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Lucero Porras

Professor Hinojosa
Week 7
March 4, 2016
Annotation #4 (YouTube video)
Nerve, Social. Democratic Socialism. Online video clip. Youtube. YouTube, 19 Nov. 2015.
Web. 4 Mar. 2016
1) This speech that Bernie Sanders conducted was mainly about what being a democrat and
a true socialist is all about. Bernie brought up several examples about his topic such as
when Eleanor Roosevelt in the 1930s stood up against the ruling class or the economic
royalists during his time in office and implemented a number of programs that put people
back to work, took them out of dire poverty, and restored their trust in government. Also
abolished child labor implemented unemployment to fall back on and these examples are
brought up as socialist. Senator Sanders also includes how Lyndon B. Johnsons
programs and policies were considered to be socialist. He speaks on the
Medicaid/Medicare programs that were created to provide healthcare to the elderly as
well as children. What is the main argument? The main argument is that America needs
reform and change the Democratic Socialist way so that our children and grandchildren
can truly live free. How does the author back this argument up? Bernie sanders supports
his argument by comparing the fact that many countries on earth provide healthcare for
all of their people. He also uses numbers and figures in saying that 58% of our income
and taxes that we pay go directly to the top 1% of Americas wealthiest people.
Moreover, he argues that the U.S. government puts many people in prison over
possessing a gram or a few ounces of marijuana instead of putting the people in wall
street, the wealthy, and people in the banking system for avoiding to pay taxes and for
finding ways to hide and deposit their money in other places and islands in the world

without paying a single nickel of taxes. He also compares our country with most
countries on earth as far as education is concerned because Senator Sanders feels that it is
absurd that other countries around the world provide free tuition for the students of the
future and we the people of the United States owe trillions of dollars in tuition and
student loans. Does the author do a good job convincing you? In other words, do you
buy this argument? Bernie Sanders did a good job of convincing me and I do buy his
arguments simply because I mean I feel like Obama did not do anything during his
administration to make the country a better place to live in.
2) Explain what you think of this source 30-50 words. You liked it, hated it, was
confused etc. Explain why you think this. I liked Bernie Sanders speech I mean Im in
support of free tuition because I would have like to go to school and not worry about all
the debt I have. Also I owe money to the hospitals to the healthcare system and I havent
been able to pay them back and the last time I had free healthcare was when I was 18.
Moreover, the minimum wage is too low and the rent, the groceries, the utility bills,
insurance bills, phone bills, and the overall cost of living is just way too high for most
middle class working Americans. I say vote for Bernie Sanders because I do not think
Hillary Clinton will make much of a difference if not the same as Obama and Trump well
we should all put our faith in God or whichever God one worships.
3) Do you think you can use this source for your research? 50-100 words. Why or why
not? If yes, what parts would you quote? Provide page numbers please. If not, why
would this not work? I think I can use this speech for research because I can use all of
Senator Sanders words which originate to some degree from his own research and put it
on paper, on a graph, on a presentation, and even maybe a speech of my own to actually
compare it to the facts that Sanders stated in his speech. For example, during his speech

he states, 58% of our income, male or female, goes all the way up to the top 1% of the
upper class. He also says, if we are serious about rebuilding the American middle class,
if we are serious about reinvigorating American democracy we need to make a political
movement which once again is prepared to take on and defeat a ruling class whose greed
is destroying our.
I would definitely use Bernie Sanders speech as research because it sounds to me like he
is declaring war against all the people that have money and power and live at that top and
are so selfish and so greedy that the wealthy people would rather see their country in
poverty and see their bank accounts and revenue increase in value, at the expense of
students being trillions of dollars in student debt at the expense of a patient having to pay
a 5,000$ deductible to see a doctor or pay 150$ for a prescribed medicine.

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