Declaration of The Will of We The People

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We THE People And as Interim President on 23rd April 2016 Initiate and Declare the WAll of We THE People. General Dunford, to deal with the present question of the lawfulness of the Dejure Republic We ‘DRE People communicate this standing and authority for superior right and claim! Jt is being said that eight groups are claiming to represent the republic and General Dunford says fe isthe onky legitimate one to claim the republic. We say Nay! ‘Mow can we stand and say Way, simple, you Sir are creating a NEW Republique while we the people fave re-assemBled a dejure state that created a superior position over de facto per the Corpus juris Secundiem and further this was done with assemblies & grand juries supporting this process! ‘We re-ascembled and activated the original republic which was sitting vacant since 1861 waiting for a de jure state to send representatives and senators to occupy the seats, Sir, by the process of succession an Interim President was placed into the seat from a de jure congress. Str, I a ia ae fas od Us ct Asa dbl ee eo Ot ‘United Nations and many more received these documents showing proof of these actions. Furthernor, Wh ar De fore and cla the Repub for We THE trope Since the Hague is a corporation the United Nations is a comporation, why would we fave to Jilé any documents concerning the activation of an already existing superior entity with an inferior entity that was setup and owned 6y people wika encourage slavery! ‘Furthermore, the Hague fias no authority to decide the status of our nation as tt is an entity to settle international disputes, There is no dispute here Sir. We are the civilian authority based on the body of politic of We THE People, ‘Sir, I remind you that We THE People fave stated our rights, authority and rights to use that authority in our Gneage of documents in our publications to Your office and others. We Sir, do it ae ee er tat gives you the right onky mysterious filings af a NEW Sir, do you understand by forming a corporation filing in France you fiave just repeated the pattem that you and many others have worked to get rid of. By filing incorporation We THE People want to Rrow wlio are the owners, who benefits, wlio are the board of directors, is it for profit or not for profit, wlio are the share- holders, fiow many shares are there, ow many shares Bonc04 21 rite ac Page 1 of 8 ‘Wilf We DE ope are field, fow many shares are outstanding, Row many shares are available and ow can a corporation fave authority over ving breathing people? Sir, do you understand that a corporation is not.a government of the people, by the people or for the people. This is not the form of government promised to the people 6y the founders and it does not include self-governance, This is nat the type of government that We THE People are willing to agree too. Sirit is time you set aside and stop Gstening to the American Bar Association corporate attorneys and hear what We THE People are telling you. : The Red is general information from public venues~ ‘The Blue is the De jure Republic's response~ “1. The Rock: “I expect the UN Corp doing business as the IMF (which is merely doing-business-as the "UNITED STATES” and as the “United States Treasury”) to try to stick us with all their debts, because they are crooks and they naturally don't want to pay their own debts out of their own profits. They are basically trying to stage a repeat of what FDR did back in the 1930's when he got the clueless Americans to assume and pay the debts of the “United States of America, Inc." — a bankrupt privately owned and operated governmental services corporation — under conditions of constructive fraud and semantic deceit. ‘The actions of England, France, China and Russia and their attempt to divide the spoils of the bankrupt "United States of America, Inc.', "UNITED STATES, INC." are noted. AN their attempts to collect is based upon a fraudulent set of contracts entered into 6 a corporation and not the representation of the People's government. The De jure Republic that gave Notice to the ‘United Nation, the Embassies of China and Russia and Orders for Military action on 21 October 2012 is again serving "Notice" on the world that the Continent of North America is solely claimed, owned and occupied along with all the natural resources by We THE People. ‘The Nations of England, France, China and Russia are hereby "NOTICED and INFORMED" that your continued effort to divide up and claim ownership of We THE People's nation and their resources are mull and void. AU the high ranking military, corporate attorneys and rogue former defacto office folders who fave bargained and sold you commercial interests in We THE ‘People's land, mineral resources or economic national product and any other foot fold bargained for, fas been for naught. *[Special Note about the "New Republique": You may be have heard via a Mr." *Cottrell "that the French Government filed the paperwork to set up a “new Republic” for us in filings with the Hague. 2016.04.23 Initiate and Declare Page 2 of 19 the Wilf of We THE Geopte Now, why would we want or need the French Government to do that, when we have already done that for ourselves? Making reference to the Notice of 21 October 2012, the leaders of England, France, China and Russia Rave failed to determine "who" represents We THE People. England, France, China and Russian governmental leaders are being informed by the Lawful Interim President that we have extended you all. an invitation to contact us, It is our observation that you continue to talK and” negotiate with government services corporate agents that Rave infiltrated and are corrupt and: crooked, ‘We also observe the fact they are being sponsored by banker families who lack, conscious responsibility to fumanity and the environment. “The IMF and its parent, the UN Corporation, are chartered in France— and itis technically the French Government's fault that these corporations have been allowed to terrorize and bilk the entire rest of the world and to defraud the innocent people of the United States under color of law." “The French supplied the corporations and the British supplied the mechanisms to create this debacle —and at the end of the day, the rats who masterminded it all, have fled to China.” ‘The International Monetary Fund, a bank, and the United Nations are both Corporations chartered in France. This condemns the French government (and possibly the Paris Club) with the act of sponsoring political crimes against fumanity and supporting economic war on the people of the De jure Republic under the color of law. This tends to tell the world, we now Rrow the French government is complicit in the genocidal programs of the UN under agenda 21 now fnown as the sustainable growth agenda. According to sources, the most horrific state of affairs is that these criminals are now setting up in China. I as the Interim President of the De jure Republic to my counterpart in China, Please tell the world that China is not allowing this to fappen! This is counter to the stated ‘enlightened fiumanitarian" posture that China and its elders fave been saying to the world for years. If the French Government wants to keep a lid on things, they have to keep a French Corporation providing us with governmental services and forcing us to pay its bills. This is the “New Republique” that the Joint Chiefs have colluded with and which Paul Ryan is proposing to lead. The so-called “New Republique” is just as fraudulent as the rest of what has gone before and it still depends on a system of human enslavement and “bonds” and “I.O.U,'s” to pay for debts that we don’t owe. The American People have not been given full disclosure and have not accepted this contract and in fact—we have told Jacob Rothschild and the French Government, thanks, but no thanks, we have made other arrangements, notice of which is on file with the United Nations Secretary General. ‘The attempt to defraud We THE People through the nondisclosed actions of the French Government, the Joint Chiefs of staff, and Paul Ryan are not the political will of We THE 2016023 Ini nln ages of VA of We THE People People, We THE People are aware of the ‘present office folders" commuption and all these ‘persons and their puppet master Jacob Rothschild, GICW, Bush and other crime mongers efforts to try and implement another debt Ponzi scheme on the De jure Republic now and We THE People. There is also on file an order from the Interim De jure Republic for the United Nations Corporation to "vacate" the Continental united State of America. General Ban Kj- ‘Moon, do you remember! ‘The “New Republique” is just making us another offer to scapegoat us for the sins of criminals—an offer that wauld be to our everlasting detriment and to which we solidly object. We want and need no such masters-neither British Bunko Artists nor French Freemasons need apply. ‘The offer from the "New French Republique" for We THE People of the Continental united State of America to financially and economically support the world is hereby "REJECTED" and the British Scam Artists, French Freemasons, and their puppet master Jacob Rothschild, George HW. Bush and other efforts to control humanity in an egregious crime and those involved need to answer for crimes against humanity, *2. The Hard Place:* | expect the Federal Reserve banks to try to force us back onto the Gold Standard, because they have stolen and control all the world’s gold, and the only way they can realize truly obscene profits from that investment is if they succeed in making us trade in gold. ‘The re-assembly of De jure Republic is the restoration of a Constitutional Republic form of govemance. The Original Organic Constitution set a standard of commercial enterprise to be using silver. The coin most used 6y early colonist was the Spanish Silver Peso. This Coin was used as the model for the American Sifver Dollar. The colonist did not adopt the use of gold because the corporations of England would have claimed it under the company charters in (force at that time. ‘The theft of the world’s gold and fraudulent control of the gold by Federal Reserve Banks is « clear atterept to force the Gold Standard on the world including the De jure Republic and _forcing the People to trade and engage in commerce paying with gold controlled 6y them is a clever attempt to again enslave the world including De jure Republic with excess debt by controlling gold. ‘This clever ruse fas Geen known for a fong time and it has a solution that is stated in the Constitution for the united States of America, Mee onl etapa clever manipulation 5y corrupt corporate attorneys, bankers, corrupt politicians, industrial corrupt governments, percetved monopolies, ‘elitists that have fied and stolen the wealth of the Bel fie aete 2016.04.23 Initiate ond Declare Page $f 13 the WA of vk THE Crople *3, The Path Between:* | expect Americans to jerk awake and realize that their own national currency, the American Silver Dollar, is ali and ready to trade. The rats have not been able to corner the silver market, so that provides us with a Third Way—and the only way for us to both repudiate the odious debt and beat the Federal Reserve at its own game. ‘The De jure Republic is a Constitutional De jure Republic and the Constitution at Article J, Section 8, clause 5 states: To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and foreign Coin, and fix the standard of Weights and Measures, ‘These weights and measures of the dollar were defined 6y Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton as 371 and 4/16 grains of pure sifver or 416 grains of standard sifver, The US Dollar ‘was put into circulation in 1789 at these standards. Now that the leaders of England, France, (fina and Russia are all on Board with the pusfi for gold to be the medium of world trade the De jure Republic still has a Constitutional medium of exchange and we will demand that alf trade with the De jure Republic be made in Pure Silver Bullion. Tt for Tat, We won't accept federal reserve dollars nor the Chinese Yuan either and we will not settle trade with China in any medium other than Pure Silver Bullion, AU the English, French, Chinese and Russians can deal with the Federal Reserve Corporation to satisfy their Federal Reserve holdings with the corporate stock folders, they are the Goldman Sacks, Rockefellers, Lemans and Kufin Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the ‘Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; andthe Israel Moses Seifs of Rome. These Federal Reserve owmers have stolen the Worlds wealth and are held accountable by the De jure Republic. ‘We are not the same as the “United States” entity that has been ruining the whole Earth. We have in fact been victims of it ourselves. ‘On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 (as the world headlines will read it) the gold-backed Chinese Yuan will become available for trading on a new trading platform and all the disgruntled, disgusted, and many fearful investors will rush in to drink Jacob Rothschild’s Kool-Aid. ‘The "United States" that the world has been dealing with and who claimed to have represented ‘We THE People have been corrupt, greedy, fraudulent, extortionists, Gars, cheats, thieves, impersonators, actors who have taken advantage of the world to enrich the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lemans, Kuhn Loebs, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs, Rubensteins and more, ‘These "persons" are responsible for the world economic, health and human rights degradation and the world just goes on ignoring these causes of destruction, The De jure Republic is rejecting, revoking and countering their offer of continued debt enslavement with a demand for them to cease and desist or suffer the consequences of interment for the rest of their natural existence. 2076.04.23 Initiate and Oeclare Page 5 of 13 the lof We 108 rople Many people will do this in the firm belief that they are getting away from the Rockerfeller/Rothschild/Rubenstein Cabal, but they will in fact be vastly profiting the Cabal which has simply moved the focus of its operations to China with the blessings of the Chinese Government. "The Federal Reserve" *(which is not™ and never" was the American People or any part of our lawful government) “owed the Chinese Government a huge amount of gold and interest ever since 1928; the Federal Reserve never even bothered to pay the interest they owed, and in 2011, when Neil Keenan sued the rats, they pleaded bankruptcy protection. ‘The De jure Republic has no intention of Gowing to the Rothschild, greedy Chinese government agents and others whose plans to debt enslave the People of the De jure Republic. ‘The Federal Reserve, excorporate "United States of America, Int.', "UNTIED STATES, INC." office holders, Banksters and the shareholders thereof are responsible for the debt China and the rest of the world is owed 6y these cornupt greedy persons and they need to get their collection efforts organized correctly or be rebuffed By the De jure Republic. ‘Who are the parties to the contract and agreements? We THE People have never been shown that the Gold’ loaned the Federal Reserve Private Bank was for the Benefit of the De jure Republic, For a while, it looked like all the Chinese could do was (1) go to war or (2) take the loss. But... back in 2002, in a relatively minor suit brought before the World Court by Dr. Hendo Henderson and the Government of Sudan, the same rats were denied the option of claiming bankruptcy protection. The Chinese found out about that and the Federal Reserve was finally brought to justice. Even with justice delivered the Federal Reserve Owners bought the Chinese, Now the crooks and the endightened ones are working in concert to debt enslave the People of the world. However, human nature being what it is, the Chinese did not stop with mere Justice for themselves, and the Federal Reserve cut them a deal they ‘couldn't refuse: help us institute a gold-based monetary system and we will generate profits beyond your wildest dreams. ‘They bought Chinese government agents by making a deal that will force the rest of the world into debe slavery by instituting a gold-based monetary system controlled 6y the Federal Reserve and China's corrupt agents, Again the people of the world are subjected to the greed and avarice of the few. We THE People of the De jure Republic being Constitutional in form and substance fave d monetary system that will be implemented and maintained by lawful representatives. We THE People suggest and recommend the people of the world consider doing a similar action and take it out of the hands of the few and make it controlled 6, the peaple of the world 6y lawful international agreements. 20160823 inate an Oeclare age of 1 the Wi of Hk THE People “It's the same old story throughout history." The Good Guys catch the rats, the rats make them a deal they can’t refuse, the Good Guys become complicit in the crime-after-the-fact and embroiled in the whole web of lies. Onfy when the People of the world fold their public servants accountable on a daily basis, does the dishonest, comuption get ferreted out and eliminated. [Ch, one more thing about the Synagogue of Satan— they use your own virtues against you. They play upon your natural sympathies, your sense of fairness and justice, your desire to do the right thing.] ‘The basest desire of good people is to act fair and just and these criminals wlose character is the opposite will take advantage for their own selfish benefit So the Chinese accepted the proposition with honest enough intentions, agreed to set up the gold-backed monetary system, took the bait, and the Khazarians moved to China. This includés the present position of the supposed enlightened Chinese elders and otier supposed government agents who are claiming to be working for the betterment of humanity fave fallen prey to the greed in their souls, So much for being more enlightened then the rest of us poor unwashed heathens, really? The "Chinese Elders" (couldn't tell the truth and involve the official Chinese Government in such a shady deal, so the invention of the Chinese Elders became the First Lie) came forward and promised to release vast amounts of gold, freely, back to the world for the purpose of economic rebirth and humanitarian aid and infrastructure projects. Just as the Chinese got back what was lawfully theirs, they proposed that everyone else should be repaid, too. It now begs the question of whether the Chinese Elders are for reaf or a ruse to get the De jure Republic lulled into a state of trust so they can take advantage of an unseasoned group of people that are now takjng the reins of the De jure Republic. Either instance is of no consequence since the De jure Republic is seated with People that are aware of the corruption and have the discernment to take corrective action. But then, something predictably happened— or is happening. “Some Chinese got greedy behind the scenes.” A kind of madness sets in, in the presence of vast amounts of money, no matter who you are or how good your intentions are. They have started claiming (and indeed, other truly nefarious people have started claiming FOR them—sound familiar?) that all this Federal Reserve wealth— not just the Chinese portion of 2016.06.23 Initiate and’ Declare age Fof 15 ‘he YAM of He TIE @eople it—trightfully belonged to the Chinese alll along. The rest of the world had no part of it. ‘What the Chinese need to remember is that were it not for American intervention they would now be speaking Japanese. Let's just ignore the fact that the American People are now and always were the Priority Creditors of the Federal Reserve, that the Americans were grossly defrauded, and that this fact is recorded in literally millions of records...... ‘We THE People also remind the world of the fact that the People have always Geen the "Priority Creditors" and the Federal Reserve Criminals have failed to maintain the correct position and Pay the tax for every Gill they printed - as found in section 16 of the Federal Reserve Banking ‘Act - and fave stolen the Peoples property through fraud and deceit. This is a substantive record evidenced by the millions of records demonstrating the act of Identity Theft. ‘So, now instead of the Khazarian Mafia sitting snug behind the shield of the IMF dba “UNITED STATES” and the Pentagon, they are sitting behind the shield of billions of Chinese—- the point being, oh, Mankind, that the parasites destroying everyone and everything are still high and dry and buying everyone off and spinning lies that would make the Devil blush and preparing to realize 10,000% profits when everyone stupidly rushes to buy gold-backed Yuan next Tuesday. Ittsan observable fact: now that the Kfazarian Criminals are hiding Sehind Chinese government agents, their manipulation continues unchecked. The criminals are bxying off the (Chinese with the promise of even greater returns om the gold the Chinese Rave chosen to hoard” and profit with, instead of the promised fumanitarian relief. It isan observable fact: the Chinese where contacted by the World Trust managers to handle the Cabal that was trying to invade the Trusts. The Chinese accepted this task for pay aid fave to date failed to deliver the task of kandling the cabal and effecting the release of the trusts that were established for iumanity. While we have yet to be informed which Chinese are the factions contacted to perform this task the task is stalled and the De jure Republic has communicated with the Chinese Embassy who we are and that we have established the De jure Republic. “This will tank the value of the “US Dollar" and cause panic— but will also make the value of the American Silver Dollar which was, is, and always has been our actual national currency—soar in secondary silver markets." Indeed, modest old silver stands to make far larger percentage gains than gold. 2016.04.23 Iitiate and Declare Wage 8 of 15 the Wil of Wh THE People Please, do We THE People the great favor of making the "Federal Reserve Note" (chases in action) worthless. Please make our true medium of exchange soar in prominence and value the American Sibver Doflar.* *The Problem for THEM:* neither the IMF nor the Federal Reserve have the rights to our Silver Dollar. Their incorporated Boards of Directors operating as “Congresses” don’t have the authority to issue actual money in the name of the *States of America*—but we, the living Beneficiaries of the United States Trust, do. The American Sifver Dollar is the sols property of We THE People and is not controllable by the board of directors Known as congress nor the IMF Federal Reserve nor the bankster families named supra. “The Problem for us:* getting the word out to the rest of the world. The Russian and Chinese Governments have to be prodded to admit the truth —that the “United States of America® and the united “States of America* are not the same entities at all and never were. There are plenty of 'US Government” officials who deserve to be sacked or otherwise punished and even more members of the British Government French Government, too, but the American People are innocent victims of the same dirty schmucks who tried to cheat the Chinese in the first place and we are not responsible for the sins of the Federal Reserve nor the IMF. ‘his Notice is to alo inform England, France, China and Russia the De jure Republic will only accept payment in Silver Bullion from foreign nations as payment for debts of active contracts and exchange of national products. All digital currency will be valved in Silver and the digital currency may be redeemed in Sifver Coin. Further monetary policy and terms will 6e disseminated, In addition the enclosed communication to His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican. the De jure Republic to NOTICE the Vatican of the nullification of the Secret Treaty of Verona of 1213 and inform the Vatican that thetr shielding comupt criminals i unacceptable, clas rim: 28" Opal Zo/b ages Autograph: Interim President ‘The United States of America 2016.04.23 Initiate and Declire Page 90f 13 the Will of We THRE rope 2016.06.23 Initiate and Dect age 10 of 13 ie WMT af He THRE People ‘The United State of America~ ‘Mr. Raymond Mabus Office of the Secretary of the Navy 1000 Navy Pentagon, Room D652 DC 20350 secnav@navy mil (Certificate of mailing) Ashton Baldwin Carter Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 (Certificate of mailing) ‘United Nations~ Secretary General Ban Kj-moon He Ast ave, and 46th street New York, N'Y 10017 USA ‘eb: 1 (212) 963 1234 ax 1 ape (Padenl Expres) His Holiness, Pope Francis 00120 Vatican City (Federal Express) (Certificate of Mailing) 2016.04.23 Iaitate and Decire the WH of Wh THE People Ur. Paul £. Oostburg Sanz Office of General Counsel 2000 Navy Pentagon, ‘Washington, DC 20350 oge@navy. mil (Certificate of mailing) General Joseph Dunford, USMC Office Chairman Joint Chief of Staff 9999 Joint Staff Pentagon, Room 2D932 ‘Washington DC, 20318-9999 ‘United Nations Headquarters Room No. §-3624 New York, NY 10017 Fax; (+1)(212)963-6430 (Certificate of mailing) Embassy of France in the US. 4101 Reservoir RA NW ‘Washington, DC 20007 (Certificate of mailing) age 11 of 3 Enclosure “Brace yourselves for impact on Tuesday. Take no wooden nickels. Accept no debts. Place the blame where it belongs in all respects. His Holiness Pope Francis Via email Most Beloved Francis, The perpetrators have now involved the Chinese in their schemes and are proposing to lend our gold to the Chinese —who are in turn offering to lend it back to us— profiting the criminals and the Chinese in the process. This money laundering scheme is so transparent that a small child can see it. How then, does anyone propose to excuse it now or ever? We deeply regret the injustices that the Chinese and many other people have suffered, but we do so from the standpoint of those who have been similarly afflicted by the same disease and suffered like injuries. The American people are not at fault for the evils which have been committed both against us and in our names. Upon waking, we see that we have foxes in charge of hen houses, rats in charge of grain storage, and proven criminals in charge of banks—and from that perspective, it matters not whether the products these banks are- purveying are gold coins or engraved pieces of paper, stamped with the name “China” or the name “United States”. ‘The abuses of the corporations have continued and reached legendary proportions and still there is. no comprehensive statement from the Holy See revealing the fictitious nature of these entities that have been spawned under its auspices and no public denunciation of their criminality and no visible movement to punish, regulate, or liquidate them. In America we have just seen a replay— or attempted replay—of the Great Frauds of 1860 and 1933 by the UN Corp and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.) and USA {INC.) seeking to enfranchise the American People without their knowledge or consent, and to operate by a process of “assumpsit” against the clearly intended victims who are actually the Beneficiaries of the United States Trust and the Divine Trust(s). Again, we ask, what possible excuse for this can there ever be? The Holy See has been informed for nearly a decade of the illegal and immoral actions against us and against our lawful government which have been ongoing since the mid-1800's. As these acts have all been accomplished by fraud and semantic deceit none of them can be credited as any form of action— whether lawful or legal—*“ex dolo malo non oritur action”. ‘These corporations must be liquidated without harming the millions upon millions of Innocents who have been misrepresented and mischaracterized by ‘them as willing franchisees. Many Americans still don't have a clue what has been done in their names and have had no opportunity to respond. No remedy has been provided to them. 20760623 reitiate and Dectore age 9p 8 the Will of He THE People: Instead, the response of the United Nations has been silence and the response of Mr. Obama has been to create millions of specious “public transmitting utilities” named after living Americans— all merely presumed to be operating as franchises of an already-bankrupt Puerto Rican electric company. Do we look or sound like franchises of a bankrupt Puerto Rican electric company? If we knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily agreed to be enfranchised in this manner, would we be writing to you? At the present time a sham trial is being prepared against American ranchers who are in fact the Priority Creditors and employers of the corporations prosecuting them. The charges are being brought against corporate franchises named after these men without theit knowledge or consent—a blatant act of deliberate and willful personage and barratry— and they are being prosecuted in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea, also without their knowledge or consent. As the land is separated from the sea and as the Living God has mandated the boundaries between, the Law of the Land must be honored and the sea brought back to its boundaries. This must be honored or any pretense of the Rule of Law stands abandoned, the Holy Law of Free Will stands violated, and the Law of Trusts along with it. It has been eight long years since we received the promise of Benedict XVI and it still remains a promise as bankrupt as the promises of the Federal Reserve System. Let your yes be yes and your no be no. itis at your discretion that these evil men continue their actions unopposed and each day more innocent people are dragged into the web as accomplices-after-the-fact and still others fall victim to this system of lies spawned by the Father of All Lies. And how, Francis, can you continue to excuse that? 2016.04.23 Initiate and! Declare age 13 of 13 the Hill of We THE People Feda<. address: 5900 ENTERPRISE ORT VE UNSING HI 49917 Locat fon: retry Device 1D: ~Brcoz Transact ton: 870135273443, FedEx 2ay A. Sroeseen 0.3 we (3) we Declared Value Fedtx May A.W 782965708912 0.3 Ibs. (S) cd Declared Value 100 Fedex Recipient Account 39448325, ane entered nant ant reed fron ccate: ble tan Terns and Canditiane eeety. Sek ede confes/s0rvice-gulse for details Or call 1,800, GoFedEX. 1.800.463.3509 May 2, 2016 1 242 PH bLEX Shipping Ree apt For: Ge, Bet Dun by of festleeg or Gan Ki-moon Lind Seorefary Lacon 2552TOO2OS, obsozvaoe —e00)275-8777 Product Deseripet er (WASHINGTON, OC 20901) Awol gnt:0 Lb 3.70 Oz) SRR — — reeset ram (A EIM MSS Paced Sto x —— i. pr. Birvtish-lerbass/ Mashinsle Se eae 7 i a = z 8 PS Fam S817, foray 007 Ti fal ih ks Oastthuis S: dink ee Clete Cea San. foo TR CERTIFICATE OF WAILING HSI BRITS ENTE nc ts rmesinn AGIA, MISS, Mail he = didard (eve Bo he | eer Eyes Crrcbasmyohprence :x The Us 2B Washerg lin, Dc 20007 PSF 3817, Jonny 2007 Declaration of Hand Delivery The undersigned declares that on the third day of the month of May in the year of our lord two thousand sixteen (3 May 2016) that a document was given to the person whose appellation is scribed below by hand delivery at the office of, Bishop David J. Walkowiak 360 Division Ave. S. Ste 3a Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 Phone 616-243-0491 for his Holiness Pope Francis. Received By: — secre targ (Print Appellation) I declare under penalty of bearing false witness under the organic laws of the united State of America that the foregoing declaration is true and cori } pa, 5-3 / Autograph: ‘The document envelop was delivered by, Robert-Charles: Gilman onthe Pog day of y7fq4y 2016, a private free man on the land es Autograp! This document envelop delivery was witnessed by, onthe Bid dayof 4 ¢ 2016. a i appellation) 2016.08.03 Delivery Declaration Page | of 1

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