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Name: ______________________________ Class: __________ Band:

A. Label the pictures correctly

doe cow horse sheep









B. Circle the correct answer

1. Dolly Doe lived in the _____________.
A) jungle

B) sea

C) zoo

2. Dolly Doe asked for some water from _________.

A)Sheepy Sheep

B)Dambi Cow

C) Torsy Horse

3. Dolly Doe felt very weak because she was __________.

A) happy

B) jumping

C) hungry

4. ___________ shared his carrot stew with Dolly Doe.

A) Torsy Horse

B)Dambi Cow

C) Sheepy Sheep

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable answer.

1. Dolly Doe is hungry and thirsty.
a. Who helps Dolly Doe?
b. Who could not help Dolly Doe?
i. ____________________________

ii. _________________________________

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