7-68-0104 Rev 3

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CIVIL NO. | _ DATE REVISION a [gpa [owner] agp 6) ENGINEERING | = | is0-01 [Stee iow | Shaw [Nom | SOP [ZR not be reproduced, 1d woy permitted by © written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use, Ell-1641-509 Revision 1, A¢~210x297. format ore the propery of ENGNEERS NDA UMTED, They ore mercy looned on the borrower's express ogreement thot they wi The drawing, design ond details given on t ‘copied, exhibited or used except in the Nr Nr OPENING LENGTH + 100 x DIA. OF BAR Z 2 905,168 At cone l (TYP) AT CORNERS ¢ MIN. 2 NOS 168 ATT & B ir .s BUT NOT LESS THAN SOX 7 OF STEEL CUT AT.OPENINGS g re) 6 a 7 8 J x SMALLER SIDE + 300 3 g k 7 z cure z 5 5 OPENING «500, 5 Z NOT LESS THAN SOX OF STEEL CUT AT OPENINGS (TYP) Nr Nr NOTES: SECTION 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN mm. 2. EXTRA BARS MAY BE OMITTED IF A BEAM IS PROVIDED AT THE RELEVANT EDGE. 3. CORNER GAR MAY BE OMITTED IF TWO BEAMS MEET AT THE RELEVANT CORNER. 4, ALL THE BARS MENTIONED ABOVE SHALL BE EFFECTIVELY TIED WITH THE MAIN REINFORCEMENT BARS CUT OR SPLAYED NEAR OPENING AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE. 5. OMIT CURB WHERE SPECIFICALLY STATED ON DRAWING. 6. THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO SLABS UPTO 200 THK. FOR THICKER SLABS SEE DESIGN DRAWING. S REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ‘STANDARD REV ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED AT SQ./RECT. ‘ewes CUT-OUT IN SLAB 7-68-0104 8

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