additional hours of technology support will be based on availability @ $46.73 4. per hour. TCOE is implementing a service ticket request system and an electronic logging system. Districts will be provided with monthly logs for additional hours. 5, Technology services include but are not limited to: a. TCOE staff to model technology based instruction for teachers through direct instruction to students based on availability. TCOE sb, k,] |b. Countywide technology trainings . On-site specialized technology trainings based on availability. d. SBAC or similar on-line assessment assistance. e. Web page design, updating and maintenance for TCOE hosted websites f. Basic technology support such as printer/copier set up g. Deploying devices h. Device management such as google, google chromebooks, Ipads, whiteboards, i i k. and is not part of 40 hours Network design and/or implementation Computer maintenance and repair Technology consulting such as researching software licenses |. Server implementation and maintenance TCOE shall transfer 100% of Section | and Il contract amounts from the District in January, 2017. ‘TCOE shall transfer Section Il! amounts quarterly at the end of September, December, March and June. Unless notified by the district by March 1", this contract shall be automatically renewed each subsequent school year. In witness thereof, the school district board of trustees has approved this agreement. Bettina Blackwell County Superintendent of Schools Burnt Ranch School District, bia Mii) Date: February 19, 2016 Date Board of Trustees or Authorized Representative Atm IO Trinity County Office of Education Trinity County McKinney Vento Homeless Services for 2016-17 Agreement Between the Trinity County Office of Education and Burnt Ranch School District Trinity County Office of Education (TCOE) offers Trinity COE Homeless Liaison services: 4 Transportation of students and their caregivers to services 4% Advocacy ~ accompanying students and their caregivers to services including Eligibility, Social Security, Human Response Network, property managers, health appointments, school enrollments, school meetings, IEP’s and attorneys. Trinity County Office of Education (TCOE) upon request of DISTRICT until inventory Is exhauste ‘4 Provide to students essential school supplies, clothing and personal hygiene products District will Notify TCOE of DISTRICT'S intent to participate by April 1st for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. ‘4 Have DISTRICT Homeless Liaison or District Administrator request services by contacting the ‘TCOE Homeless Liaison. ‘4 Agree to pay TCOE reimbursement for Homeless Liaison hourly salaries and statutory benefits for time serving DISTRICT homeless students. DISTRICTS will be billed monthly. If this Agreement is not to be reinstated, the DISTRICT agrees to notify TCOE in wri before April 1, prior to the ensuing school year. In Witness thereof, parties hereto have set their hands on the date written. Trinity County Office of Education Burnt Ranch School District [oem conn ce nese Dobe ims ome Trinity County Office of Education 201 Memorial Drive * Post Office Box 1256 * Weaverville * CA * 96093 530-623-2861 * Fax 530-623-4489 Som F \\ TRINITY COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION P. O. Box 1256 * Weaverville, CA 96093 ESCAPE USER SERVICE AGREEMENT 2016-2017 This agreement is entered into on this date, by and between the Trinity County Office of Education (TCOE) and the Trustees of the Burnt Ranch Elementary School District (District) for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. ESCAPE USER FEES FOR 2016-2017 $2,000 FOR FIRST USER $0 FOR SECOND USER $0 FOR ADMINISTRATOR AT EACH SITE $2,000 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL USER Bettina Blackwell County Superintendent of Schools Burnt Ranch Elementary School District By Dovhuxd Board of Trustees or Authorized Representative Date: February 17, 2016 Date Admin, Assistant 304 ° K Williams Administrator Trinity County Office of Education (TCOE) will: Ae HEE # sum F.\2. Trinity County Cooperative Centralized Services for 2016-17 Agreement Between the Trinity County Office of Education and Burnt Ranch Elementary School District ity County Cooperative (Co-op) in accordance with state and federal rules and Conduct the Tr regulations Conduct at least bi-annual Cooperative meetings on relevant topics Provide timely and relevant State & Federal communications and updates by participation in the North East Regional Curriculum Committee (NERC), Regional System of District and School ‘Support, Region 1, (RSDSS), California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) and the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC), and regular State Categorical Program Director’s meetings Communicate with DISTRICT on new curricular, programmatic or fiscal requirements Provide regular administrative planning calendars Provide a master/digital copy of the Home and School Connection newsletter for parent outreach Provide on-site support and assistance by phone and email as requested Provide assistance with other plans associated the LEA, SPSA or SSD plan (e.g. LCAP, Safety, ‘Wellness, English Language Learner Plans) Provide Professional Development and personalized administrative support and assistance based on expressed needs, available schedules, and contracted trainings on special topics of interest to DISTRCTS related to: ‘© Program planning, evaluation and improvement Common Core training and implementation planning, Teacher PLCs, coaching and classroom learning walks Innovative Educational Design such as Personalized and/or Project-Based Learning Budgeting, carryover and Maintenance of Effort guidance State waivers for carry-over, Site Council make-up, etc Consortium pricing for common curricular needs Board policies School Accountability Report Cards Interviewing and hiring of new staff Recruitment assistance for hiring district administration Conflict resolution Data analysis Coaching of new administrators Professional development for all administrators ‘Access to a growing reference library relevant to administrators & teachers © 00000000000000 Trinity County Centralized Services Agreement, continued from page 1: If DISTRICT also chooses the Consolidated Application Services*, TCOE will: +k. Serve as the authorized representative for certifying all funds obtained through the Consolidation Projects Application 4 Complete or provide assistance as needed in completing the Winter & Spring Editions of, and any addendums, amendments or revisions to, the Consolidated Application through the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) L. Serve as the liaison between the DISTRICT and the California Department of Education regarding fiscal and programmatic compliance for all funds provided to the DISTRICT through the Consolidated Application +L Assist in the preparation for Federal Program Monitoring, and the resolution of outstanding compliance issues -LProvide assistance in writing LEA, SPSA or SSD Plans in accordance with the requirements of the funds obtained through the Consolidated Application +. Provide Site Council training (required of new members) in person or by DVD, as requested, to educate ‘members on compliance responsibilities District +. Conduct programs according to state guidelines, as required by state and federal regulation. Be responsible for fiscal and programmatic compliance for all funds received through the Consolidated + Application. 4 Provide necessary information and data needed for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of + + the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS) if needed Notify TCOE of DISTRICT'S intent to participate in the Co-op by February 28, 2016 for the period of July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 ‘Agree to pay TCOE a fee based on DISTRICT'S current year entitlements. Transfers will be made in January (50%) and May (50%) The following estimated costs are based on potential allocations and will be adjusted to actual allocations, ss7a |_| check box to accept © Cooperative Services (2.5%): Check box to accept © Consolidated Application Services (2.5%)*: $571 ‘© Notification not to participate was due by Dec. 15, 2016 and was sent to TCOE on “NOTE: As per Section 3945 of the CCR, districts who receive less than $75,000 in categorical funds, excluding carryover, ore required to ‘enter into 0 cooperotve withthe primary intent of securing assistance In opplying for and administering cotegorical programs. If this Agreement is not to be reinstated, the DISTRICT agrees to notify TCOE in writing on or before December 15, prior to the ensuing school year. In Witness thereof, parties hereto have set their hands on the date written. Trinity County Office of Education Burnt Ranch School District Ledtin 1 Plats utp /Saeecintendent of Teity County Schools Aaminisator Signature : bp ate Ome 700 SE yeu £I-91 dy U99 4009 papaya 5394 454 Win] wer wil 9 Wee CEs 3031] 359 WET CER 3004] 9859 jeez Swe sai Aivn| 9859 sz Sweet saw Awuu| tors ust Tevez RaieR OUAOA = woo THO Taien UeIaNON ONT sz S078 RMI 65| BAT est SOS Ta 65 505 sz Tete aqua AHL | S05 ust vieoz Tae Aun 07 use eet ToS we st eee DOSNT 902 ast ee ip woRsune| 302 ust Dee Tap woRDune eet “st ‘006° 7a se|6n0q] feet “st D068 Tip se[onog| 005 ust oa FAD 25] DOs ust TSE 38S 8009 1 sz eee (ue IUING| 1s st wate wouey suing| st ‘suawsqgu3 st squowenna men pasa ao, pasa C822 nig anzzi2do09) seoiaieg voneoiidd a zs9'se ste'T zct'er zo2's tse'y HoT Ov0'y z't Sob'e o00'T Roaas WLOL esv'se ossx's0 4298008 00000000070 suno:b8 8909 091 ° ° ° ex'sst ex'eor wes sss sunuanna ne eae a ET : EE Ea ETE EE TER WEE sav TSF BLE TWEET TER aE BEE = aS ag Ta | SE aE FEO SL aT TET Te TL Ta SVE a Tar Tew TE wa BSE SWZ TEE oS TS eB ae aT = TER OA] 7 7 SEW SE TB wee ad aS SEE RET a aay a aA RE Sa sono aiwatiss | AiNoauywtisa soz Snypsepin| - stozzadiose | stozsealose |. sto¢zeayose | reo. vino wen ans wpe ar | uoaeregain a ae || Miwbaipe, | cues vats Tau Tan Tan sani fsa oot aL ote er as < Ee “oe ‘S8DINIB5 POZI/EAUBD 10] anizereTo0D Ayiinon All / woreai daly PayepIOsToD un yon pasaysjujuipe spuns Wesbord 22/1082360 3383s Pue SjuaUWERAUE 9T-STOZ WO paseg feleped LTOZ-9TOT ACA

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