Presentation Sing To The Dawn

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Sing To The Dawn


Presented by :
Yong Chin Wei
Tan Ling Qi
Lim Huei Sien
Yoon Xin Ler
Leong Kah Yee
Leong Shu Yin

Chapter 9
Dawans anger
leaves her and she
begins to wonder
again if she hould
give up and let Kwai
have his way.

Bao spots Dawan.

She takes her to her
stall and comforts
her. She encourages
Dawan not to give in
to Kwai but to
pursue her ideals.

Baos brother
appears and Bao
panics because
Dawan does not
have the money for
the freed bird. She
tells her friend to run

To show Dawan
what she means,
Bao makes Dawan
open the door of the
bird cage and set
one of the birds
free. She tells
Dawan to be like the
tiny sparrow and fly
away free.

From a distance,
Dawan sees Vichai
question Bao about
the bird she freed
without collecting
money for it.

Bao gets angry and

threatens to free all
the birds one day.
Vichai slaps his

Dawan runs forward

to help her friend,
but then Kwai
appears and stops

Bao then opens the

cage doors and
releases some of the
birds causing Vichai
to hit her again.

In the scuffle, one of

the birds is crushed.
Bao is heartbroken.

When Bao realises

who Kwai is, she
scolds him for being
a bully and a bad
brother to his own

Dawan screams at
her brother,
accusing him of
being a bully and
trying to take away
her chance to
continue her studies.

Kwai gets upset and

almost strikes Bao.
Dawan stops him
but the pushes her
aside causing her to
fall on top of the
broken cages. A
piece of wood cuts
her ankle. Kwai tries
to wipe away the

Noi appears and

calmly takes charge.
She cleans Dawans
wound and hears
what happened from

Noi advises Dawan

not to get in the way
of boys and men or
she might get hurt
like what has just

It starts to rain and

everyone leaves the

Chapter 10
Not wishing to be
questioned about
her cut ankle or to
meet Kwai so soon,
Dawan goes to the

The two siblings

make up and talk

Kwai is sitting on the

old bridge. Dawan
wants to avoid him
at first but thinks
better of it. She does
not want their
relationship to

Kwai asks if her

ankle hurts and
Dawan realises that
he isashamed of his
actions in the

The rain gets


Kwai is moved by
her kind and selfless
actions. Watching his
sister limping along
and getting all wet,
Kwai comes to a

Kwai wants to think

carefully in the
storm of what
decision to make
whether to take the
scholarship for
Dawan leaves Kwai
to work out his
feelings. She gives
him her umbrella
and heads home in
the storm despite
him hurting her
badly earlier.

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