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« Usability improvements / workflow enhancements * ‘Order to Cash’, observing accounting entries + Cost Flows - Raw material, WIP and Finished Goods « Importing AR and AP data + Beta access to US specific modules Agenda About OpenERP and your host, Ursa Topics - V7.0 Improvements, Order to Cash, Manufacturing Cost Flow, - Importing AR & AP, US Specific Modules Question & Answer session Materials at What is OpenERP ? Opéf ERP Enterprise Resource Planning software - facilitates the flow information to/from all business functions - automates and optimizes business processes Open Source - source code published, collaboratively developed An integrated suite of business applications - sales, purchasing, warehousing, production, accounting More at OpenERP Business Applications Relationships 2 2S Point of Sale Projects Warehouse Purchases Assets = 8, Accounting Human Resources | Knowledge | | | «+ Many more plus modules for Restaurants, Hotels, Clinics, Auctions .. . Who is Ursa Information Systems ? i a Hometen Sper Business Consulting, Operations Research & ERP Services Business Efficiency Through Technology Maintenance / Migration Services Knowledge / Support Services Transformation / Change Management/ Project Services o OpewERP Og any ocean eee a More at AO esata Order to Cash vetane tau La se aes uk es aU eco What does version 7.0 offer Accounting Users ? Breadcrumbs - faster navigation Sales Orders / S$O00001 / INVO0001 Highlighted buttons - clarity on what comes next Click Me Now! Chatter - notes and emails Eee are Fc aka ha wt at Se owe Send] G Atach Fe Logancie | gAtoen «Fie AO esata Order to Cash vetane tau La se aes uk es aU eco What does version 7.0 offer Accounting Users ? Better B2B Support - Companies and People instead of Partners and Addresses - Multiple offices with multiple people in each one - Searches in Accounting based on the person or the company - Order, Invoice and Delivery to three different customers Better B2C Support - People can buy things Customers are people, companies or people at companies ‘Order’ to ‘Cash’ examples oa Product in stock Step place sales order deliver product invoice sales order receive payment Product NOT in stock Step place sales order t purchase order placed o receive product deliver product invoice sales order | receive payment o invoice purchase order f send payment pease Lene area ‘Order to Cash’ simple example o Product in sto Step place sales order deliver product invoice sales order receive payment AyAtb rrasociey Step DR: 10 | o Sales oa CR: 10 © invoice sales order © receive payment ~~ f O Products -Openérp x YE es ¢ [5 accounting demo 8069/4 type=kanban&imodel=product productéur Products @ ~ wsinbeytonscontion — EEE ReceiveDeliver By Orders [FI Finiened Product {ro} Paiming Incoming Shipments Pre: 25.00 ce 0.00 cee On Pana 7000 Unt On an 0.000 unis) ae Forecasted: 1000 Units) Forecasted! 0.000 Unt) Receive!Deliver Products Incoming Products [PR] Product [SVG] Service Delve Products a Pree: 1.00 Orang 000 Us es Forecasted: 0 000 Usits) Price: 75,00 Traceability Stock Move Inventory Control Location Structure Physical iventones [UNF] Unfinished Product Pree: 0.00 On hand: 0.000 Units) Forecasted 0 000 Unis) Schedules aoa Secret sn Fay tis Locations Reotdering Rules Danory Mothods » Warehouse Management Powered by OpenERP. fe €)>1¢. del=sale order&menu j moe eee ea BEB csi) | Detain» Onin Sot SEED oe Sales Order SO00001 Products Products by Category Centomer Casaet owe osvovaets | Products = Shop Your Company i Configuration Customer Reterenes Unt of Measure Categones a Order Lines: Other Information » Actes Book » Proaucts Produet Deceription ‘Quantity Taxes UnitPrice subtotal (FP Finaned Prost [FP] Fishes Product 1.000 0 2500 Delivery Method Untaxed Amount $25.00 Taste $0.00 Total $25.00 Poweres by OpenERP ormamodel=stockpick Sales Orders / $000001 / DO00001 (Ean) eee (ms (ee) ursainfosystoms.comiwebinar sae EEE EE ei aac Dit > ising Amity > Rea toDsher EEE Customees Products Do00001 Procuets by Category Produets Customer Customer Time 06/01/2013 10.00.00 Configuration na Scheduled Time os/01/2013 10 0000 Unit of Measure Ci excep Danse) Oley cattier Soop Cartier Tracking Ret » Across Book Mumber of Packages 0 » Products Source Document 000001 Products Aotional nt Product Quantity Destination Location statue IFPI Finished Product 1.000 Parinr Locations / Customers Done Powered by OpenERP —— ee O Custome: Invoices. ursainfosystoms.comiwebinar Sales ‘Quotations der9 Customees Products Products by Category Produets Configuration Unit of Measure Catagories Soop ‘Ase Book » Products Poweres by OpenERP ‘accounting Sales Orders / $000001 / INVO0001 (eee EB ose yen | Retina | Invoice INV00001 Customer Fiscal Poskion Irvice Lines OtherInfo Payirents Produet Description [FP] Fished Product [FP] Finished Product Payment Terms Additonal information (Fas) Moe > | noel nice Invoice Date osiov2013 Journal Sales Journal (USO) Account 120010 4 ‘Account Quantity Unit Price Taxes s7gwoSaes = 100 = 5.00 Subtotal Tax Total : Balance oot SEED =e ‘Amount 25.00 $25.00 $0.00 $25.00 8.25.0 formamode! Journal Items Q ~ Jor Import 1202 a vesahtsptons omiciny EEE a Curent Peviod Jounal Customer imoices 0572013 [ey | sales Jounal (uso) Customer Retna Sales Receigts Effective ame Reference Partner Account Tax Jounal Debit Credit Due date Reconcile Customer Payments: — a Leg customs wsovaors / ———-SOWODT Customer 120010 wooo 2500 000 o6rwa0%3 4 Account Suppliers oe cee s0v2019 [FF] SOND Customer 478100 wvoo0et 000 2500 Sopp Rend a Fished Sale Pachave Recits Proust ppt Payot Sopsies Bank nd Cash GREE Bank Statements cash Registre Journal Entries ‘oumal Ens Jounal Vouchers Charts ‘Chat of Accounts - Curent Ghat of Accounts -Fitered Chait of Taxes Powered by OpenERP. nodel=stock picking out Pay Invoice osoi20% Fa or cencel Demoéid=59aview type=formémodel=siock king outdiaction- Sales Orders /$000001 / INVO0001 (Eee) Cone) (aT Gees) usalntosystoms comivebinat Sales Fabia oat» orn SSE ‘Quotations Eris . Customers Invoice INV00001 Prodvict E Palas ly Cope cunomer tovoice Date osiove0rs Hades Journal Sats Journal (USD) Fiscal Position Contigusion 120010 Account Roce Uni ef Measure seep ° Fenian jmcce Lines | Othe no Payments » Proccts Product Deseripton Account Quantity Unit Price Taxes Amount IFP]FeisedProdut —(FPLFinshed Protct <7100Sales «1.0005 00 25.00 Subtotal $2500 Tax $0.00 Total : $ 25.00 Balance $000 Payment Terms Ee 5 accounting 8069/70 Journal Items > or impor 12082 wnsineptons canton KERB = r= =) Customers Period Journel ‘customer invoices as fal) [conn 55 Customer Refunds Salo Recsists Foca jame Reference PEM! Account Journal Enuy Debit Credit Reconcile ‘Customer Payments ue Ref Castomaes 5 680172013 vO0001 BRH120150001 Customer 120010 Accoum ——BNKI20%3/0001 0.00 2500 ASS sap Recenatle 4 upplins Suppl Incices esov201 1BNK120130001 Customer 100001 Cash BuKi20r30001 25.00 0.00 Supplier Retinds Purchase Receipts Supple Payments REE supple Scrauis hare ‘Gham of Accounts - Curent Chait of Account -Fiterea Chait of Taxes Powered by OpenERP. fe ‘Order’ to ‘Cash’ examples oa Product in st Step place sales order deliver product invoice sales order receive payment Product NOT in stock Step Ol piace sales order ] purchase order placed O receive product ] deliver product invoice sales order receive payment © __ invoice purchase order | send payment a ec ta ‘Manufacturi ‘Order to Cash’ detailed example Product NOT in stock Step oo invoice sales order receive payment invoice purchase order © send payment ~ AJR Cash DR: 10 DR: 10 Sales AJR CR: 10 CR: 10 Purchases DR: 5 AIP. CR: 5 Sales Orders / $000002 [ea Gone) wssinsystems combina (Fe Gee) ‘se os Quotations Products Products by Category Products Customer Cuctomor Configuration ae Unit of Measure Categones Shop > Addiess Book seas Order Lines | Other iermatin Product Description [PR] Product {PR} Product Detivery Method Powered by OpenERP Drat Quotation Sales Order SO00002 Quetaion Sent Date osinsra013 Shop YYout Company Customer Reference Quantity Taxes 41000 10.00 Untaxed Amount Total ses or ose Subtotal 10.00 $10.00 $0.00 $10.00 | Onn te > Sales Orders / $000002 / D000002 Ea )( croae (Fin) ite ‘usinfosystems comwebinat Gtr st SRERIAEEME ces to0ane: > ontwes Products Doo00002 Products by Category Products Customer Customer Time osiss201a 12.00.00 Configuration ame Scheduled Time osir82013 72:00:00 Unit of Measure Categonioe Soneune Dae Oe Carrier Shop Cartier Tracking Rot » Across Book Numbor of Packages 0 Products Source Document $000002 Products | Addtional bfo Product Guantiy Destination Location status (PRI Product 000 «@ Parner Locations / Customers Waiting Avalabary Powered by OpenERP SIS ee (e Quotations / PO00001 Ede }(_Croate |} (Pict =) tore = =Bos Sassi || Ges | SEES) ase > Pecan One» Dee ursainfosystems comivebinar eae Ta Request for Quotation lets Po00001 Incoming Shipments Incoming Pro Incoming Products Supplier Suppin Onder Dato osiov2013 Imioice Consrot Supplier Reference Source Document P0002 On Dra Invoices Destination Warehouse Your Company n Purchase Order Lines (on ncomtng Shipments Posie Purchase Order Incoming Shipments & knoices Proguets by Categery Produets Product Description Scheduled Date Quanity Unit Price Taxes Subtotal tangata (PR) Product [PR]Product 05/07/2013 1.000 500 500 » Adtess Book » Products Uctaxed Amount $500 Taxes $0.00 Total $5.00 Powered by OpenERP pO twos: oes O00! * € © © B accounting demo 8069/2db=Dem: 1id=332897 |S Bwiew type=form&umodel=purchase.orderEu Purchase ©... / PO00001 [eat }((Goae) (Pict =) tore = ursainfosystems comivebinar Purchase Dra PO» RFQ Sent Quotations oe Purchase Order PO00001 Incoming Pro Incoming Shipments ipa [Limca Supplier Supp Order Date osior2013 Supplier Reference Source Documen ‘oProon2 § Destination Warehouse Your Company Incoming Products lavoice Control (On Deak Invoices n Purchase Order Lines Purchase Order Incoming Shipments & (on ncomtng Shipments Products Product Description Scheduled Date UnitPrice Taxes Subtotal GSE [PR] Product [PR] Product OSI0772013 11000 5.00 500 Products Configuration » Adress Book » Products Urtaxed Amount $5.00 Taxes $0.00 Total $5.00 Powered by OpenERP Glsmegeia Enea O Incoming Shipments - Op € > @ || accounting 8059/74) Demosid=634iview type=form8&model=stockpickingindaction=3318a%7|Q = Purchase ©... /PO00001 / IN/00001 (Ceame = ]Lttore = ursalnfosystoms comivebinat can [eee | Ont Fuiy oie Quotations ms IN/00001 Incoming Products incoming Shisments Suppl Suppl Purchase Order Poatont Incoming Procuets Stock Journal Time esiow2013 18:00:00 Invoice Control Scheduled Time 047282019 1200.00 On Draf insices Souree Document 000001-0P/00002 On Purchase Ordo Lines (On Incoming Shipments Products Addtional lo Products Products by Cate eae Product Quaotiy Destination Location Stas [PR] Product 1.000 Physical Locations / Your Company / Stock Done Configuration » Actress Book » Products Send a message or Log a note ay + Status: Ready to Trancor — Transfers One follower Acs ate ‘Admit | Ooi ter 008 * € > © | accounting demo.ursainfosystems.com8069/ enu_id=27t5 -628uview_type=formé&madel=stack picking out Delivery Or... /DO00002 Ei |[ em] Ge Gee) = vehcplimnconntnar RE | ] os es Oat» wana atin, > xt ooshw, EEE intemal Moves ReceivelDeliver Products po00002 Trai Schodulore Run Scheduers Procurement Exceptions pide Products Products by Category Products Product ‘Quantity Destination Location Status [PRI Product 1.000 Partner Locations / Customers Done Configuration Warehouses Locations Reordering Rus Daler Matrods Warehouse Management Poweres by OpenERP —— — € > & || accounting 8059/74) 18a%%| Sales Orders /$000002 / INVO0002 (Ean) (Ceeae) (Fea ees rvanoeytoms comoebinat ae FagaerPayrent_ [wd inc] [Gnesi oat ED Pos ae Invoice INV00002 Products Pian ty Gage Customer tovoice Date osiovz0t3 Prodicts Journal Sties Jour (USO) Fiscal Postion _ Configuration 120010 Account Roce Unit of Measue Categorias Soop 6 » Aalress Book » Products Product Description Account Quantity —UnitPrice Taxes Amount IPR Prosuct —[PRIProdvet 479100 Sales 1000 000 +000 Subtotal 10.00 Tax $0.00 Total : $ 10.00 Balance $10.0 Payment Terms Additional Information Powered by OpenERP Ne rs ‘accounting Journal Items @Q@ ~ Jor import 1202 Oo crsaioytenscenietings — EER == a oa Pot: = ‘Customer Imvsices 052013 {&) [Sates Jounal USO) Customer Rotinds Soles Receigts 5 Filective ame Reterence Partner ‘ccount T@X Journal Debit Credit Hye date _‘Resoneile Customer Payments = eee =, fee ae Customers asova013 / © $000002 Customer 120010 ivonov2 1000 000 050112013, a Account Suppliers arse ‘Supplier Imcices 0501/2013 [PR] $000002 Customer 475100 imvono02 000 1000 Sete Product Sales Purchase Receigte ‘Supplier Payments Suppliers Bank ond Cash 0.00 10.00 Bank Statements Cosh Registers Journal Entries ‘Jounal Enis lowral Vouchers Charts ‘Cham of Accounts - Curent Ghat of Accounts -Fiteres Chat of Taxes Powered by OpenERP JO cosometneicss- Open * \ Oi € > S | accounting 2069) db=Demo#id=618wiew type=forméumodel=accountinve Aaction=24180%%| QS Sales Orders / $000002 / INVOO002 i (eat) erseie (ieee =] usainfosystems com/webinar ea Feibce Dat ome ‘Questions ‘Gestomers Invoice INVO0002 Proticts 2 Products by Category ‘Siaedtieg ~ Invoice Dato: 0501/2013 Pradits Journel Sales Jura (USD) Fitcal Postion Configuration ‘Account 120010 Accourt Recenatie Unt of Measure Categones Sep ee Iolo Une Other Info Payments » Proaucts Product Description Account Quantity — Unit Price Taxes Amount IPR]Product [PR] Product 473100 Sales 4.000 10.00 +000 || Subtotal: $1000 Tax: $0.00 Total: ——-§ 10.00 Balarce $000 Payment Terms Adair [a {5 accounting ¢ ursainfosystems comivebinar Customers Customer imoices Customer Refinds Solos Recsits (Customer Payments Customers Suppliers Supple imices Supplier Refunds Purchase Receipts Supplier Payments Suppliers ‘Bank and Cosh Bank Statements Journal Entries Jour toms ‘owenal Entries Jowral Vouchers Chane (Gham of Accounts - Curent Powered by OpenERP Journal Items Q EB ve Period ra waar =) | cash 80) a 4 teste ener | pscpan ei Eteate Nw | tere scout cm tiovani8—wivoeea vacani0G02 Cutan 20610 Account Recenable osove013 BNK120130002 Customer 100001 Cash Journal Entyy Debit BNKV201010002 0.00 BNKV20TB»0002 10.00 Creuie Reconcile Ref 10.00 As7 0.00 10.00 J © Supplier imoices - Opent: x es ¢ 3 accounting demo 8069/2db=Den id=608view 000001 / EXv/2013/0001 Purchase O. (eae) eons) (Fie) ioe = eee Poses Ask Rod ‘Suppliers Invoice EXJ/2013/0001 Incoming Products Fiscal Position Due Date 05/31/2013 Scoeease, | aco de On Purchase Order Lines Renee eorac at Bala ey fae RI aR Peres TI soot Total : is Powered by OpenERP Amount 500 $0.00 $5.00 $5.00 ee pe ¢ ursainfosystems comivebinar Customers Customer imoices Customer Refinds Solos Recsits Customer Payments Customers Suppliers Supple imices Supplier Refunds Purchase Receipts Supplier Payments Suppliers ‘Bank and Cosh Bank Statements Journal Entries Jour toms ‘owenal Entries Jowral Vouchers Chane (Gham of Accounts - Curent Chait of Taxes Pomered by OpenERP {5 accounting Journal Items. EB ve Period 052012 5 Eflective date 050172013 05/01/2013 Journal 7] Purchase Journal (USD) Name Reference Partner F000001 FOO0001 Suopler [PR] Po00001 Supplier Product ‘Account Tax Journal Enuy Debit 200010 exu2013/0001 0.00 ‘Account Payabie 29000 xuz0r3i0001 5.00 Purchases Resale ems 5.00 Reconeil Create a Due date Ree 5.00 05312013, 00 5.00 J © Supplier invoices - pent » € > & (E accounting 8059/74 Dernottid =60€wiew_type=forméunodel=account inv Purchase ©... /PO00001 / EXJ/2013/0001 (Cea) [erste (im =o usainfsystems cemivebinat Purchase sk Refund a Qvoiations . Suppliers Invoice EXJ/2013/0001 Incoming Prods . ee Supple Su ro cen Incoming Products rs ‘Due Date 06/31/2013 Source Document Pooeo0t neciaie tec coats Involee Contot On Da css ee a Jou Pre ural US) On Purchase Order Lines _—e linens On licamiog Stierts Product Toke | lhe Payments Products by Category Products Product Deseription Account Quomity Unit Price Taxes Amount Conigaton [PR] Progict [PR] Produt 520000 Puchases- Resale Hers 100 S00 500 > Aes Book » Proaucrs Tax Description Tax Account Base Amount Subtotal Tax Total : Balance a SEE [3 accounting demo 8069/24 ¢ ursainfosystems comivebinar ane pot ‘Supplier Invoices: aariae ae ae hare ‘Gham of Accounts - Curent Chait of Account -Fiterea Chat of Taxes Powered by OpenERP. Journal Items EB ep Petiod Journal 052013 fe) | cash usp) Effective ame Reference — PAM recount date 5) OS/oV2013 — U/20T3/0001 PONNG0! ——Suppier 200010 Account Paysbie 050120131 P0000! Supplier 100001 Cash 95/01/2013 mvod002 —--BRKCI20130002 Customer 120010 Account Receivable 9501/2013 [BRKTZ0T20002 Customer 10000T Cash Journal Enuy Debit Credit ‘5k'/2019/0003 ‘Bk'2013/0003 ‘Bkt/2013/0002 ‘Bkr/20r3/0002 5.00 000 0.00 10.00 15.00 0.00 500 10.00 0.00 15.00 Reconcile Ref Ag aT Leaked vetane tau v La se aes uk es aU eco Benefits of this approach Sales and Deliveries based on real-time stock levels No double data entry (order, delivery, invoice) Can invoice based on order, or delivery, or items Draft Invoices can be auto-generated Match Invoices to orders Op insted role BO Enrretaarstieg How is ‘Order to Cash’ supported ? Correctly configure Accounts Internal Notes Soles & Purchases | Accounting Fiscal Position [E]) Latest Full Reconciliation Date a Se eee . How is ‘Order to Cash’ supported ? Correctly configure Accounts Information Procurements Inventory Sale| Accounting Inventory Valuation Inventory Valuation | Begical (manual) fincome Account 473100 Sales 1 AT J Expense Account 529000 Purchases - Resale llems vc (Customer Taxes Supplier Taxes fl Order t SVentre caus How can Manufacturing costs be handled ? Geum ie Mets Step piace sales order a purchase order placed O receive product manufacture product deliver product invoice sales order receive payment 1 invoice purchase order send payment Ha\jaaqa alo How can Manufacturing costs be handled ? Step place sales order purchase order placed receive product manufacture product Gelver product Tnvoice sales order receive payment invoice purchase order send payment Goods Received $10 Raw Materials $10 Direct Labor + OH 4 aa Goods Delivered rt $15 Finished Goods Quotations / $000003 Ea )(coae (Fin) ites ‘usinfosystems comwebinat sae SS Dak Quaion > cuasinsen > sone ode ETE ocr Salas Orders Customers Products Sales Order SO00003 Produets by Categay Prowte Customer Customer Date osovz0r3 : Configuration ans ‘Shop ‘Your Company Unt of Measure Categenes Customer Reference Sep » Aedes Book nS Order Lines Other ermation Product Description Quantity Taxes Unit Price Subtotal [FP] Finished Product [FP] Fished Product +000 2500 2800 Delivary Method Untaxes Amount 25.00 Taxes sooo Total $ 25.00 Powered by OpenERP fe Quotations / $000003 / DOD0003 Eat |[ Coats | (Fa Gees) tn Cassis Oat REANIM cent baer > osnwrs Sales Orders Customers Products Do00003 Produets by Category Produets Customer Customer Time csi0w2013 12.00:00 Configuration ae. Scheduled Time 5/08/2013 1200.00 Unit of Measure =u carrier pop Cartier Tracking Ret » Aeress Boole Number of Packages 0 » Products Source Document $000003, Products | Addtional lo Product Quantity Destination Location Statue IFPI Finished Product 1000 @@ Parner Locations / Customers Wating Aviatiicy Powered by OpenERP = SIS ee (e € > © 5 accounting 3059/70) ow OS Demobits=136 =formBumode!=purchas Quotations / PO00002 [Eat || coae | (Fa Gees) =Bjos ursalnfosystoms comivebinat Poses SE EE ce caress Purchase Orders RFQ Sem > Puchase Order» Done ‘Sipps Request for Quotation Incoming Produets Po00002 Incoming Sripments Incoming Proets Supplier Supp Order Date osova013 Invoice Control Supplier Rete ‘Source Document oP ro0001 qi On Dea Incices Destination Warehouse Your Company (On Purchase Ordor Lines (n Incoming Shipments Porches Onar | lacoring Stiprans Bbwtices Prades 2 Products by Cat cement Description Scheduled Dote Quantity UnitPrice Taxes Subtotal oe frished Product [UNF] Uninished Prost 050272013 to 1900 ‘ooo eniguration + Adass ok » Products urtaxed Arount $10.90 Taxes 000 Total $ 10.00 Powered by OpenERP fe ursalnfosystoms comivebinat Purchase ae a Purchase Order POQ00002 Incoming Products ontPo_ Fa Sen Dae [incoming Siemens |[ lroese | Incoming Shipments bce ni ee ae peti se oles Reference Source Document oP oOHET oe Desnution Wares |Your Company On Dr nace on Puchare Ora nes Pacise er | eg Sirti On Incoming Shipments: ba Prahie Produc Desctition Séhedited Dat Quanity Unt Pice Texas Suc Prats by Category [UNF] Untnened Predict [UNF] Uns Proct 05002013 100 1000 1000 Pros Contest Fai Bock » Prods Untaxe Aout S100 Tos 5000 Total $ 10.00 Powered by OpenERP falsala laa ing Shipments ce ursalnfosystoms comiwebinar Purchase Quotations Purchase Oxdors ‘Suppliers Incoming Products Incoming Products Ivotce Conteot On Dra Fnoices (On Purchase Order Lines (On Incoming Shipments Products Products by Category Procucte Configuration » Address Book » Products Poweres by OpenERP ‘accounting Rewin Products Incoming S... /IN/00001 (fam = (tee =) =H4 Ons) Raniah 1N/00004 Purchase Order Pondd02 Stock Journal Time os/ev2013 12.00.00 Scheduled Time 06/02/2013 12.00.00 Source Document —_P000002:08/00001 Producte to Produet Quantity Dewtination Location Status [UN] Unnished Product 1.000 Physical Locations / Your Company / Stock Done + Status: Ready to Tranter — Transfoed ‘One follower Ads ote O Journal ters - Open RP Journal Items @ ~ oc import woe Bo raion, | REEEB so a Customers Pottod Journal Customer insices ems a Customer Refunds Soles Receists Joumat filecive y,,., Reference Partner Account Tax Journal ebit Credit Reconcile Customer Payments = Ems ee Customars Stock 05/01/2013 UNF] -U00001. Supplier 150005 sTuZ01301 0.00 1000 . 3 Joust Uninished Goode as (uso) Product Receved Supplier invoices ‘Stock 05/01/2013 UNF] 00001 Supplier 150011 sTu2n1301 1000 0.00 eee © Journat ‘Unfinished Raw Purchase Receots (uso) Product Materials ‘Supplier Payments Suppliers Baik and Cash TS ERTER Bank Statements Cosh Reghsters Journal Entries ‘oumal Ens Jounal Vouchers Charts ‘Chat of Accounts - Curent Ghat of Accounts -Fitered Chait of Taxes Powered by OpenERP. fe JO Mametacturing Orders - x € > © 5 accounting 8059/7db= Demosuts=136' jew type=formémodel=mrp produ @ & Manufacturi Mo/00001 [eax] (eae) Pik = [Mow ~ oF trahioyseraconios ea a= Bs ne iss Snel || Garon ter SEEN cin sited > me ero Plenniog (Order Paning Manufacturing Order Products ™Mo/00001 BM of atrats ] makes Product FP] Finished Pros Bl of Material Frrienee Pree am Product Quantity 1000 Responsible Administ » Resouces Scheduled Date 0372013 12.00.00 Souree Document S000003 Bi of Matera! 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Balance Subtotal Total Status 0.00 838.93 838.99 Paid 000 a35.93 e380 AyAtb rrasociey Order to Cash ere Gm kerbs piace eeu Benefits of this approach No reconciling of bank statements Less data entry More visibility into transaction charges and expenses Quicker detection of fraudulent activity This approach isn’t suitable for all businesses AyAtb rrasociey Order to Cash Ursa US Accounting modules a o Module Purpose account_payment_cc Support Credit Card payments to Suppliers account_deposit Support Advanced Customer Deposits account_trans_history Present all accounting transactions in a list view partner_days2pay Display AR behavior statistics for a partner account_aging Document based aging for partners ready to be evaluated in a production environment BETA module — ready for testing - please provide feedback account_payment_cc Journal Hame Credit Card Purchase Journal code ce Default Debit Account (3600104 CiedllCSMM AR #) > Type Bank and Checks TE) Defoute creait Account /2660:67 Crest Card AP ¥) cot Analytic Journal 7 Advanced Satings ry Controls Cash Rogisters User ‘Administrator )ct Centralized Counterpart a Enuy Sequence 7 “Draft State for wal Entries Theck Date tn Period a Ree Groep tnvsice Lows a ‘Manufacturing account_deposit Irtemal Notes Sales & Purchases Accounting Fiscal Position =] Latest Full Reconciliation Date a Account Receivable 120010 Account Receivable ct Account Payable 200010 Account Payable ao Deposit Account 250000 Advanced ‘Supplier Payment Term a ‘Customer Payment Total Payable 0.00 Total Receivable 0.00 Credit Limit 000 Trg account_deposit Customer Customer Paid Amount (a0 Payment Method Bank (USD) Na 1d 04/16/2013 3 Payment Ref Record as Deposit (@) Receivable Accou! 20000 Advanced Deposits vic ‘Recount 700002 Bank Do account_trans_history Financial History | Partner Entered Due =) aro 0423. 04.23. 20132013 1 Bank Wealthy 04-29. 04-29 andsons 20132013 Nebula 0419-01 3t- Business 20132013 Nebula 04.29. 04-29. Business 20132013 Nebula 04.29. Business 2013 Type Customer Invoice Customer Credit Supplier Invoice Customer Invoice Customer Payment Ed casters Referenceltlumber pocument sow20130001 euv20i3i001 1289023 sAvzorao001 —-SAN20130001 BK: /2018/0001 1505 stato 2981 Balance mount Dit 970500 000 Open 435.00 43600 Open 1400-1400 Oven 225.00 78.00 Posted 160.00 160.00 partner_days2pay Intemal Noies Sales & Purchases Accounting Fiscal Position a Account Receivable 120010 Account Recawable wc Deposit Account 250000 Advanced Deposits 1 ‘Customer Payment Term is) Latest Full Reconciliation Date owtez013 15.2022 ‘Account Payable 200010 Account Payable ¥ ct ‘Supplier Payment Torm a [AVG Days to Pay (YTD) 0.00 to Pay (lit AVG Oe account_aging Customer Aging | S80s Day? Invoice Cestome' Rep Overdve Date Bank 0 osnant3 eahy ‘nd cons Nabula © owzwa0r Business ‘SoNv20131000% ‘SAN207310001 2e2 Reference Total Current 01790 31/60 6190 91/120 +121. Motes (B SCN20130001 435.00 43500 O00 000 000 000 O00 225.00 7500 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 B $As20130001 AyAtb rrasociey Order to Cash Benefits of these modules OpenERP becomes more GAAP compliant Less data entry Streamlined user experience Faster response to financial enquiries oie Te cu eu) The team at Ursa Information Systems thanks all of you for your time!

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